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Exchange programs ‘ mba 2011-13’

Exchange programs ‘ mba 2011-13’. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE November 30, 2011. Make the world your classroom. Enhance your SU education by going abroad. Enrich your life, increase your career potential, prepare yourself for citizenship in a global society.

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Exchange programs ‘ mba 2011-13’

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  1. Exchange programs ‘mba 2011-13’ INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE November 30, 2011

  2. Make the world your classroom.Enhance your SU education by going abroad. Enrich your life, increase your career potential, prepare yourself for citizenship in a global society.

  3. Top 10 reasonstotakepart: EXCHANGE BENEFITS • Stand out in the job market – a great addition to your CV • Return more motivated, independent and confident • Chance to have your tuition fees waived • It counts towards your degree - if you go trough Exchange Agreement • Learn a range of life-skills not taught in the lecture theatre • Access a wider range of subject areas than atSU • Improve your language skills • Gain an international network of friends • Discover a different culture and gain an international perspective • It’s really good fun!  

  4. Agenda: • Administrative Structure- Who are we? • Exchange Programs @ SU • Application, Placement and Post-Selection Procedure • Agreements

  5. Whoarewe? • Exchange programs are coordinated by theInternational RelationsOffice. • International Relations Office: • E. Burak Arıkan (IRO Coordinator) • Evrim Güngör • Seda Sözügeçer & Nursen Karamahmut Responsibles for Outgoing Students


  7. Application, Selectionand Post-SelectionProcedure • Requirements for Exchange Program Applications  • The applicant must have:  • language proficiency on the language of instruction in the destination country. • (somepartnersrequire TOEFL or IELTS score, pleasecheck it beforeyouapply..) • no balance or responsibilities due to Sabancı University

  8. Application, Selectionand Post-SelectionProcedure • APPLICATION PERIOD: December5 - 30, 2011 • DEADLINE: December30, 2011 until24:00 • APPLICATION STEPS: • Online application form: http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/exchange/applications/outgoing/app_form.html • FinancialCommitmentDocument • ***Thisdocument can be foundboth in TurkishandEnglishattachedtoApplicationAnnouncementemail. • Financial commitment document should be delivered us by hand or fax no later than December 30(Friday)  until 17:00.  • (Fax No: 0 216 483 9715  )

  9. Application, Selectionand Post-SelectionProcedure Pleasemake sure that: • Youareeligibletoapplyforexchange • Apply in time and deliver FinancialCommitmentdocumentto IRO • Carefullyreviewtheinformationregarding partner universitiesbeforeyourapplication

  10. Application, Selectionand Post-SelectionProcedure POST-SELECTION • Confirmation of Participation Form should be deliveredto IRO toconfirmyourplace. • Thenyouwill be nominatedtothe partner schoolby IRO. • Partner SchoolApplicationProcedureshould be followedbyyou AcceptanceLetter • Visaapplication (Visaproceduremighttakefrom 4 daysto 4 months: Apply in advance!) • LearningAgreementshould be deliveredto IRO bygivendeadline. • LearningAgreementThe main process of the Exchange programme: Written contract between 3parties: You, SU andhostuniversity. • LA’sshould be preparedwiththesupport of academicadvisor in orderto guarantee academic recognition and credit/grade transfer of exchangecourses. (Youracademicadvisor : Burçin Bozkaya) • Travel Health Insurance (Compulsory) • *** Therewill be anotherinformationsessionwhichwill be conductedby IRO afteryourplacement.

  11. GO ON EXCHANGE NEXT SUMMER EXCHANGE AGREEMENTS • University of Florida (Gainesville, FL, USA) • BabsonCollege(Babson Park, MA, USA) • PepperdineUniversity(Malibu, CA,USA) • CopenhagenBusinessSchool(Copenhagen, Denmark) • Leipzig GraduateSchool of Business (Saxony,Germany) • ESCP Europe- Paris (Paris, France) • ALBA GraduateBusinessSchool (Athens, Greece) • UniversitätDuisburg-Essen (Duisburg-Essen, Germany) • EM Lyon (Lyon, France) • NationalUniversitySingapore (Kent Ridge, Singapore)

