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Use these!. Make sure to change this on student note sheet as well Ask a Question Observations & Background Research Construct a Hypothesis Test Your Hypothesis (Experiment or Gather Data) Analyze Your Data & Draw a Conclusion Communicate Your Results. Improvements .

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  1. Use these! • Make sure to change this on student note sheet as well • Ask a Question • Observations & Background Research • Construct a Hypothesis • Test Your Hypothesis (Experiment or Gather Data) • Analyze Your Data & Draw a Conclusion • Communicate Your Results

  2. Improvements • Need better examples of use of scientific method. Especially observations • More examples of flawed experiments and why constants are needed (why they must be kept constant for valid experiment) • Identify what went wrong or what happened in experiments • Identify what happened in graphs • Get a real case of the placebo effect happening

  3. Today you are going to… listen as I explain the classroom rules & consequences & begin learning your names So you can… understand what’s expected of you in this class. You’ll know you’ve got it when you can • Recite the rules & consequences

  4. Bell Ringer 8/27/13 • List the 3 classroom rules in their entirety.

  5. Bell Ringer 8/27/13 – 4 min Get a sheet of notebook paper and format it as seen to the left of this screen. C.S. = COMPLETE SENTENCE • List the 3 classroom rules in their entirety.

  6. Today you are going to… listen as I explain the course content, policies, & procedures receive (books) & notebooks review the class website So you can… understand what’s expected of you in this class have the materials needed for the class You’ll know you’ve got it when you can follow the procedures have a notebook & book can access the website

  7. Bell Ringer 8/28/13 • Where is Mr. Shuster in the morning? • Where do you look to see what you missed while you were absent? • If you have an unexcused absence, you earn a ________ for all work done/due that day.

  8. Schedule Monday 8/26 Introductions & Rules Tuesday Syllabus, Procedures, Notebooks, & Sci Method Wednesday Books, Mystery Bag, Sci Method Notes Thursday Lycopodium Demo, Sci Method Project, Sci. Meth Notes Friday Quiz,

  9. Today you are going to… take notes on the scientific method & complete a mystery bag activity So you can… understand the scientific method You’ll know you’ve got it when you can list the steps & complete the accompanying worksheet.

  10. The Scientific Method • When scientists make observations about the natural world, they are often presented with a question or problem. To solve the problem scientists follow a series of steps called the: Scientific Method!! Scientific method – series of steps scientists use to investigate problems

  11. The 6 Steps of the Scientific Method • State the problem (Ask a question) • Make observations • Form a hypothesis • Test the hypothesis (experiment) • Draw conclusions • Communicate the results

  12. Bell Ringer 8/29/13 • Write the 6 steps of the scientific method in order.

  13. Today you are going to… see an awesome demo & take notes on the scientific method So you can… understand the scientific method You’ll know you’ve got it when you can list the steps & complete the accompanying worksheet.

  14. 1. State the problem (ask the question) • Usually in form of a question Example – Why does the same kind of plant grow at different rates in different parts of the house?

  15. 2. Make observations & gather data • Observe – to use any of your senses to gather information. • Examples • This room is white. • The air is warm. • Acorns taste bitter. • Things look bent when they’re in water. • Plants get different amounts of sunlight in different parts of the house.

  16. 3. Form A Hypothesis • Hypothesis – a tentative (possible) explanation or answer to the question, “educated guess” • Must be testable • Often an “If…than” statement • Example – If a plant gets more sunlight, than it will grow faster .

  17. 4. Test the hypothesis • Once it is established…it must be tested! • How? • Conducting experiments AND/OR • Gathering data Example of an experiment – Take 2 of the same plant. Expose each to a different amount of sunlight and measure the height of each plant every day.

  18. 5. Analyze Results & Draw Conclusions • Graphs & tables are often created to organize data Example – chart the daily growth of each plant

  19. What can you tell by analyzing this graph?

  20. 5. Analyze Results & Draw Conclusions • Did the results support the hypothesis? • If the hypothesis was NOT supported…the experiment may be repeated to check for errors. Or • Scientists may form a new hypothesis. • Example – The plant that received more sunlight grew more quickly. The results of the experiment support the hypothesis! • Either way, the experiment must be performed many times to be considered reliable.

  21. 6. Communicate the Results • Share information with other scientists &people • Published reports, journals, lectures, internet, etc. • Scientists “check” each other’s work and results • Example – Publish your results in a biology or botany magazine • How else can results be communicated?

  22. Bell Ringer 8/29/12 • List the steps of the scientific method in order. (Try from memory before double checking your notes.) 3 min

  23. Bell Ringer 8/31/12 • Ready your pencil…get one if you need one. • Separate yourself and fellow students if possible. • Take everything off of your desk except a pencil/pen and blank piece of paper.

