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A Review On Face Recognition Techniques

A Review On Face Recognition Techniques. Contents. Introduction Review on the topic Related Issues Face Recognition Techniques Comparison Discussion Databases Conclusion References. Introduction. Face recognition is a biometric technique for automatic identification.

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A Review On Face Recognition Techniques

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  1. A Review On Face Recognition Techniques

  2. Contents • Introduction • Review on the topic • Related Issues • Face Recognition Techniques • Comparison • Discussion • Databases • Conclusion • References Delhi Technological University

  3. Introduction • Face recognition is a biometric technique for automatic identification. • It makes use the most usual human identifier, face and unique facial characteristics. • Emergence has been fuelled due to wide range of law and commercial enforcement. • Widely used in commercial systems to perform real-time face detection, image registration and image matching. Delhi Technological University

  4. Introduction (contd…) Technologies in face recognition have been evolving through years. Its importance has recently grown in a significant manner due to: • Increased civilian and commercial research projects. • Need for surveillance in trafficking. • Increased terrorist activities. • Enhanced real time computation and exploration of real time hardware. Delhi Technological University

  5. Review Before the middle 90’s, the research attention was only focused on single-face recognition. The approaches included: • Kirby and Sirovich [1] were among the first to apply principal component analysis (PCA) to face images. • Turk and Pentland popularized PCA for face recognition [4] via eigen faces. • Neural networks have been widely applied in pattern recognition as achieve better performance than the simple minimum distance classifiers [16]. • Using skin color etc. Delhi Technological University

  6. Review (contd...) During the past ten years, considerable progress has been made in multi-face recognition area, includes: • RBF neural networks process implemented in helps in structure determination of the radial basis function (RBF) neural networks. • Discrete cosine transform (DCT) [3, 14]. • Support vector machine (SVM) by Osuna et al. (1997). • Hidden Markov Model [19, 39]. • Multilinear PCA [31, 32]. • Face Recognition using Texture and Depth Information[38]. Delhi Technological University

  7. Technical approaches to face recognition • Feature based approach : based on shape and geometrical relationships of key facial features including eyes, mouth, nose, chin and curvature based face components [18]. These are more robust against rotation, scale, and illumination variations • Holistic approach (Template matching approach) : takes the input face images globally and extract important facial features based on the high-dimensional intensity values of face images automatically. They greatly rely on the accuracy of facial feature detection • Hybrid approach : uses both the face images together with the local features for face recognition. Delhi Technological University

  8. Issues faced by face recognition techniques • Image intensity and orientation • Pose • Structural components • Occlusion • Image quality • Facial expression • Illumination Delhi Technological University

  9. Face Recognition Techniques • The incredible human intelligence can be demonstrated by its ability to recognize human faces. • Over the last three decades researches have been going on to study this outstanding visual perception of human beings in machine recognition of faces. • While coping up with the challenges in face recognition numerous techniques have been implemented and few are as follows Delhi Technological University

  10. PCA • Principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical dimensionality reduction method. • This subspace projection technique has found application in fields such as face recognition, pattern recognition and image compression. • It is computationally efficient to compare images in subspaces with significantly reduced dimensions. • PCA helps to reduce image vectors with 65,536 pixels (256x256) might be projected into a subspace with only 100 to 300 dimensions. • PCA reveals the most effective low dimensional structure of facial patterns by decomposing the face structure into orthogonal (uncorrelated) components known as eigenvectors and eigenvalues [20]. Delhi Technological University

  11. In PCA, a set of training images I, are used to compute basis vectors. In first step, the average image in I is computed and subtracted from the training images, creating a set of data samples, given by equation (1) i1,i2,i3, ...., ∈ I− i (1) • These data samples are then arrayed in a matrix with one column per sample image, as represented by X in equation (2), X= (2) • XXT is then the sample covariance matrix for the training images. The principal components of the covariance matrix are computed by solving equation (3), RT (XXT )R = Λ (3) Delhi Technological University

  12. where Λ is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues and R is the matrix of orthonormal eigenvectors. • Larger the eigenvalue of the associated eigenvectors, more is the variance. • The N eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalues are used to define the subspace, where N is the desired subspace dimensionality. • Input image is compared with training set data image by measuring distance between their respective eigenvector corresponding to each feature. • PCA gives robust performance under different lighting conditions by significant correlation between images with changes in illumination. Delhi Technological University

  13. Artificial Neural Network • Artificial neural network is a nonlinear mathematical approach derived from structure of biological neural network having interconnected group of neurons. • Computes the data using a connectionist approach. • Kohonen [8] was the first to demonstrate neural network as a efficient technique to recognize aligned and normalized faces. • One of the first artificial neural networks (ANN) technique used for face recognition is a single layer adaptive network called WISARD containing a separate network for each stored individual [21]. Delhi Technological University

  14. Figure shows a single hidden layer between input and output layers. figure : Three layer artificial neural network. • The input test images are given at input layer and face or non face image match as 0 or 1 value of node are given at output layer. • During the process, weights of network are continuously updated until error rate in recognition is close to zero. Delhi Technological University