  12. dIfferencesbetween EXCHANGE agreement s & summerschools • Tuition fee waiver • Applications are submitted through IRO by filling in the online application form. Once you are selected and you confirm your place by delivering related document you will be nominated to partner school by IRO. • Before you go on exchange through Learning Agreement you guarantee academic recognition and credit/grade transfer of your exchange courses. • SU credits are determined on the LA . Once your exchange transcript is received courses are counted based on your LA. • Youshould pay tuition/coursefee • Conductapplicationprocesswith partner schooldirectly.. • Applypersonally ! • Thecoursesthatyouwilltake on exchangewill be counted as ‘T’ grades in the SU systembyyourfaculty. (Yourcreditswill be counted but yourgradeswill not effectyour GPA) • Min B grade is required

  13. Exchange partners

  14. I) University of Florida (uSA) Website: http://www.ufl.edu UFL Graduate business exchange student website is: http://warrington.ufl.edu/academics/maib/international/index.asp.  On this website youcan find information about our course offerings, past course syllabi and campus resources.  UF International Center website is: http://www.ufic.ufl.edu/sas/InboundStudents/ExchangeStudents.html.  Here you will find more information about the application process. ApplicationDeadlineforSummerTerm: February 1 https://secure.warrington.ufl.edu/GradCourseSched_PublicView/ViewPublicSchedule.aspx?t5=20115&pgm=Exchange%20Student&pid=22 Summer 2011 (SummerSession B): DATES OF SUMMER COURSE: 6/27/2011 - 8/5/2011 (Approximately 5 weeks)

  15. I) University of Florida (uSA) • Which courses did previous students take @ UF ? Fundamental International Business (2 SU credits) Professional Communication (2 SU credits) Professional Writing (1 SU credit) Strategic Management (3 SU credits)) Advanced Marketing (2 SU credits)) Project Analysis (2 SU credits)) Sustainability in Global Business (1,5 SU credits)) Gatornest Consulting Project (1,5 SU credits)) Entrepreneurial Consulting Project (2 SU credits)

  16. I) University of Florida (uSA) Average Montly Expenses: • Accommodation: Approximately $400/monthly • $1743-$1873 /semester (Weaver Hall)App. 460/month • Health Insurance: $ 150- $ 200 • Books + Others: $ 250/month • Food: $1500/semester ($375 /month) • Total: $ 1200-1300 / month • In previous years: $ 2000 + Transportation: $ 1000 • Presentation: • http://warrington.ufl.edu/academics/maib/docs/presentation_UFWCBA.pdf • YourContacts at UFL: LynStraka • Exchange Co-Ordinator • PH: 352-273-1510 • Fax: 352-392-6782 • www.ufic.ufl.edu •  UF InternationalCenter • P. O. Box 113225 • University of Florida • Gainesville, FL 32611-3225 Elizabeth Humberstone •   Associate Director of MA- International Business • elizabeth.humberstone@warrington.ufl.edu

  17. I) University of Florida (uSA) ACCOMMODATION • http://www.cba.ufl.edu/academics/maib/docs/intl_FactSheetWarringtonMasterPrograms.pdf • A lot of choices ( on campus and out of campus) • International Center at UF informs after acceptance USEFUL LINKS: • www.housing.ufl.edu/AIE/AIE_weaver.html International Dormitory (on campus) • Non-UF services commonly used by students: • www.apartmenthunters.com Apartment Hunters • www.sublet.com Subleases • www.roommates.com Roommates • www.alligator.org Alligator (student newspaper) Classifieds • www.gainesvilleapartmentandcondoguide.com/ Apartments and condominiums

  18. II) BabsonCollege(USA) Website: www.babson.edu www.babson.edu/gps(Global Program Services) Graduate Exchange Program InformationSheet2011-12: http://educationabroad.babson.edu/_customtags/ct_FileRetrieve.cfm?File_ID=0F0F4E727370747675030669020204071578040805140872050600060605740A730E76037707 GettingStartedandApplicationPhase: http://educationabroad.babson.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Abroad.ViewLink&Parent_ID=D5CC60D8-5056-A212-9452F33C4736065D&Link_ID=061A31F0-5056-A212-947A5D9AC20AB5FD ApplicationDeadline: March 1 SummerTerm: May 21 – August 20 (GraduateSummerSession II )*Onetermlastsapproximately 5 weeksandexactdateswill be announcedsoon on theirwebsite. http://www.babson.edu/offices-services/registrar/academic-calendar/Pages/2011-2012.aspx

