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International Cooperation and Coordination: KEK. Introduction of KEK How a new HEP project is undertaken in Japan Current HEP priorities Toward ILC. EPP 2010 050516 Y. Totsuka. Inter-University Research Corporation High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK.
International Cooperation and Coordination: KEK • Introduction of KEK • How a new HEP project is undertaken in Japan • Current HEP priorities • Toward ILC EPP 2010 050516 Y. Totsuka EPP2010
Inter-University Research Corporation High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK GD Selection Committee • Staff (2004) • Trustees 7 • Researchers 373 • Technical staff 161 • Administrators 158 • Total 699 • Budget (2005) 417 (oku-yen) • Visitors (2004) 3985 (784 foreigners) Director-General AcceleratorResearchLaboratory Management Council Education & Research Council Applied Research Laboratory Radiation Low Temperature Computer Engineering ILC Project Office J-PARC Project Office Institute of Particle and Nuclear Study Institute of Materials Structure Science EPP2010
STF Tsukuba Campus:153 ha BELLE KEKB (8GeVe-x3.5GeVe+) K2K nm beamline Terminated ATF (Accelerator Test Facility) 6.5GeV PF-AR 2.5GeV PF 12GeV PS Terminated in Dec 2005 Spallation neutron source LE muon source Terminated in March 2006 e+ & e- LINAC EPP2010
J-PARC jointly with JAERI K-arena 50 GeV PS Neutrino beamline 3GeV PS LINAC EPP2010
How a new HEP project is undertaken in Japan • Japanese HEP community discusses and recommends a few prioritized projects to KEK. • KEK and MEXT (funding agency) discuss budgetary constraints. • KEK submits a formal proposal to MEXT by picking up a realistic one among the projects recommended by the community • MEXT asks a standing committee to review and approve it • Sub-committee for Basic Science under Committee for Science and Technology, MEXT • Approval from other committees is necessary, if the project is conducted jointly with other institute J-PARC. • Final approval by CSTP, Cabinet Office (~ OSTP in the US) EPP2010
CSTP • CSTP (Committee for Science and Technology Policy): • Members • Prime minister, 6 ST-related ministers, 4 full-time science/engineers, and 3 part-time scientists/engineers EPP2010
CSTP - 2 • Mission • Policy to promote ST in a general and organized way • Policy on budget and personnel for ST • To review big projects • According to the 2nd ST 5-year basic plan (2001 – 2005) made by CSTP the government is expected to spend 20.7 Trillion \ (~ 200 B$), though 24 T\ was planned. • Fraction of basic researches ~ 40% • CSTP’s 3rd 5-year basic plan (2006 – 2010) is under discussion and will be ready in February 2006. • Large-scale ST proposals are reviewed, considering whether they are consistent with the ST basic plan. • ILC would be the case like ITER. EPP2010
Cont. • MEXT negotiates the budget with Ministry of Finance • Examples: • 12 GeV PS • TRISTAN (e+e- collider) • KEKB (e+e- collider) • Super-Kamiokande • K2K (neutrino beam line) • J-PARC (3 and 50 GeV PS, under construction) • T2K (neutrino beam line) EPP2010
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Electron synchrotron (1.3 GeV) (1999) (1961) (1976-2005) Proton synchrotron (12 GeV) Univ. Tokyo Tanashi Campus (1982) Photon factory (2.5 GeV) TRISTAN (30GeV e+ 30GeV e-) (1986) (1994) (1999) KEKB (8GeV e- 3.5GeV e+) J-PARC 50GeV p, 3 GeV p (2009) EPP2010
KEK’s current priorities for HEP -1 • Running the KEKB collider and the BELLE experiment • Up to luminosity of 1000 fb-1 secured by CSTP • 430 fb-1 so far • Could be achieved in 2008 • BELLE is truly international. EPP2010
-2 • Construction and commissioning of J-PARC as scheduled • Total construction cost (phase 1) ~ 1500 oku-yen • Cost for operation, maintenance and experiments ~ 170 – 200 oku-yen / year, half supported by KEK • T2K start in 2009 • T2K will be international. Decay volume of the neutrino beamline Super-Kamiokande nm 295km EPP2010
-3 • Active participation in ILC GDE and R&D • Full use of ATF and STF (superconducting RF test facility under construction) ATF EPP2010
KEK’s budget for FY05: 417 oku-yen HEP-related main items 2004 2005 • Salaries: ……………………………………….. 72 72 • J-PARC construction: ………………………. 83 110 • Computers: ……………………………………. 21 21 • Operations, R&Ds and others: • Electricity etc.: …………………………………. 53 50 • KEKB: • Operation and maintenance: …………….. 18 16 • R&D (crab cavities): ………………………. 5 7 • LINAC: …………………………………………….. 5 5 • BELLE maintenance etc.: ………………………. 7 7 • LC R&D • ATF and STF: ...………………………………. 4 5 • Japan-US collaboration: ……..…………….. 3 5 • PS: ………………………………………………….. 7 7 • K2K, etc.: ………………………………………….. 3 1 • LHC-ATLAS: ………………………………………. 2 4 • J-PARC related: …………………………………..~ 9 12 EPP2010
Current discussion in Japanese HEP community • ILC (energy-frontier e+e- collider) • Highest priority • To be discussed • Super-KEKB (luminosity-frontier e+e- collider) • Upgrade of J-PARC (4 MW PS) for neutrino physics EPP2010
Toward ILC EPP2010
