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Principle of case control studies

Understand the principles of case-control studies, focusing on case and control selection, recall bias, advantages, and limitations. Learn about different control selection methods and the impact of recall bias on study outcomes. Explore the advantages, such as investigating rare diseases and multiple exposures, along with limitations of this study design.

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Principle of case control studies

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  1. Principle of case control studies • Part II • Selection of case and control • Recall bias • Advantage and limitation of case control study Piyanit Tharmaphornpilas MD, MPH The International Field Epidemiology Training Program, Thailand

  2. Who is a case ? All (or randomly sampling) people within the source population who develop the disease of interest Source population • population within a geographic boundary • population attending a single clinic • population under a specific registration • population involving in an occasion e.g. a wedding party • etc.

  3. Who is a control ? • A control do not have disease in question • A control should be selected from the same source population as the case • Controls should be selected independently of their exposure status • Controls must be subject to the same inclusion and exclusion criteria as cases.

  4. Population controls All (or randomly sampled) people within the source population who do not develop the disease of interest The most desirable option To obtain population controls: • the source population must be identified explicitly • simple random sampling must be feasible

  5. Neighbourhood controls After a case is identified, controls who reside in the same neighbourhood are recruited into the study Advantages and limitations: • easy to do • good when source population is from a geographic boundary • bad when source population is from registration- or hospital-based • risk of overmatching

  6. Friend controls Cases are asked to listed their friends and controls are chosen from the list Advantages and limitations: • friends may have similar exposure or habit as cases than others (this may reduce OR in the study) • extroverted people are likely to be named as friends, so, exposures more common in extroverted people are likely to become over-represented among friend controls • overmatching

  7. Random digit dialing Controls are randomly selected individual in chosen households. Sampling of households is based on random selection of telephone number. Advantages and limitations: • easy to do in areas where telephone is widely available • good when source population is from a geographic boundary (same prefix number) • randomly sampling of individual within a household is not easy • If a household has more than one telephone number, chance of being selected is increased • If mobile phone is used as house phone, those households will be missed

  8. Hospital-based controls Controls are recruited from the same hospitals or clinics as the cases. The source population: • people who would be treated in a given hospital or clinic if they developed the disease in question Advantages and limitations: • preferred when cases are from hospitals or clinics (taking into account the referral patterns) • patients seen at the hospital may have different exposure distribution from source population

  9. Dead controls Controls are a member of the source population for cases, but died from other causes Advantages and limitations: • convenience when studies based entirely on deaths • controls cannot be interviewed since they already died • exposure distribution in death may be different from others who are alive

  10. What is recall biases Limitations of case-control studies • Cannot compute directly relative risk • Not suitable for rare exposure • Temporal relationship exposure-disease difficult to establish • Possible biases +++ • control selection ”selection bias” • information bias ”misclassification” and • ”recall biases”when collecting data

  11. What is recall bias Bias due to differences in accuracy or completeness of recall to memory of prior events or experience Mothers whose children have had leukemia are more likely than mothers of healthy living children to remember diagnostic x-ray examinations to which these children were exposed in utero.

  12. Advantages of case control studies • Rare diseases • Long latency diseases • Several exposures • Rapidity • Low cost • Small sample size • Available data • No ethical problem

  13. End of part II

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