  19. II) BabsonCollege (USA) • ApplicationRequirement: Minimum one-yearprofessionalexperience • Which courses did previous SU students take @ Babson College? • Buying a Small Business; 1.5 SU credits • 21st CenturyEntrepreneurship; 1.5 SU credits • ManagingOperations; 3.0 SU credits • Computing on Analytics; 1.5 SU credits

  20. II) BabsonCollege (USA) • Courses • Toseecourselistgiven in SummerTerm II pleaseclickhere: • https://fusionmx.babson.edu/CourseListing/ • 2012 summercourselistwill be announcedsoon on thewebsite. • Admission Requirements • Students must meet the eligibility requirements of their home institution • Students must have completed at least one year of core business courses prior to participation • Proficiency in English: TOEFL score that is at least equivalent to 550 (paper), 213 (computer), or 79-80 (internet)      •       Additional Requirement for Graduate Exchange Students: • At least two years of full-time, post-graduate work experience is strongly recommended prior to participation 

  21. II) BabsonCollege (USA) COST AND EXPENSES: • Accommodation: $ 5,427/semester, apprx. $1507/month • If stayed with homemate: $ 600/month • Food: $2217/semester ($615 /month) • Book + Others: $ 1235/semester ($ 343 /month) • Transportation: $ 1250/semester ($ 347 /month) • Other: $ 1250/semester ($ 347 /month) • In Total: $ 2000- $ 3159/month (approximately) • Your Contacts at Babson: • Heather Fishman • Education Abroad Program Administrator, Office of International Programs | Babson College, 231 Forest Street | Hollister Hall | Babson Park, MA 02457-0310 USA, T: +1.781.239.4566 | F: +1.781.239.5232 hfishman@babson.edu | www.babson.edu/OIP/exchange • SAMANTHA J. COOPER Education Abroad Advisor Babson College|Glavin Office of International Programs |Hollister Hall | 231 Forest Street | Babson Park, MA 02457 Tel: (781) 239-4273 | Fax: (781) 239-5232 | • Email: scooper@babson.edu |

  22. II) BabsonCollege (USA) • Housing • MBA exchange students are not guaranteed housing, however the Office of Campus Life does its best to place graduate exchange students in Babson’s graduate housing when space is available. All graduate students interested in living on campus are encouraged to submit a Graduate Student Housing Application. When available, Graduate Housing is typically in the form of studio or one-bedroom apartments. More information on Graduate Housing can be found on the Residential Life’s website at http://www.babson.edu/graduate/student-life/living-and-learning/housing/Pages/default.aspx.  Please note that the College does not investigate or endorse any off-campus housing, and living off-campus may require the need to secure independent transportation to/from campus as public transportation options are not readily available. (More information can be found in the fact-sheet..) • USEFUL LINKS: • www.bostonapartments.com • www.bostonroommates.com • www.craigslist.com • www.boston.com (click on real estate) • www.homefind.com • http://blackboard.babson.edu. (Babson’s electronic message board)

  23. III) PepperdineUniversity(usa) Website: http://www.pepperdine.edu/ http://bschool.pepperdine.edu/globalprograms/es/ Session A: May 3– June 16 Session B: June 27 – August 4 APPLICATION: Application form & Instructions: http://bschool.pepperdine.edu/globalprograms/es/exchangeapply.htm ApplicationDeadlineto PU: March 1, 2012 AcademicCalendar: http://community.pepperdine.edu/graziadio/fulltime/incoming/intended/ FactSheet: http://bschool.pepperdine.edu/globalprograms/content/FactSheet.pdf ResourcesforInternationalStudents: http://bschool.pepperdine.edu/globalprograms/is/

