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Explore the objectives, competences, contents, evaluation standards, methodology, and areas of Primary Education under the LOMCE 2013. Understand the six levels established, areas covered, and specific areas included for a well-rounded educational approach.
LOMCE 8/2013 Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa
TheCurriculumforPrimary: • Objectives. Toreach at theend of thePrimaryEducation. • Competences: 1.Linguisticcompetence 2. Mathematicscompetence 3. Digital competence 4. Learningtolearncompetence. 5. Social competence 6. Entrepeneur actitud competence 7. Cultural awarenesscompetence. • Contents • Standars of evaluation • Methodology
Thegovernmentestablishes:sixlevelsforPrimaryEducation ( 1º- 6º) or 6-12 yearsold. • Areas: Natural Science Social Science Language and literature Mathematics Fisrtforeinglanguage PhisicalEducation Religion (optional) / Reinforcement • Specificareas ( autonomy of centres and regions): ArtisticEducation Secondforeinglanguage Social and Civicvalues