  15. SVM • SVM [19] was first proposed in 1997 and can improve the accuracy and reduce the computation. • For the first time Osuna et al. [25] used it as a linear classifier for face detection. • A support vector machine constructs a hyperplane or set of hyperplanes in a -high or infinite-dimensional space, which can be used for classification, regression or other tasks. • An hyperplane is selected called as Optimal Separating Hyperplane (OSH),[26] which minimizes the risk of misclassifying the images in the training set and input test image data set and should minimize the classification error . Delhi Technological University

  16. A solid hyperplane (OSH) is separating training data of class 1 and 2, outliers are handled by means of soft margins figure : Classification pattern of SVM • The used ORL database consisting of 200 images. A 20×20 window of pixels(400 dimension vectors) is extracted from each image to create a sample. Delhi Technological University

  17. MPCA and LPP • PCA is a linear projection method using dimensionality reduction. • MPCA is an improved version of PCA with multilinear algebra, in which each image is divided into number of sub-block image and then PCA is applied for each sub-block image. • Locality Preserving Projection (LPP) is a linear approximations of the nonlinear Laplacian Eigenmap [30]. • It is also well-known as a linear graph embedding method [31, 32]. It performs a nearest neighbour search in the low dimensional space to retrieve audio, video and text documents by locality preservation under a vector space model. Delhi Technological University

  18. The combined approach of using MPCA and LPP consist of mainly 4 steps: 1. Image preprocessing comprising of face normalization and resizing of face image. 2. Appling MPCA for dimensionality reduction. 3. Applying LPP for face extraction. 4. Face recognition using L2 similarity distance measure. The L2 distance is computed between the face images present in the database and the query image for matching process. Threshold determines whether the face pair is classified as same or different database. d ( a, b) = The formula used to compute the L2 distance measure is given by above equation. Delhi Technological University

  19. Face Recognition using Texture and Depth Information • 3D face image or depth information is used for face recognition. • Texture information is more efficient than depth information for face recognition. • Texture information is more sensitive to illumination and poses variation, thus recognition rate drops in environment with illumination changes. • For enhancing the accuracy of face recognition, algorithms utilize both depth and texture information [33, 34]. • 3D information is used for the estimation of face rotation and orientation. • A two level algorithm, first level is face recognition using texture and second is face recognition using depth. Face extraction and matching done by SIFT descriptor [35]. Delhi Technological University

  20. The proposed face recognition algorithm [38] has the following steps: • Local features are extraction from input texture image and comparison with all local features extracted from texture face images in database. • Some predefined criteria are checked for matched local features. • If the criteria are satisfied, we determine the recognized face; • otherwise depending on the matched local features some face images are selected from database for recognition. The selected faces from database are called restricted face database. • 3. The depth information is used to calculate and compensate for the 3D rotation matrix and translation vector between input image and each image in the restricted face database. Delhi Technological University

  21. 4. Using thresholding algorithm, unnecessary parts of depth images like hair, neck, dress and collar are removed from input image and the restricted face database. 5. Tip of nose is detected in depth images and used to compensate for scale change in depth images. 6. The correlation between the input image and restricted face database are calculated and the final recognized face by its values. Delhi Technological University

  22. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIs Delhi Technological University

  23. Description • The various databases used and performance of methods is around 90%. • Techniques have shown a high success rate for face recognition of frontal face images. • A few of the works have got success in case of partial occlusion or multi-view face detection and recognition. • The accuracy of any technique in face recognition is given by its recognition rate, which is defined as the percent of correctly recognized faces. • PCA is a predominant approach in the field and gives a recognition rate of 90.56% when tested on ORL database. Dimensionality reduction makes it computationally very efficient and gives high accuracy by eliminating the axis of small variance which are probably the noise elements. The results of PCA are very sensitive to background, illumination etc. • Thus the performance of PCA is not satisfactory for next generation face recognition systems. Delhi Technological University

  24. MPCA and LPP is multifractal and multiple feature processing in images. This technique provides a better dimensionality reduction than conventional. Machine learning approaches as SVM and neural network, SVM obtain better performance by giving 95% recognition rate on ORL database over 90.10% of recognition rate by neural network over CMU database. SVM use structural risk minimization while MLPs minimize the mean square error on training examples or use empirical risk minimization. Neural network performs well under varying lighting conditions. It is complicated to design a network including number of nodes, layers and recognition rate. If poses are added the performance of the neural network degrades. Delhi Technological University

  25. It has two major drawbacks including high sensitivity to image noise and large dimension of the observation vector that causes complexity in computation and time consumption. New approach for face recognition using texture and depth information. It can overcome the problem of pose variation and illumination change for face recognition. The algorithm was tested with different images and results the efficiency of 88.96% recognition rate on FRAV3D databases of face images (2D +3D) with rotation, scale, pose and illumination changes. Delhi Technological University

  26. Comparison bars Delhi Technological University

  27. Databases • For development of robust Face recognition techniques the needed databases is required to have sufficient size that include carefully controlled variations of factors like pose, illumination, angles etc. • ORL database • FERET database • MIT database [4, 20] • CMU database • FRAV3D database [37] Delhi Technological University

  28. Conclusion • The performance of all methods taken up was around 90% when tested with various databases. • Certain techniques like HMM and SVM are giving promising performance. • Future research will concentrate on experimenting over multidimensional analysis such as depth detection for 3D view, multifractal processing in still images and video face recognition systems. Delhi Technological University

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  35. Thank you Delhi Technological University

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