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Keeping Penn State Healthy through HEALTHWORKS!

Keeping Penn State Healthy through HEALTHWORKS!. By: Barbara Trunk. W hat is HealthWorks ?!. HealthWorks is a peer education/outreach program in University Health Services. The group aims to promote health among Penn State students. The mission of HealthWorks is to:

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Keeping Penn State Healthy through HEALTHWORKS!

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  1. Keeping Penn State Healthy through HEALTHWORKS! By: Barbara Trunk

  2. What is HealthWorks?! • HealthWorks is a peer education/outreach program in University Health Services. The group aims to promote health among Penn State students. The mission of HealthWorks is to: • Increase awareness and knowledge of health issues, such as sexual health, nutrition and fitness, wellness, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and body image and eating disorders • Promote healthy lifestyle choices • Provide health education programs, information, and materials to students • Advocate for a healthy Penn State community.

  3. What is my role? I have been a HealthWorks peer educator since the Spring semester of my freshman year, so for 2 years now! Currently I am the co-creator and co-team captain of the team in charge of our healthy eating program, Mission: Nutrition I am also involved with other teams such as Healthy Eating with HealthWorks where I scripted and hosted an episode of the cooking show series. The dish made was a Vegetable Salsa with Whole Wheat Pita Chips. So good. I am a also a part of the Recruitment Team. We are currently reviewing applications. Hours completed this semester: 22

  4. Physical Well Being Being a part of HealthWorks has allowed me to lead by example. I try to get students to engage in healthy behaviors and strive to be someone they can look up to when attempting to do so. I am able to set a good example for my friends which has in turn made me a more healthy person. I have been able to “practice what I preach” by eating healthy, getting physical activity, and keeping my stress levels under control. Also, HealthWorks allows me to help manage my time which ultimately leads to stress reduction!

  5. Social Well Being I love people, simple as that! HealthWorks has provided me with so many opportunities to interact with my peers. Mission: Nutrition and Safer Sex Parties are great ways to educate students in a fun, interactive manner. I am a lot more comfortable public speaking, especially when talking about issues that may be a bit uncomfortable for some. Aside from working with people I do not personally know, all of the members of HealthWorks have made my experience so wonderful! It is so nice to be around people who are as passionate about health as I am. All of the peer educators have a lot in common, yet are really unique in a lot of ways.

  6. Mental/Emotional Well Being One of my biggest passions is helping others. Just knowing that I made a difference in someone else’s life in some way is so rewarding, whether it is teaching them about the new MyPlate, or urging them to take free condoms at the HUB. HealthWorks has made me a better person and improved my emotional well being by allowing me to help others and receive the satisfaction that makes me feel like I am giving back to my Penn State community.

  7. The Future HealthWorks has given me so much nutrition related experience. As I mentioned before, I helped to create Mission:Nutrition. The program is an hour long and covers topics such as portion control, fast food intake, and dining out/snacking. It took us two years to finalize the script and gather all materials needed! HealthWorks has also assured me that I want a definite career in health. I want to teach people how to improve their overall well being, especially when it comes to their diet. I have also been able to network through HealthWorks at events such as the Green Health fair, and working with supervisors in the dining commons for National Nutrition Month.

  8. #1 Benefit HealthWorks has made me a much more confident, knowledgeable person. I have done things I never thought I would be able to; For example (s), I have educated an entire fraternity about safe sex, filmed a cooking show, and developed a program that will be used in peer education for years to come. I am truly passionate about peer health education. Being in HealthWorks has been one of the greatest experiences I’ve had thus far at Penn State!

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