2004 Statement from JHEPC (Japanese HEP Committee) • Upon the ITRP's technology choice, the JHEPC, after leading the discussion in Japanese community as to how Japan should proceed to the new stage of the ILC researches after the decision, confirms as the consensus of the high energy physics community in Japan that scientists and engineers in Japan should cooperate to realize the ILC by actively participating in the activities of the Global Design Initiative (GDI) of the ILC. • The JHEPC therefore urges that more scientists and engineers work on their own initiative in closer cooperation with industry for the ILC and play the leading role in the GDI. The JHEPC also supports KEK's proposal to host the Central Team of the GDI. EPP2010
LC Forum: Cooperation with industry • Objective • Establish international and industrial collaboration scheme, • Develop strategic scenario for technological R&D, • Assess associated infrastructure and economic effects. • Founded in 2002 • Members • JHEPC • 63 industrial companies • researchers from universities / institutes • 3 working groups • International collaboration • Technology development • Associated infrastructure EPP2010
As of 2002 KEK KEK EPP2010
1997, 2001, and 2004 statements from ACFA (Asian committee for future accelerators) • Excerpt from 2004 statement: • ACFA reaffirms that the ILC, the next major high-energy physics project, should be realized by world-wide efforts. In such International collaboration ACFA and scientists in ACFA countries should play crucial and leading roles. • ACFA reconfirms the importance of hosting ILC in Asia, which will make high energy physics and accelerator science truly global. • ACFA urges Japanese Government to fully support the efforts of KEK and Japanese scientists to host the ILC in Japan. • ACFA urges KEK to establish the Asian Regional Center for R&D in GDI and encourages other Asian countries to actively participate in GDI. • With ILC entering this important phase, ACFA urges Governments of Asian countries to support participation of their scientists in GDI. EPP2010
2004 ICFA statement (excerpt) • ICFA welcomes the January 2004 OECD Ministerial Statement on International Cooperation on Large Accelerator-based Projects in High-Energy Physics, which “acknowledged the importance of ensuring access to large-scale research infrastructure and the importance of the long-term vitality of high-energy physics. They noted the worldwide consensus of the scientific community, which has chosen an electron-positron linear collider as the next accelerator-based facility to complement and expand on the discoveries that are likely to emerge from the Large Hadron Collider currently being built at CERN. They agreed that the planning and implementation of such a large, multi-year project should be carried out on a global basis, and should involve consultations among not just scientists, but also representatives of science funding agencies from interested countries. Accordingly, Ministers endorsed the statement prepared by the OECD Global Science Forum Consultative Group on High-Energy Physics (see Appendix).” • ICFA reaffirms its conviction that the highest priority for a new machine for particle physics is a linear electron-positron collider with an initial energy of 500 GeV, extendible up to about 1 TeV, with a significant period of concurrent running with the LHC. EPP2010
Following the statements from JHEPC, ACFA and ICFA, KEK will actively participate in GDE design work and R&D to realize ILC, and strengthen joint work among Asian institutes. • KEK signed for GDE-MOU. • Asian MOU for R&D efforts toward the Realization of the ILC is under discussion. EPP2010
KEK R&D effort - 1; ATF • To produce the electron beams with the quality required for ILC 1.28 GeV EPP2010
to demonstrate the beam focusing technologies that are consistent with ILC requirements • to focus the beam down to a few tens of nm (rms) with a beam centroid stability within a few nm for a prolonged period of time • AFT2-MOU is under discussion internationally EPP2010
KEK R&D effort - 2; STF (Superconducting RF Test Facility) EPP2010
; 35MV/m ; 45MV/m EPP2010
Conclusion • KEK is • the central institute for HEP in Japan • currently running the KEKB collider and the BELLE experiment. (The T2K neutrino experiment is over.) • building 3 and 50 GeV proton accelerators, J-PARC, jointly with JAERI. • The T2K neutrino experiment will start in 2009. • KEK will further promote international cooperation. • will strengthen ties with Asian institutes. • actively participate in the world-wide endeavor of the ILC project, following the statements given by JHEPC, ACFA and ICFA. EPP2010
Both LHC and ILC are necessary EPP2010
ILC (500 1000GeV) KEKB/PEP2 14TeV LHC (14TeV) 4.5TeV Tevatron(2TeV) 1.4TeV SppS (540GeV) 450GeV 140GeV LEP (120 200GeV) TRISTAN(JPN) 43GeV PETRA/PEP SPEAR AGS 12GeV Reaction Energy KEK PS 2.9GeV p-p(bar) collider e+e- collider 50MeV 0.5MeV 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year Reaction energy = 2E* - 2mp, e EPP2010
Top quark W, Z Bottom quark Higgs SUSY ・・・・ KEKB/PEP2 Charm quark 14TeV LHC (14TeV) 4.5TeV Tevatron(2TeV) 1.4TeV SppS (540GeV) Tau neutrino ILC (500 1000GeV) 450GeV 2 neutrinos 140GeV LEP (120 200GeV) Excited states TRISTAN(JPN) antiproton 43GeV PETRA/PEP Stand M. Reactrion Energy 12GeV SPEAR p meson prod KEK PS Gluons 2.9GeV 7Li+p2a p-p(bar) collider e+e- collider Tau lepton Neutrino osc 50MeV Deep inelastic (exist of quarks) CP violation 0.5MeV 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year Reaction energy = 2E* - 2mp, e EPP2010