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Introduction . Course overview History of Oceanography. Interdisciplinary. Biology Chemistry Physics Geology Geography Political Science Mathematics Computer Science. History of Oceanography. Early Age of Discovery Science and the Oceans Modern Oceanography

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction Course overview History of Oceanography

  2. Interdisciplinary • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Geology • Geography • Political Science • Mathematics • Computer Science

  3. History of Oceanography • Early • Age of Discovery • Science and the Oceans • Modern Oceanography • Different motivations at different times

  4. Early history • Reasons: trade, fishing, defense Self centered view of Earth • Examples

  5. Early history (2) Difficult to navigate without shorelines • Phoenicians (approx. 1000 BC) • Polynesians (300-600 AD most important)

  6. Early history (3) • Greeks (approx. 500 BC) • Erasthosthenes (working in Egypt) – circumference of earth • Pliny the Elder – phases of moon and tides • Ptolemy(approx. 150 AD) – vast ocean, used lat and long • Middle Ages: very little exploration except • Vikings (approx. 1000 AD) • Arabs

  7. Age of Discovery (1) • Travel for economic, political and religious reasons • Portugal: • Prince Henry • Dias (1497) • Vasco Da Gama (1498)

  8. Age of Discovery (2) Spain • Columbus (1492) • Vespucci (~1500) • Balboa (1513) • Magellan (1522)

  9. Age of Discovery (3) Discovery with some science • James Cook (1768-1780) • Endeavour, Resolution, Adventure • Ben Franklin (1769) • Matthew F. Maury (early 1800s)

  10. Purely scientific • Challenger Expedition (1872-1876) • Extremely significant

  11. More for science • Voyages of Nansen aboard Fram (end of 1800s) • Meteor expedition (1925-27)

  12. Modern Oceanography (20th century) • International • Interdisciplinary • Scientific • Complex instruments • “Modern” technology

  13. Modern Oceanography • US funding – NSF, ONR, NOAA • Oceanographic institutes • Drill ships, satellites, for example • International cooperation

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