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Senate Agenda 10/26/10. Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes Old Business a) Morgan Davis, WAC- Constitution b) Eileen O’Connor, SRLA- Constitution Student Concerns (10 min.)
Senate Agenda10/26/10 Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes Old Businessa) Morgan Davis, WAC- Constitutionb) Eileen O’Connor, SRLA- Constitution Student Concerns (10 min.) New Businessa) Kyra Orr, SGA President- Roundtable Updatesb) Jake Bedsaul, SGA VP- Semester Reportsc) Jasmyne Davis, NEFA- Updatesd) Patty O’Toole, Dean of Students- Decker Awarde) Kelsey Kriz, Junior Class President- Hollywood’s Fundraiserf) Allison Austin & Katie Pellett, Hollins Columns- The Columns Wants You!g) Mac Goad & Jacqui S. , HUR- Constitution Updates Announcements (2 min.) Adjournment Happy Halloween!!
Semester Reports! How to do them and when to do them .
What’s a semester report? • A report of what you or your club/organization has done for the fall semester. • Differs for Executive Cabinet members (Roundtable)/ HAB Chairs and Club Representatives!!
Who has to give a semester report? • Roundtable members • HAB Chairs • Class Presidents • Club Representatives • One student representative from the following committees: - Student Life Committee - Human Relations Committee - Diversity Initiative Board - Environmental Advisory Board - Food Service Committee - Constitutional Review Committee
Whoa wait….What's a semester report look like? Good question! Here’s an example:
Hold up… What if I represent a club? Another great question! Try somethin’ like this. Print this out! • Ask Daniella for help! She’s there for a reason!!! • Turn into the Senate Secretary.
Ok…sweet, so when do we get it over with? • November 6th: Roundtable Semester Reports • November 16th: HAB Chairs Semester Reports and Student Committee Semester Reports • November 23rd: First Round of Clubs Semester Reports • November 30th: Second Round of Clubs Semester Reports (LAST DAY TO PRESENT SEMESTER REPORTS!) YOU CAN NOT GIVE A SEMESTER REPORT ON THE LAST DAY OF SENATE (Dec. 7th)
Other things you can’t do on the last senate… • Present or approve a constitution (this applies to the Constitutional Review Committee as well)! • Which means, the LAST DATE TO PRESENT A CONSTITUTION IN SENATE IS NOVEMBER 23RD! • This is because your constitution has to be on the SGA website for a week, therefore, your constitution will be approved on November 30th in senate .
Ok…breathe….. • Don’t be afraid to present! • Remember to print out or handwrite your semester report to turn into the Senate Secretary • Lost? Ask! Daniella and I are always open to help with semester reports! Or view this slide show on the SGA WEBSITE. • Any Questions? You can also email me at jbedsaul@hollins.edu if you need help Agenda
Announcements!! Constitutional Fact! What's Treasury Board and Who sits on it? Good Question! Treasury Board is responsible for the budgeting, allocation and maintenance of the SGA funds collected from SGA dues. They’re also responsible for supplying documentation of each year’s proposed budget as well as conducting audits of all ledgers of money regarding SGA. They also provide a line of communication to the business office and the student body • Members of Treasury Board: • SGA Treasurer • Club Coordinator • Athletic Association Chair • One member from each class (usually treasurers). • And the SGA President serves as a voting member during Spring budget hearings It’s family weekend!! This is my niece and nephew Bring your family to events on campus!! Agenda