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Wonderful Words of Life #13, Sacred Selections

Wonderful Words of Life #13, Sacred Selections. Background. Written by Philip P. Bliss (1838- 1876), a prolific songwriter Many of the songs we sing were written and composed by him.

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Wonderful Words of Life #13, Sacred Selections

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  1. Wonderful Words of Life #13, Sacred Selections

  2. Background Written by Philip P. Bliss (1838- 1876), a prolific songwriter Many of the songs we sing were written and composed by him. Wonderful Words was published in 1874 for the first issue of a religious paper entitled, “Words of Life” This song reminds us of how we can used the wonderful words of life

  3. Wonderful Words of Life • The word of God IS wonderful • Wonderful – full of wonder, awe. • Psalm 119:129, “Your testimonies are wonderful” • Romans 11:33, the depth and riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God • Romans 1:16, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16-17

  4. Wonderful Words of Life • The word of God IS beautiful • Beautiful – proper, pleasing to the senses. • Psalm 119:97, “How I love Your law…” • Psalm 147:1, praise is beautiful • Romans 10:15 (Isaiah 52:7)

  5. Wonderful Words of Life • They are words of life • His word gives us hope & life • John 5:39-40, “scriptures… life…these testify of Me.” • John 6:63, “The words I speak are spirit and they are life” • John 6:68, “you have the words of eternal life.” • Philippians 2:16, holding fast…

  6. Vs. 1 – wonderful to me • Do we treasure His words? • Matthew 13:45-46, Proverbs 23:23 • Sing them over again to me – we need His word continually. Diligent study 2 Timothy 2:15 • Romans 15:15, Philippians 3:1, 2 Peter 1:12-13, 3:1-2 – reminders • Songs sung regularly remind us of key messages

  7. Vs. 1 – wonderful to me • Let me more of their beauty see • 2 Timothy 2:15, Hebrews 5:14, Philippians 1:9 • Words of life…teach me faith - Romans 10:17, 1:16-17 • Duty – Titus 2:11-12, Matthew 7:24-27 – are we building upon a solid foundation?

  8. Vs. 2 – wonderful to all • Christ, the blessed One, gives to all – Romans 5:6-8, John 3:16, 6:63 • Sinners list to the loving call –list – arch. listen, choose Matthew 11:28-30, Revelation 22:17 • To listen is to accept and obey – Romans 10:17, Acts 2:38-40, 3:19; Romans 10:9-10, Galatians 3:27, etc.

  9. Vs. 2 – wonderful to all • All so freely given – grace! Titus 2:11, Ephesians 2:4-9 Romans 3:23-24, 6:23 • Wooing us to heaven – to invite, persuade. Heaven is our eternal reward – a motivator toward surrenderTitus 3:4-7, 2:11-13Romans 2:7 – eternal life

  10. Vs. 3 – share these wonderful words • Sweetly echo the gospel call – we must tell others Mark 16:15-16, Matthew 28:19-20, 1 Corinthians 9:22, cf. Acts 17:22-23 • Offer pardon and peace to all – to ALL! NOT just those we THINK are worthy! 2 Corinthians 5:10-11, 14-15

  11. Vs. 3 – share these wonderful words • Jesus only Savior – there is NO other way – John 14:6, Acts 4:12 • Sanctify forever – Jesus, once and for all times, paid the price to redeem us to God. We now belong to Him! Hebrews 10:10, 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14Hebrews 13:12, John 17:17

  12. Truly, His words are wonderful How wonderful are they to you?

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