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Mathura and Vrindavan host vibrant festivals showcasing their rich cultural heritage. From the colorful Holi to Janmashtami's lively celebrations, these festivals immerse visitors in the spirit of devotion and joy. Experience the magic of Mathura and Vrindavan's festivals, where tradition and spirituality come alive.
AboutUs Mathura is one of the most famous cities in India located in Uttar Pradesh. It is famous for its historical events related to Hinduism and its culture.Mathuraisalsoknownasthebirthplace of Lord Krishna and is of great religious importance.Therearemanytouristswhovisit Mathura to learn about the history of the city and to explore it. You can explore Mathura by bookingyourtripasMathuraVrindavanTour Packages.Forbookingthetripyoumaygoto the online site of mathuravrindavantourpackages.com
TheLathmarHolifestivalisrootedinthelegendsand storiesassociatedwithLordKrishna,whoisbelievedto have grown up in the town of Vrindavan. According to onesuchlegend,LordKrishna,knownforhis mischievousnature,visitedtheneighbouringtownof Barsana(nearMathura)toteasethewomenthere duringHoli.Inresponse,thewomenofBarsana playfullychasedhimawaywithsticks.Mathura VrindavanTour.Tocommemoratethisplayful interaction,menfromNandgaon(Krishna'shometown) visitBarsana,wherethewomengreetthemwithsticks. Themen,whoareconsidered"invaders,"trytoprotect themselveswithshieldswhilethewomenplayfullyhit themwithlathis(longsticks).Themenattemptto dousethewomenwithcolouredpowders,andthe entiresceneisfilledwithlaughter,music,andfestive fervour. LathmarHoli
Shri Krishna Janmashtami is a significant Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna, who is considered the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. Mathura and Vrindavan, located in Uttar Pradesh, India, hold immense importance in the celebration of this festivalduetotheirassociationwiththelifeandchildhoodofLord Krishna. Mathura is believed to be the birthplace of Lord Krishna, and Vrindavan is where he spent his childhood and engaged in various divine activities. Therefore, these two towns become major centres of festivitiesduringShriKrishnaJanmashtami.Thefestivalusuallyfallsin August or September, on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) in the month of Bhadrapada, according to the Hindu lunar calendar. Devotees observe fasts and engage in various religious activities throughout the day. Temples are beautifully decorated with flowers and lights, and a special puja (worship) is performedatmidnight,asitisbelievedthatLordKrishnawasbornat that time. In Mathura, the celebrations begin several days before Janmashtami. The town is decorated with lights, and various processions and performances depicting scenes from Lord Krishna's lifeareorganized.ThemainattractionisthereenactmentofLord Krishna'sbirthatthefamousKrishnaJanmabhoomiTemple.Devotees gatherinlargenumbersandsingdevotionalsongsandhymnsinpraise ofLordKrishna. ShriKrishnaJanmashtami
InMathuraandVrindavan,GuruPurnimaisparticularlyassociatedwiththe traditionofVaishnavism,focusingontheguru-disciplerelationship establishedbyLordKrishnaandhisreveredguru,SandipaniMuni. Accordingtothelegends,LordKrishnaandhisbrotherBalaramasought educationandspiritualguidancefromSandipaniMuniintheashramlocated in the nearby town of Ujjain. The celebrations in Mathura and Vrindavan involve various activities such as devotional singing, chanting of mantras, reading of scriptures, and offering of flowers and prasad (sacred food offering). Devotees express their gratitude and reverence towards their gurus, recognizing their significant role in their spiritual journey and personal growth. The festival also serves as an opportunity for seekers to deepen their spiritual practices, reflect on the teachings of their gurus, and reaffirmtheircommitmenttothepathofself-realization.Mathuraand Vrindavan, with their numerous temples and ashrams, provide an ideal setting for devotees and spiritual seekers to celebrate Guru Purnima and immerse themselves in the spiritual ambience of these sacred places. It's importanttonotethatspecificcelebrationsandritualsmayvarydepending onthetraditionsfollowedbydifferentsectsandashramsinMathuraand Vrindavan. Therefore, it is advisable to check with specific temples or spiritualcentersfordetailedinformationonGuruPurnimacelebrationsin thesetowns. GuruPurnima(MuniyaPuno)
Radha Ashtami falls on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the Bhadrapada month in the Hindu calendar, which usually occurs in August or September. The festival holds great importancefordevoteeswhorevereRadhaasthe embodiment of pure devotion and love for Lord Krishna. In Mathura and Vrindavan, the celebrations commence several days before Radha Ashtami. Devotees decorate temples, homes, and streets with colourful flowers, lights, and festive decorations. Special puja (worship) rituals are performed to honour Radha, including the singing of devotional songs (bhajans) and recitation of hymns dedicated to her. The Banke Bihari Temple and the Radha Raman Temple in Vrindavan are particularly significant during Radha Ashtami. Devotees throng to these temples to offer prayers, seek blessings,andparticipateinvariousreligiousceremoniesand processions.ThecelebrationsculminateonthedayofRadha Ashtami. Devotees gather in temples to perform aarti (ritual ofworshipwithlamps)andsingdevotionalsongsinpraiseof Radha. Special feasts and prasad (sacred food offerings) are distributedamongthedevotees. RadhaAshtami
Kans Vadh is one of the epic moments in the history of IndiawhenLordKrishnadefeatedandkilledKans,theevil ruler of Mathura to release His grandfather, father and motherfromprison.Todaythisepicmomentiscelebrated inMathuranearVrindavanasKansVadhLeela.KansVadh Leela is one of the famous incidents in Hindu Scriptures andisdepictedasthewinofDharmaovertheannihilation of Adharma. This divine festive is held each year in the month of Kartik and is observed on the 10th day of the Shukla Paksha of Kartik month as per traditional Hindu calendar followed in North India. During this festival, people across the Mathura region dance to the tunes of LordKrishna’smusicandsongsandiscelebratedwithfull devotion and colours. The event you mentioned, "Kans Vadh," refers to the killing or slaying of the tyrant King Kansa, who was the maternal uncle of Lord Krishna. The story of Kans Vadh is an important part of the Krishna Janmashtami celebrations and the overall narrative of LordKrishna'slife. KansVadh
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