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Compensation, Rehabilitation, & Redeployment following Work Related Illness and Injury

Compensation, Rehabilitation, & Redeployment following Work Related Illness and Injury. Dr John Schneider Specialist in Occupational Medicine Dept Community Medicine UAE University j.schneider@uaeu.ac.ae. Workplace Injury / Illness Costs. Direct Production Plant & Equipment

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Compensation, Rehabilitation, & Redeployment following Work Related Illness and Injury

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  1. Compensation, Rehabilitation, & Redeployment following Work Related Illness and Injury Dr John Schneider Specialist in Occupational Medicine Dept Community Medicine UAE University j.schneider@uaeu.ac.ae Dec 2006 - Oman

  2. Workplace Injury / Illness Costs • Direct • Production • Plant & Equipment • Workforce • Indirect • Litigation • Goodwill • Customers • Public

  3. Workplace Injury / Illness Funding • Self Funded • Insured • Self • Regulated • Combined

  4. Workers Compensation Insurance Costs 80% COSTS from 20% CLAIMS

  5. PrognosisLow Back Pain & RTW

  6. Workers Compensation ~Components • Costs of Medical Treatment • Reimbursement of Lost Wages • Permanent Impairment / Disability Payment • Assessment • Dynamic assessment • Accomodation

  7. Injury / IllnessManagement • First Aid • Primary Medical Care • Secondary Care • Definitive • Tertiary • Rehabilitation

  8. Injury / Illness Outcomes • Return to Work • +/- Restrictions • Rehabilitation • Off Site • In patient • Out patient • Formal Workplace Rehabilitation • Host workplace • Replacement

  9. Incapacity to Work(Multifactorial) • Initiating Injury / Illness • Temporary • Permanent • Secondary Physical Deconditioning • Lost Workhardning, Continuity & Awareness • Pre-existing Illness / Disability • Psycho-socio-cultural Factors

  10. Medical Factors Incapacity to Work 4-6 weeks Time

  11. Barriers To Rehabilitation(Medical Factors) • Severe Head Injury • Depression • Pre-existing & Subsequent Medical Factors

  12. Barriers To Rehabilitation(Environmental Factors) Incapacity to Work 4-6 weeks Time

  13. Barriers To Rehabilitation(Environmental Factors) • Avoidance (Rest) • Litigation • Job Dissatisfaction • Poverty of Job Skills • Finance • Sense of Injustice • Changed Family Dynamics • Socio-Cultural • Myths

  14. Occupational Medical Involvement • Assessments • Fitness for Work • Functional Assessment • Task analysis • Medical Monitoring • Continuing Treatment • Rehabilitation Management

  15. Early & Frequent Assessment Why ? THE FIRST STEP (Occ Rehabilitation) Identify Assessment Appropriate Treatment Limit Development of Environmental Factors Monitor & Review Dec 2006 - Oman

  16. Worker Assessment • Presenting Illness or Injury • Physical / Functional capabilities • Ongoing Management • Psychological Profile • Underlying Health Status • Age • Chronic Medical Conditions • Medication

  17. Workplace Assessment • Environment • Location • Logistics • Workprocesses • Chemical • Biological • Physical

  18. Workplace Assessment • Workstation Ergonomics • Anthropometrics • Access • Equipment Tools • Workpractices • Organizational • Individual

  19. Rehabilitation Outcome Alternatives • Return to • Usual job, Usual worksite • Modified usual job, Usual worksite • Redeployment • New job, Usual worksite • Relocation • Usual job, new worksite • Modified usual job, new worksite • Retraining • Retirement

  20. Implementation • Management Support • Policy & Proceedure Develop • Multidisciplinary Staffing • Training • Rehab Staff • Supervisors • Workers • Auditing & Review

  21. Limitations • Support • Worker • Medical Provider • Access • Workers • Resources • Operational

  22. Expected Benefitsfor Company • Faster return to full productive work. • Management of risk of further injury. • Reduced Costs • Insurance • Income Support • Treatment • Disability • Replacement • Improved Employee Morale • Improved Corporate Image

  23. Expected Benefits for Individual • Faster return to full productive work. • Reduced Disability • Promotes quicker recovery • Reduced physical deconditioning & workhardning. • Reduced disruption to family, social and working life. • Socio-medical support (single worker)

  24. Expected Benefits for Government • Improved Labour Force Productivity • Reduced Costs (Industry Subsidy) • Medical Treatment • Health Infrastructure • Social Welfare Payments • Labour Force Management • Improved OH&S Regulation & Compliance Monitoring • Improved International Standing

  25. GCC Workforce Considerations • Composition • Expatriate • Nationalisation • Competencies • Skills • Corporate Knowledge • Costs • Insurance • Wages ~ Retraining • Labour • Replacement • Recruitment

  26. http://www.fmhs.uaeu.ac.ae/cmd/ohs

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