  24. Whichcoursesdidpreviousstudentstake @ Pepperdine ? Contemp.Issues in Business (2 SU credits) Business to Business Mrktg(2 SU credits) Leadership&Org.Success (2 SU credits)

  25. III) PepperdineUniversity(usa) EXPENSES: *Books + Other: $1,000 / Semester *Malibu Graduate Business Fee: $40 per term (Mandatory for exchange & double degree students) ACCOMMODATION: $ 7500 / Semester (Apprx. $1500/month) http://services.pepperdine.edu/housing/information/ YOUR CONTACT: Alisa Lopez,Global Programs Director (Global Programs Office), Graziadio School of Business and Management • Pepperdine University24255 Pacific Coast Highway, Drescher Campus, Malibu, CA  90263  USA • Alisa.Lopez@pepperdine.edu • Phone:  (310)506-4069 • Fax:  (310)506-7577

  26. III) PepperdineUniversity(usa)Morethan a classroom..http://seaver.pepperdine.edu/studentlife/

  27. IV) CopenhagenBusinessSchool (Exchange + Summer) Dates: June 23 –August 3 2012 (6 week Summer School (5+1)) Application deadline: Students can apply from the middle of February (the date is not yet final though.) Website: http://www.cbs.dk/summer http://www.cbs.dk/cbs_international/summer_university/summer_university Maksimum 2 courses can be taken ( 15 ECTS in total) ISUP 2011 Courses:http://www.cbs.dk/en/CBS-International/Summer-University/ISUP-Courses/Menu/Courses Application Procedure: http://www.cbs.dk/en/CBS-International/Summer-University/ISUP-Students/International-students/Menu/Application

  28. IV) CopenhagenBusinessSchool (Exchange + Summer) USEFUL LINKS: • Website: • http://www.cbs.dk/cbs_international/summer_university/summer_university • ApplicationProcess:http://www.cbs.dk/cbs_international/summer_university/prospective_isup_students/application_process • Accommodation:http://www.cbs.dk/cbs_international/accommodation/summer_university_students • Courses • The course catalogue for 2012 will be published on http://www.cbs.dk/en/CBS-International/Summer-University/ISUP-Courses/Menu/Courses in late December before Christmas. FrequentlyAskedQuestions:http://www.cbs.dk/cbs_international/summer_university/prospective_isup_students/information_faq

  29. COSTS CONTACT Yourcontact at CBS: • Anette Hove Cox, Inbound Team Manager • Advisor - Incoming Undergraduates • Copenhagen Business School • The International Office • Porcelaenshaven 26 • DK-2000 Frederiksberg •  Phone: +45 3815 3006 • Fax: +45 3815 3825 • summer@cbs.dk

  30. IV) CopenhagenBusinessSchool (Exchange + Summer)http://www.cbs.dk/cbs_international/summer_university/isup_students/international_students/menu/information_faq#Costs • Does it cost money to participate? • Nominated Exchange students: Students nominated by a CBS partner university don't pay tuition fee for participating in ISUP. • European Freemovers: Students from the EU/EEA pay the same rate as Danish Open University Students: the current price is 1750 DKK per 7.5 ECTS on undergraduate level and 3500 DKK per 7.5 ECTS on graduate level (except for electives under MSc in Business Administration and Computer Science for which the price is 5200 DKK per 7.5 ECTS). In order to qualify for this option, students must have a citizenship or a permanent residence permit to an EU/EEA country. • Non-European Freemovers: Students from outside the EU/EEA, who are not nominated by a CBS partner university, have to apply for ISUP as a Non-European Freemover. The cost of the program is 2375 EUR (approx. 17,700 DKK) for two undergraduate courses and 3125 EUR (approx. 23,200 DKK) for two graduate courses. Students only participating in one three-week intensive graduate course must pay 1565 EUR (approx. 11,660 DKK). • What else should I know about the program costs as a Non-European Freemover? Non-European Freemovers must pay a non-refundable application fee of 800DKK when applying for ISUP. You will have to pay the application fee through our webshop . If you are admitted to ISUP the remainder of the tuition fee (i.e. minus the 800DKK) must be paid by international bank transfer in Danish Crowns at the current market rate. We will send further information on this with your Admission Packet. In case the courses you have applied for are not established and you do not wish to sign up for another alternative course, then a full refund will be given minus the 800DKK application fee.

