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Although many cases of elder abuse follow a common thread, many unique manifestations are prevalent in todays society. As nurses, doctors, dietitians, and housekeeping staff are afforded access to homes or rooms where senior citizens live. Some most common forms of elder abuse:<br><br>1. Physical<br>2. Mental<br>3. Sexual and more<br><br>The Kaufman Law Firm, a pro-elderly Los Angeles elder abuse lawyer dedicated to the preservation of freedoms for elderly individuals being cared for by these licensed agencies, zealously litigates cases where skilled care lost its care.
What Are The Most Common Forms Of Elder Abuse?
Although many cases of elder abuse follow a common thread, many unique manifestations are prevalent in today’s society. As nurses, doctors, dietitians and housekeeping staff are afforded access to homes or rooms where senior citizens live.
➢ Physical Workers who may be having a bad day are known for kicking, punching even roughly handling elderly folks to the point they leave bruises or break already fragile bones. ➢ Mental Identifying a weakness of a senior citizen, then exploiting said weakness for one’s personal financial gain, is another form of elderly abuse. This may include blackmailing, threatening loved ones, or conspiring to hurt physical property if certain conditions aren’t met.
➢ Sexual It’s not entirely in common for elderly folks who cannot defend themselves to be sexually assaulted, then threatened if they vocalize the attack. ➢ Neglect Medical deprivation, intentional starvation or depriving elderly folks of comfort items is an act of neglect. This may also include cutting off extra financial privileges such as credit card use. Another form of a neglect, isolation, may detriment the physical and mental well-being of senior citizens.
➢ Financial One of the most popular forms of elderly abuse involves duping folks into signing over life savings, or signing paperwork making perpetrators the sole beneficiary of property or bank accounts. Institutionally-based elder abuse isn’t the only type Los Angeles elder abuse attorney group handles. Certain types of abandonment and institutional abuse fall under EADACPA legislation. Notwithstanding, certain cases may not only be tried civilly but be referred to district attorney for criminal prosecution.
While many loved ones may be oblivious to elder abuse where the senior citizen resides, a growing number of survivors simply don’t report incidents out of fear the institution will retaliate against their elderly parent. The Kaufman Law Firm, a pro-elderly Los Angeles elder abuse lawyer dedicated to the preservation of freedoms for elderly individuals being cared for by these licensed agencies, zealously litigates cases where skilled care lost its ‘care’.
11111 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 1840 Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-981-3404 https://www.harriskaufman.com/contact.shtml