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Learn cardinal and ordinal numbers in Latin with corresponding Roman numerals. Explore vocabulary related to Britannia, cēna, fenestra, Graecia, Helvētia, iniūria, mēnsa, pugna, sella, Sicilia, Trōia, victōria.
Jenney’s First Year LatinLesson 21 Lesson 21 Vocabulary Numbers and Numerals: Cardinal Numbers Roman Numerals Ordinal Numbers
Britannia, Britaniae, f. Britain
cēna, cēnae, f. dinner
fenestra, fenestrae, f. window
Graecia, Graeciae, f. Greece
Helvētia, Helvētiae, f. Helvetia (a part of Gaul, modern Switzerland)
iniūria, iniūriae, f. wrong, injustice
mēnsa, mēnsae, f. table
pugna, pugnae, f. fight
sella, sellae, f. seat, chair
Sicilia, Siciliae, f. Sicily
Trōia, Trōiae, f. Troy
victōria, victōriae, f. victory
atque and
ac and (alternate form of atque)
aut or
aut…aut… either…or…
et…et… both…and…
quod because
sī if
Numbers and Numerals • as in English, there are number words and symbols (Roman numerals) to express numbers in Latin • every number word in Latin has a corresponding Roman numeral • numbers are technically adjectives, thus they modify nouns • there are two “types” of numbers: cardinal and ordinal • cardinal: one, two, three, four, etc. (used for counting) • ordinal: first, second, third, fourth, etc. (used for ranking)