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UTLINK Student.net General Information. System is located at: http://utlink.uth.tmc.edu Click on the Student.net icon to access the system. You MUST use Internet Explorer 5.5 or better for Windows and IE for Macintosh. MAC USERS- use CTRL while clicking when using IE for Mac.
UTLINK Student.net General Information • System is located at: http://utlink.uth.tmc.edu • Click on the Student.net icon to access the system. • You MUST use Internet Explorer 5.5 or better for Windows and IE for Macintosh. MAC USERS- use CTRL while clicking when using IE for Mac. • System access hours are: • Monday to Friday 8 am to 9 pm • Saturday 8 am to 10 pm • Sunday 2 pm to 8 pm • UTLINK Student.net is a secure server site. • In order to maintain security, please be sure to logoff with the logoff icon (the door) at the top right corner of the screen when you are finished. • The first page you will access after logging in and changing PIN if necessary, will be the Home Page • The Home Page will contain news items that pertain to students and registration. All instructions, errors and important information specific to you will show in the left side of the pages. • IMPORTANT- Before proceeding in the system from the Home Page, you MUST choose an item from the TERM menu. After choosing an item, it will appear beneath your name on the right side of the screen under the menus.
Login Page • To login to the system, you will need your User ID number and your PIN. • Your User ID number begins with an A and will be given to you by the Registrar's Office or your student affairs office. • The PIN is set up to accept four numbers only. • Three failed login attempts will lock you out of the system. You will need to contact the Registrar’s office or Student Affairs to get your PIN reset.
Registration, Adds and Drops • To access registration, choose Medical 2005 from the Term menu then choose Add/Drop from the courses menu.
The Registration Page • Current classes will appear on the page. • Classes that allow edits (name changes/hour changes) and/or drops, will have the drop and/or edit choices to the left of the Course ID if the change can be made today. • Classes can only be added/dropped/edited one at a time.
Adding Classes to Your Schedule • Classes can be added using the COURSE ID or the CALL NUMBER. • After typing in the Course ID or Call Number for the course you wish to add, click the word LOOKUP next to the course entry boxes.
Adding Classes (Con’t) • After clicking the word LOOKUP, the course will return and boxes will be available if any additional information is needed. (approval code or variable hours) • To add the course, review the course, add any required information needed and click the word ADD. • The course will be added to the schedule portion of the page if the class can be added today and space is available.
Adding Classes that Require Approval Codes • If the course you are trying to add requires you to enter an approval number, after clicking the word LOOKUP, the course information will return with a box for approval number. • To add the course, type in the approval number and click the word ADD. • The course will be added to the schedule portion of the page if the class can be added today and space is available.
Dropping Classes • When you enter the registration page, the courses that you are allowed to drop today will have the word DROP next to the course ID in the schedule portion of the page. • To drop the course from your schedule, click the word DROP. • The course will be removed from the schedule portion of the page. For medical electives, you may be required to add an approval number to drop a course.
Medical- Required Surgery • To change your course to a Required Surgery- access your schedule in the Add/Drop option under the Courses menu. • If you have a course that can be used as a required surgery, you will see the words ‘Use as required surgery’ directly above the course name. • To change the course title to ‘required surgery’, click on the words ‘use as required surgery’ and the system will update your record after clicking the word UPDATE.
Medical- Required Surgery (Con’t) • To change the Required Surgery class back to its original title, click on the words ‘Do not use as required surgery’ and the system will update your record after clicking the word UPDATE.
Viewing Your Schedule • You can view your schedule and all class times/days/locations if applicable on the schedule page. • To view the schedule, choose Schedule from the Courses menu.
Looking Up Course Information- Course Search • You can access a list of all courses within a certain school by using the COURSE SEARCH function under the courses menu. • This function will provide you with information about courses being offered including call number, course title, number enrolled, instructor, where and when offered. • To look up a course, all you need is the course prefix and school. However, you can narrow your search down by adding the course number and suffix if applicable. • After you enter the information, hit SEARCH. A list of courses will be brought up. • The list will include the course title, Course ID, Call number, hours, when and where offered, faculty teaching, and number enrolled.
Administrative Items- Ordering a Transcript • To order a transcript, go to the ADMIN menu and choose Transcript. • The Transcript Order window appears. Enter the appropriate information- No. or transcripts needed at that address, the address to send them to and any additional instructions. • Once the form is completed, click on the ORDER button.
Administrative Items- Paying for a Transcript Order • After the order has been placed and no more transcripts need to be ordered, click the Pay Fees button to pay for your order(s). • Enter your Credit Card information in the Payment screen and click continue. The system will ask you to confirm your order. After payment is successful, a message will appear stating payment was applied.
Logout • To logout of UTLINK Student.net, Click on the door in the upper right corner of the screen. • Be sure to always logout for security reasons.