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Chapter 3

Chapter 3. Stress. Stress. Is the response of your body and mind to being challenged or threatened. You experience stress when situations, events, or people make demands on your body and mind. 2 types of Stress Eustress -positive stress Distress- negative stress. Causes.

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Chapter 3

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  1. Chapter 3 Stress

  2. Stress • Is the response of your body and mind to being challenged or threatened. • You experience stress when situations, events, or people make demands on your body and mind. • 2 types of Stress • Eustress-positive stress • Distress- negative stress

  3. Causes • An event or situation that causes stress is called a stressor. • Four general types of stressors are major life changes, catastrophes, everyday problems, and environmental problems. • What are some examples of major life changes?

  4. How Stress affects the body • Anytime your body feels threatened, your body’s response isn’t under your control. • The body’s response to stress occurs in 3 stages- alarm stage, resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage.

  5. The alarm Stage • During the alarm stage, your body releases a substance called adrenaline into your blood. • It causes immediate changes in your body. • Your heart beats faster, breathing speeds up, and your muscles tense. • These changes prepare you for the body’s initial reaction which is fight-or-flight response.

  6. Resistance stage • If you are unable to successfully respond to a stressor during the alarm stage, your body moves into resistance stage. • During this stage, your body adapts to the continued presence, and you may no longer think you are stressed because the alarm stage disappears. • However, the work that your body does during the resistance stage uses a lot of energy such as becoming tired, irritable, and less able to handle anymore stress.

  7. Exhaustion stage • In this stage your body can no longer keep up with the demands placed on it. • Exhaustion stage occurs only if the stressor continues for a long time. • People may reach this stress level when they experience extreme stress that is beyond their control….Ex.Death

  8. Warning Signs of Stress • The warning signs of stress include changes in how your body functions and changes in emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. • Headache • Upset stomach • Angry • Unable to concentrate • Sleep problems

  9. Stress & Illness • Stress can trigger certain illnesses, reduce the body’s ability to fight an illness, and make some diseases harder to control. • 57% of female teens and 36% of male teens report having a least one headache each week.

  10. Stress & individuals • How you react to a stressor depends on how you assess the situation. • You should always ask your self 2 important questions. • Is this situation a threat to my well-being? • DO I have the necessary resources to meet the challenge? • Time, energy, skills, and experience are resources. • Situations that cause the most distress are those in which you answer NO to question 2.

  11. Stress & personality • Your personality have a lot to do with how you respond to stressors. • Optimism- is the tendency to focus on the positive aspects of a situation. • Pessimism- is the tendency to focus on the negative and expect the worst. • Perfectionist- is a person who accepts nothing less than excellence. • Which one are you?

  12. Take control of stress • Two techniques that can help you keep stress under control are time management & mental rehearsal. • There are three strategies that can help you relieve stress tension…. • Physical activity • Relaxation • Biofeedback • Change you thinking: Avoid negative thinking, & try finding humor in a situation.

  13. Resilience & Support • You need to build resilience to help you deal with extreme or prolonged stress. • Such as… Pg.75 • Sharing your problems can help you see them more clearly. Just describing your concerns to someone else often helps you to understand the problem better. • Name some people?

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