  31. WhatdıdFormer su studentstake at copenhagenbusinessschool? • Marketing Decision Models ( 3 SU Credits) • Entrepreneurship ( 3 SU Credits) • International HRM ( 3 SU Credits) • Strategic Leadership ( 3 SU Credits) • International Leadership ( 3 SU Credits) • Interntl.Monetary Econ. CMSU9A ( 3 SU Credits)

  32. V. Leipzig Graduate School of Business Website: http://www.hhl.de/nc/en/ Exchange programmes: http://www.hhl.de/en/discover-hhl/international-relations/incoming-students/ Session II: July 9- 21, 2012 Details of SummerTermwwill be announcedfor 2012 on thebelowwebsite. Courses: http://www.hhl.de/fileadmin/AB/Ibez/Download/ects1011/schedule1011.htm AcademicCalendar: http://www.hhl.de/en/discover-hhl/students/exchange-students/academic-calendar/ ApplicationDeadline: Approximatelyend of February ( Four months prior tothe requested start of the exchange period ) Online application: http://www.hhl.de/en/discover-hhl/international-relations/summer-programs/apply-here/

  33. V. Leipzig Graduate School of Business • Approximate living costs • • Housing: around 200 – 300 Euro per month • • Meals: lunch for students in the cafeteria between 1.50 and 3.00 Euro • • Textbooks: around 70 Euro for the term • • Entertainment: highly variable • • Student union fee: 92 Euro for the semester • (includes public transportation in Leipzig) • Total: around 670 Euro per month, financial proof is requested • (according to the German Foreigners Act) • Your contact: • Sophie Schnick, Assistant Director International RelationsTel: +49 341 9851-709Fax: +49 341 9851-810E-mail: sophie.schnick@hhl.de

  34. VI. ESCP Europe (Paris) Website: http://www.escpeurope.eu/ Session: 4 June 2012 - 13 July 2012 (Tentative dates: 5 weeks + 1 week for final exams) Key Facts: http://www.escpeurope.eu/escp-europe/key-facts-escp-europe/students-and-programmes-escp-europe-business-school/ Courses: 15 course oppurtunities, Right to register 3 courses Application: Application Deadline: End of February

  35. VI. ESCP Europe (Paris) • Most courses are in English. There are full courses and half courses. • A full course = 30 contact hours = 5 ECTS • A half course = 15 contact hours = 2,5 ECTS • Students may choose to attend the equivalent of 3 full courses (90 contact hours maximum) • Courses will take place twice a week in 3 hours sessions each. • http://www.escpeurope.eu/escp-europe-programmes/master-in-management/course-content/syllabus-master-in-management-grande-ecole-escp-europe/ • Prerequisites : Depend on the course. Students interested in taking Finance courses should already have some background in finance. • Exchange students must register for their courses online (through the school intranet). Detailed dates for online registration will be provided as when available. • /

  36. VI. ESCP Europe (Paris) • Housing Possibilities • ESCP EUROPE has no accommodation on-campus. However, the school has an agreement with a student residence called “Le Vivaldi”. The Residence is about 35 minutes away by metro and there is a direct bus from the residence to the school which takes about 25 minutes. Rent is about 713 euros for a 20 sq meter studio and 597 euros for a 19 sq meter studette (all equipped with a bathroom and a small kitchen). Rent includes electricity, water and heating. Students need to buy their own dishes and linen. • Students can also apply for accommodation at the CitéUniversitaireInternationale:www.ciup.fr • They can also choose to look for a private flat. However they should be aware that it is very difficult to find a flat in Paris for a short term rental. • Students can regularly check for accommodation ads published on the school intranet. • Yourcontact : • Nathalie Royer IncomingStudentsCoordinator and Erasmus Coordinator ESCP Europe 79 Avenue de la République, 75543 Paris cedex 11, France Phone : +33 1 49 23 20 20 Fax : +33 1 49 23 21 00 Email: nroyer@escpeurope.euhttp://www.escpeurope.eu

