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EUKARYOTES — having a true nucleus Chromophyta - containing chlorophyll a and c

EUKARYOTES — having a true nucleus Chromophyta - containing chlorophyll a and c. Coscinodiscus waelesii Phytopia CD-ROM Bigelow Laboratory. EUKARYOTES (continued): Division Chromophyta Class Cryptophyceae. Motile Contain phycobiliproteins Can be recognized by size and fluorescence

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EUKARYOTES — having a true nucleus Chromophyta - containing chlorophyll a and c

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  1. EUKARYOTES — having a true nucleusChromophyta - containing chlorophyll a and c Coscinodiscus waelesii Phytopia CD-ROM Bigelow Laboratory

  2. EUKARYOTES (continued):DivisionChromophyta Class Cryptophyceae • Motile • Contain phycobiliproteins • Can be recognized by size and fluorescence (flow cytometry) Cryptomonas http://mac2031.fujimi.hosei.ac.jp/PDB/Images/Mastigophora/Cryptomonas/Cryptomonas.jpg www.unex.es/botanica/ clases.htm

  3. EUKARYOTES (continued):DivisionChromophytaClassBacillariophyceae (Diatoms) • Cannot swim; Can regulate buoyancy (some can migrate) • Require silicon; Encased in Pill-box shaped silica frustule • Important in coastal areas and spring blooms http://www1.tip.nl/~t936927/art_deco.html www.oregonbd.org/Class/Chap2.htm

  4. Diatoms P. Roger Sweet, Indiana University www.coastalstudies.org/stellwagen/phyto.htm

  5. pennate Diatoms pennate Images from http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/wimsmall/diadr.html Silica frustule centric

  6. EUKARYOTES (continued):DivisionChromophytaClass Pyrrophyta (Dinoflagellates) • Motile; Can migrate vertically • “Red tides” and shellfish poisoning • There are autotrophic and heterotrophic species www.jochemnet.de/fiu/phaeocystis.gif

  7. Noctiluca bloom www.redtide.whoi.edu/hab/rtphotos/rtphotos.html Dinoflagellates: Some are bioluminescent Noctiluca http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/art98/nocti.html

  8. EUKARYOTES (continued): DivisionChromophytaClass Prymnesiophyceae (Haptophyceae)Coccolithophores Near-real-colour SeaWiFS image of a coccolithophore bloom in the Bering Sea, April 1998. earthguide.ucsd.edu/demo/zalaska/08_03_1999a.html • CaCO3 skeletal plates • pCO2 increases • DMS production www.oregonbd.org/Class/Chap2.htm Emiliania huxleyi earthguide.ucsd.edu/images/eg/img/ehuxleyi.gif

  9. EUKARYOTES (continued): DivisionChromophytaClass Prymnesiophyceae (Haptophyceae)Phaeocystis • Jelly-like colonies clog nets and cause big problems on beaches in Europe • Food-web alterations • DMS producer • Common in Antarctic http://www.icbm.de/~mathmod/pages/projects/questionnaire/figure/phaeocystis.gif http://www.coastalstudies.org/stellwagen/phyto.htm www.bio.uva.nl/Lesbrieven/TomTahey/bovenbouwtekst3.htm www.jochemnet.de/fiu/phaeocystis.gif

  10. EUKARYOTES (continued): DivisionChromophytaClass Chrysophyceae Silicolagellates, Pelagomonas, Aureococcus • Aureococcus brown tides http://techcenter.southampton.liu.edu/~cgobler/BrownTide.htm

  11. Chattonella antiqua www.marine.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp EUKARYOTES (continued): DivisionChromophytaClass Raphidophyceae Chattonella, Fibrocapsa, Heterosigma • toxic or harmful blooms Chattonella marina Cells of Chattonella marina showing different forms (ovoid, pointed-end and sausage-shaped) and a temporary cyst. www.niwa.cri.nz/pgsf/MarineBiodiversity/images/algae6.jpg http://www.uio.no/miljoforum/natur/fj_hav/img/chat_0.gif

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