  24. Bell Work 9/4/12 – 3 min • Define hypothesis (c.s.) • W5SAYWoS

  25. Schedule • Review bell work • Collect hw • Return quizzes & makeup quiz • Notebooks • Grades worksheet? • Calculate grades • Notes on parts of an experiment • SpongeBob worksheet

  26. Schedule • Review bell work • Collect hw? • Review home experiment • Notes on parts of an experiment • SpongeBob worksheet

  27. Parts of an Experiment • An experiment may include several things: • Variables • Control Group & Experimental Group • Sample Size • Placebo

  28. Variables • Variable– something in an experiment that changes • 3 kinds of variables • independent, dependent, & constant

  29. Types of Variables • Independent variable – controlled by the scientist (cause) • Should change the dependent variable • What is the experimental group getting that the control isn’t? • Dependent variable – result measured by the scientist (effect, hopefully) • Should depend on the independent variable • Example – Take 2 of the same plant. Expose each to a different amount of sunlight and measure the height of each plant every day.

  30. Constant Variables • Constant variable – a condition that does not change in an experiment…the scientist keeps it the same • Must be the same in order for the experiment to be valid (accurate) • Plants example?

  31. Bell Work 9/3/13 – 4 min • Zach is conducting an experiment to see peeing on a jellyfish sting will help it heal faster. Identify the independent variable, dependent variable, and 2 constant variables that might be in his experiment. • W5SAYWoS

  32. Groups • Often times there are 2 groups in an experiment. • Experimental group - exposed to independent variable • Control group – not exposed to independent variable • Everything else in the two groups is exactly the same!

  33. Sample Size • Sample Size – how much/many do you test? The bigger the group tested, the more reliable the results are. (Testing a group of 1,000 will have more reliable results than testing a group of 100.)

  34. Placebo Placebo – fake substance taken in place of independent variable Placebo effect – when placebo has an effect on the dependent variable, psychological

  35. An experiment which bounces higher, a frozen tennis ball or a tennis ball at room temperature • Hypothesis: • Experimental Group: • Control Group: • Independent Variable: • Dependent Variable: • Constant Variables

  36. An experiment to see if a new type of gasoline will increase the fuel consumption (miles per gallon) of a car • Hypothesis: • Experimental Group: • Control Group: • Independent Variable: • Dependent Variable: • Constant Variables

  37. Alana Demonstrates the Scientific Method • 1. Why is the scientific method “outstanding”? • 2. What is the Alana’s hypothesis? • 3. Alana’s hypothesis was incorrect…does this make her experiment worthless? • 4. Identify the independent variable and dependent variable in this experiment. • 5. What evidence was developed during this experiment?

  38. Bell Work 9/6 • Quietly read the paper towel lab procedures.

  39. Procedures • Quietly read the paper towel lab procedures. • Staying on task • Measuring at eye level • Holding paper towel as instructed • Accurately timing • Cleaning up • Dry cups out and set them near the sink on the side of the room • Return materials (scissors, markers, cups)

  40. Bell Work 9/7/12 – 3 min • Dr. Murray wants to test a new medicine to see if it can heal sunburn. Imagine the experiment he would conduct and identify the • Experimental group • Control group • Independent variable • Dependent variable • 2 constant variables

  41. Bell Work 9/11/12 – 4 min • Mia wants to see if sweet n low increases the likelihood of cancer. She orders 200 lab rats to test her experiment. Identify the • Independent variable • Dependent variable • Experimental group • Control group • What might the control group receive? • W5SAYWoS

  42. Bell Work 9/4/13 – 4 min • Alida wants to see if a drug she’s created prevents cancer. She orders 200 lab rats to test her experiment. She gives the drug to all of the rats everyday. After 2 years, none of the rats get cancer. • What was Alida’s hypothesis. (If…than…) • Identify the independent variable and dependent variable. • What do you conclude from this experiment?

  43. Bell Work 9/5/13 – 4 min Yesterday’s hw? • On graphs, the independent variable goes on the _________ axis and the dependent variable goes on the ____________ axis. • A ___________________ graph is best for analyzing counted quantities. • A ___________________ graph is best for analyzing parts of a whole. • A ___________________ graph is best for analyzing trends.

  44. Happy 40th Birthday Mr. Murray!

  45. Today you are going to… take notes on graphs take notes on scientific theories & laws So you can… choose and create the correct graph in a given scenario explain & differentiate between a law & theory You’ll know you’ve got it when you complete the graph creating worksheet answer the questions on scientific theories & laws

  46. Schedule • Tuesday • Finish scientific method notes • SpongeBob wkst • Wednesday • Check HW & review • Notes on graphs, laws, & theories • Thursday • Notes on graphs, laws, & theories • Friday • Scientific notation notes • Monday • Scientific notation • Tuesday • Graphs? or Review? • Wednesday • Test – top score in each class gets something special!!!

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