  37. VII. ALBA GRADUATE BUSINESS SCHOOL (GREECE) Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility http://www.alba.edu.gr/Academic/mba/pages/courseDescriptions.aspx#310 ALBA’s study period and program details will be announced soon on IRO website: http://iro.sabanciuniv.edu/partners/erasmus/alba

  38. VII. ALBA GRADUATE BUSINESS SCHOOL (GREECE) • Downloadyour ALBA brochurehttp://www.alba.edu.gr/Pages/GetBrochure.aspx • StudyPeriod: • **** • Will be announcedfor 2012 • ApplicationDeadline: Students may apply two months prior to any period (for longer visits) and one month prior to any short course. Students will have to purchase these course books: • The Politics of Ethics: Methods for Acting, Learning, and Sometimes Fighting With Others in Addressing Ethics Problems in Organizational Life, The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics, Richard P. Nielsen. • They can be purchased either from Amazon.com or from BookDepository.com. • The remaining material will be provided by ALBA.

  39. EXCHANGE + Summerschool: VIII) UniversitaetDuisburg-Essen Website: http://www.uni-due.de Mercator School of Management website: http://www.msm.uni-due.de/index.php?id=226&L=1 Summer School : http://www.msm.uni-due.de/index.php?id=3759 Application Deadline: March 23, 2012 Graduate Business Summer Term- May 29 – June 29, 2012 Tuition fee : 1.950 € (with waiver, housing incl.) 2.950 € (without waiver, housing incl.) Program Structure: Courses, Company Visits, Language Training Specials: Three-day trip to Berlin, including a visit to the German parliament; sightseeing excursions; company visits

  40. EXCHANGE (+ Summerschool ) VIII) UniversitaetDuisburg-Essen COURSES: Thefollowingbusinessandeconomicscourseswill be offered in 2012 • Business: Strategic Human Resource Management, Marketing Strategies in Europe, Banking and Corporate Finance in Europe • Economics: European Economic Integration, European Currency Union and Financial Markets, Comparative Managerial Behavior in Europe • Language: GermanforBeginners • Application Form: http://www.msm.uni-due.de/BEST • AdmissionRequirements: •  Good standing with home university •  Minimum TOEFL-Score (Non-native English-speakers): 79 IBT •  AcademicRecommendationletter • Language of Instruction: English

  41. EXCHANGE + Summerschool: VIII) UniversitaetDuisburg-Essen • Your Contact: • Malte Cluck • BEST - Business and Economics Summer Term • Mercator School of ManagementDuisburg-Essen UniversityLotharstrasse 65, LB 14747048 Duisburg, Germany • Phone:   +49-203-379-2759Fax:       +49-203-379-1781isma@uni-due.dewww.msm.uni-due.de/BEST

  42. IX) EM Lyon- parıs / france (exchange+ Summerschool) Website : http://www.em-lyon.com/english/corporate/index.aspx http://www.em-lyon.com/english/graduate/summer_session_programme/index.aspx Application Deadline for Personal Application: Mid February 2012 Application form: http://www.em-lyon.com/english/graduate/summer_session_programme/index.aspx The whole Summer Session  lasts 1 month from June 4 to June 29, 2012. Summer School: European Business Environment / Entrepreneurship modules: Possibility to participate in 1 or 2 modules.. Workload: Summer School: 5 ECTS credits each module AREAS OF STUDY AVAILABLE Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Organization, International Business, etc.

