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AP210: Electrical/Electronics PCA Design Information

AP210: Electrical/Electronics PCA Design Information. Part Functionality Termination Shape 2D, 3D Single Level Decomposition Material Product Characteristics. Product Structure/ Connectivity Functional Packaged. Physical

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AP210: Electrical/Electronics PCA Design Information

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  1. AP210: Electrical/ElectronicsPCA Design Information • Part • Functionality • Termination • Shape 2D, 3D • Single Level Decomposition • Material Product • Characteristics • Product Structure/ • Connectivity • Functional • Packaged • Physical • Component Placement • Bare Board Geometry • Layout items • Layers non-planar, • conductive & non-conductive • Material product • Configuration Mgmt • Identification • Authority • Effectivity • Control • Requirement Traceability • Analytical Model • Document References • Geometry • Geometrically Bounded • 2-D Shape • Wireframe with Topology • Advanced BREP Solids • Constructive Solid Geometry • Requirements • Design • Allocation • Constraints • Interface • Technology • Fabrication Design Rules • Product Design Rules

  2. Electrotechnical Equipment in Industry AP 212: Electrotechnical Design and Installation • Data Supporting • Terminals and Interfaces • Functional Decomposition of Product • 3D Cabling and Harnesses • Cable Tracks and Mounting Instructions • Electrotechnical Systems • Buildings • Plants • Transportation Systems • Equipment Coverage • Power-transmission • Power-distribution • Power-generation • Electric Machinery • Electric Light and Heat • Control Systems • Electrotechnical Plant • Plant, e.g., Automobile • Unit, e.g., Engine Control System • Subunit, e.g., Ignition System

  3. Process Plans AP 213: Numerical Control (NC) Process Plans for Machined Parts • Administration Information • Responsible Organisations • Contracts • Approvals • Revisions • Specifications • Geometric Shapes • Advanced BREP Solids • Facetted BREP Solids • Manifold Surfaces • with Topology • Wireframe with Topology • Surfaces and Wireframe • without Topology • Manufacturing Activities • Material Removal • Setup\Teardown • Part Handling • Validation • Sequencing • Instructions • Rates & Times • Manufacturing Resources • Machines • Materials • Fixtures • Tools • Workcell/Workstations • NC Program Reference • Design Data • Drawings & Illustrations • Tolerances • Surface Finish

  4. ProSTEP AP 214: Core Data for Automotive Mechanical Design Processes • Geometry • Solids Data • Surface Data • Wireframe • Measured Data • Presentation • Drawing • Visualization • Manufacturing • NC-Data • Process Plans • Analysis • Simulation • Technology Data • Material Data • Form Features • Tolerance Data • Surface Conditions • Specification/Configuration • Product Structure Data • Management Data

  5. AP 215: Ship Arrangement General Subdivision of a Ship into Spatially Bounded Regions • Zone Boundries • Controlling Access • Design Authority • Cargo Stowage • Machinery Compartments • Crew Occupancy • Space Adjacency • Common Purpose Spaces • Data Supported • Volumetric Capacities of Cargo Compartments • Spatial Boundries based on Moulded Form Regions, Geometric Surfaces or Bounding Boxes • Calculation of Effect on Structural Systems based on Magnitude and Location of Cargo Loads

  6. AP 216: Ship Moulded Forms Surface, wireframe and offset point representations Design, Production and Operations lifecycles General characteristics Main dimensions Hullform geometry Major internal surfaces Hydrostatics Intact Stability tables

  7. AP217: Ship Piping

  8. Configuration Management • Class Approval • Approval Relationship • Change Administration • Promotion Status General Characteristics Product Structure • Generic Product Strucure • Assembly • Space • System Weight Description Hull Cross Section Structural Parts • Feature • Plate • Edge Content • Opening • Profile • Profile Endcut Cargo • Geometric Representations • Wireframe • Complex Wireframe • Surfaces • Solids Production Design Data Production Engineering Data AP 218: Ship Structures Technical Description

  9. Second Deck Ready Rooms Controlled Access Gun Turret/ Closed Zone Open Deck AP 215: Ship Arrangement General Subdivision of a Ship into Spatially Bounded Regions • Zone Boundries • Controlling Access • Design Authority • Cargo Stowage • Machinery Compartments • Crew Occupancy • Space Adjacency • Common Purpose Spaces • Data Supported • Volumetric Capacities of Cargo Compartments • Spatial Boundries based on Moulded Form Regions, Geometric Surfaces or Bounding Boxes • Calculation of Effect on Structural Systems based on Magnitude and Location of Cargo Loads

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