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Experimental tests of the SM (1): t he strong force. FK8022, Lecture 5. Core texts : Review of Particle Physics : QCD minireview Further reading : Quarks and Leptons , an Introductory Course in Modern Physics , Halzen and Martin. Free parameters of the Standard Model.
Experimental tests of the SM (1):the strong force FK8022, Lecture 5 Coretexts: Review ofParticlePhysics : QCD minireview Furtherreading: Quarks and Leptons, an Introductory Course in Modern Physics, Halzen and Martin.
Free parameters of the Standard Model Masses Couplings Flavour and CP violation 19 free parameters (massless neutrino version). SM tests requirebothcollider and non-colliders
Free parameters of the Standard Model Masses Couplings Flavour and CP violation Collider tests of the strong and electroweaksectors (thislecture). CKM, CPV (lecture 6), Higgs (lectures 8,9)
Recent and currentcolliders Diverse and complementarycollider program
Lepton-nucleondeep-inelasticscattering Pe e.- ’ Pe e.- Pgg Pp p
e- e- Pe Q2 selected data =data point p Pp partonxPp x parton
F2for different scenarios of proton structure F2 H1 experiment at HERA x
Bjorkenscaling and the quarkpartonmodel Quasi-freequarks Stronglyboundquarks
The final part of the story: perturbative QCD processes + + +
Scalingviolations Standard Model HERA Lowenergy DIS
Extractionofas •
Event shapemeasurements at LEP Rates over several orders ofmagnitude. Excellent descriptionof QCD-basedmodels.
Extractionofas e+ e-
Moremeasurementsofas • • • Lecture 9 •
QCD at hadron-hadroncolliders hadrons p p hadrons hadrons
Jet production at the LHC jet jet jet jet jet jet
Measuring the hadroniccontributiontoa e- e- e- e- e- e- + + m+,m- e+,e-
Summary • Range ofactive and recent colliders • Large general purpose experiments • Small experiments tackling specific problems • Coherent program • Eachcollisionenvironment and colliderenergy makes a uniquecontributionto the studyof the strong force • pQCDremainsto be falsifieddespiteincreasing precision and energyscale • as(Mz)=0.1185 ± 0.0006 2