  43. IX) EM Lyon- parıs / france (exchange+ Summerschool) • 2011 Summer School • Programme Structure •  Module 1: European Business Environment    From June 6 to July 1, 2011 • Total ECTS: 5 • This 2-week module will offer you the possibility to develop your understanding of European Business Environment, it will give you the background knowledge needed to understand Europe as a whole, thus underlining the common features of European Countries, but also emphasizing a notable characteristic of Europe: its diversity. • Subjects covered:> European Business System> European Economic Integration> European Competition Law> European Social Responsability> European Corporate Governance • Assessment: case studies, essays, viva voce presentations, written exams. • Pedagogical responsible: Fred Seidel

  44. IX) EM Lyon- parıs / france (exchange+ Summerschool) • 2011 Summer School •  Module 2: Entrepreneurship: Global Issues & Local Opportunities    From June 20 to July 1, 2011 • Total ECTS: 5 • This 2-week module is devoted to entrepreneurship and will let you take advantage of the expertise of EMLYON Business School professors, leaders in this field. This module will present the different entrepreneurial contexts and help you to develop the necessary skills to navigate through venture creation, growth, social entrepreneurship, and corporate entrepreneurship. Opportunity identification, opportunity evaluation, innovation, risk taking, team building, and project leading are some of the topics you will discuss and develop inside and outside the classroom. • Subjects covered:> Entrepreneurship in Europe> Opportunity Identification and Evaluation> Team Building> Corporate Entrepreneurship> Social Entrepreneurship> Social Networks, Power, and Influence • During this module, a special emphasis will be given to class participation and group work. Also, you will be involved in several activities designed to foster experiential learning while allowing you to make friends, discover the region, and interact with our local entrepreneurs. • Assessment: class participation, case studies, peer evaluation and a specific group project on opportunity identification. • Pedagogical responsible : Saulo D. Barbosa

  45. IX) EM Lyon- parıs / france (exchange+ Summerschool) •  Credits(European Credit Transfer System)Whole programme = 10 ECTS • Your contacts: • Veronica POLLIO • Academic Partnership Officer • EMLYON Business School • pollio@em-lyon.com • Tel: (+33) Sonia Campillo Garcia+ 33 4 78 33 79 13campillo@em-lyon.com

  46. X. NationalUniversity of Singapore -Website: http://www.nus.edu.sg/ -SummerTerms: 7 May to 16 Juneor 18 June to 28 Jul You can refer to the time table in the link to find out more about courses offered in the past semesters during this summer course. http://bschool.nus.edu.sg/TheNUSMBA/CurrentStudents/tabid/2427/Default.aspx Courseschedule: http://bschool.nus.edu.sg/TheNUSMBA/CurrentStudents/tabid/2427/Default.aspx Application: http://bschool.nus.edu.sg/TheNUSMBA/CurrentStudents/StudentExchange/IncomingStudents/Applicationprocedure/tabid/2433/default.aspx NUS MBA Brochure: http://bschool.nus.edu.sg/Portals/0/images/mba/Website/Main%20page/NUS%20MBA%20Aug%202011%20Brochure.pdf

  47. X. NationalUniversity OF Singapore • FactSheet: • http://bschool.nus.edu.sg/TheNUSMBA/CurrentStudents/StudentExchange/IncomingStudents/FactSheet/tabid/2434/default.aspx • Students’ Experience: • http://bschool.nus.edu.sg/TheNUSMBA/CurrentStudents/StudentExchange/IncomingStudents/StudentsExperiences/tabid/2435/default.aspx

  48. X. NationalUniversity of Singapore Expenses: • Accommodation : $600 to $1,500 • Services and Other: $80 to $100 • Food: $300 to $400 • Transportation : $20 to $150 • Communication: From $30 • Books and other ed. materials: $30 to $100 • Personal Expenses : $100 to $300 • Your Contact : • Zahira Nawi (Ms) :: Manager (MBA Student Exchange):: • MBA Programmes Office :: NUS Business School :: Mochtar Riady Building, Level 4, 15 Kent Ridge Drive Singapore  • 119245 :: 65-6516 7848 (DID) :: 65-6872 4423(Fax) • zahira@nus.edu.sg (E) :: mba.nus.edu (W)


  50. Summerschools (personalapplIcatıonrequıred !) • International WU Summer University (ISU WU) (Vienna, Austria) • Grenoble Graduate School of Business (Grenoble, France) • EM Lyon (Paris / France) • Universitaet Duisburg-Essen (Duisburg-Essen Germany) • Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen /Denmark) • FUBiS - Freie Universitaet Berlin International Summer and Winter University (Berlin,Germany) • National University of Singapore (Singapore)

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