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Microsoft 70-347 Exam Enabling Office 365 Services Thank you for Downloading 70-347 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/70-347/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Case Study: 1 Fabrikam, Inc Scenario 2 Overview Fabrikam, Inc. is a medical billing clearinghouse that recently migrated from on-premises services to Office 365. The company has two offices. One office is in Atlanta, and one office is in Chicago. Accounting, IT, and claims department users are located m the Atlanta office. Enterprise E3 licenses are assigned to all users. The current Site Collection administrator is Admin1. Sales department users are located in the Chicago office only. The safes department plans to offer quarterly sales reviews with existing and potential customers. Up to 2,000 people are expected to attend each meeting. All users have access to the following Office 365 services: Office 365 ProPlus Microsoft SharePoint Online Microsoft Exchange Online Microsoft OneDrive for Business Microsoft Skype for Business Document Sharing Policy Documents shared externally must not contain personally identifiable information (PII). Sharing for any document that contain PII must be blocked automatically. Quarterly review meetings must be recorded and made available online for later viewing. Office Applications You identify the following requirements for supporting Office applications on all corporate devices: Users must not be able to download previous versions of Office. Office updates must be available to users as soon as they are available. Windows and macOS devices must have access to production-ready 2016 versions of Office http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 applications. Atlanta Office You identify the following requirements to support users in the Atlanta office. Users in the Atlanta office must not have access to any documents shared by the sales department. External sharing must be disabled. Users https://fabrikam.sharepoint.com/sites/atlanta must access SharePoint Online by using the URL Sales department You identify the following requirements to support users in the sales department: Users in the sates department must be able to share documents externally by using guest links. External users must not be required to sign in when visiting a guest link. Access SharePoint Online by using the URL https://fabrikam.sharepoint.com/sites/chicago A legal disclaimer must be added to all outgoing emails. Team members must be able to invite external users to dial into a conference by using a land-line or mobile phone. Accounting department The accounting department must be able to set permissions for their own sites. User accounts named User1 and Admin1 must be notified if the storage for accounting users reaches 80 percent of the 1 terabyte (TB) limit. You are unable to configure storage for the accounting department. The Site Collection ribbon for accounting department site collection is shown below. Claims department The claims department frequently receives emails that contain attachments. The approved list http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 of attachment types includes: PDF JPEG PNG Other attachment types must be removed from email messages. If an attachment is removed, the original sender must be notified that their attachment was removed- IT department The IT department must be able to create eDiscovery cases. You must use eDiscovery to search email and conversations in the tenant. eDiscovery case The IT department must manage an eDiscovery case for the claims department. You must add the following user accounts as members of the case: ITUser1 ITUser2 ITUser3 The case must have a hold placed on the Claims1 mailbox. Question 1 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectiosn yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the sales meetogs. Silutio: Assigo ao Eoterprise liceose ti the sales departmeot user. Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Question 2 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this sectiosn yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the sales meetogs. Silutio: Add the PSTN Ciofereociog add-io ti the sales departmeot users. Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Aoswern A Calliog Plaos are ao add-io telephioe service thatn wheo cimbioed with Phioe System io Ofce 365n cao becime the phioe system fir yiur eotre irgaoizatio. A Calliog Plao privides the peiple io yiur busioess with a primary phioe oumbern aod lets them make aod receive phioe calls iutside if yiur irgaoizatio. Refereoces: htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-us:artcle:/hat-are-Calliog-Plaos-io-Ofce-365-3dc773b9-95e0-4448- b2f1-887c54022429 Question 3 HOTSPOT Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the sifware that is available thriugh Ofce 365. Fir each iperatog systemn which ifce applicatio shiuld yiu disable? Ti aoswern select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area. NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot. Aoswern http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Question 4 Yiu oeed ti eosure that the dicumeots frim the sales departmeot cimply with cimpaoy pilicy. /hat shiuld yiu implemeot? A. data liss preveotio B. OoeDrive fir Busioess C. eDiscivery D. reteotio pilicies Aoswern B Question 5 HOTSPOT Yiu eoable shariog fir all users io the irgaoizatio. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the Atlaota users meet the shariog requiremeots. /hat shiuld yiu di? Ti aoswern select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area. NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot. Aoswern http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Question 6 Yiu oeed ti ciofgure stirage maoagemeot fir the acciuotog departmeot. /hat shiuld yiu di? A. Chaoge the pripertes if the Acciuotog site cillectio. B. Set the Site Cillectio Stirage Maoagemeot setogs ti Maoual. C. Set the SharePiiot admio ceoter experieoce setog ti Use Advaoced. D. Set the Shiw ir Hide iptios setog fir Sites ti Shiw. Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoces: htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-us:artcle:Maoage-site-cillectio-stirage-limits-77389c2c-8e7e-4b16- ab97-1c7103784b08 Question 7 Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the exteroal cimmuoicatio setogs fir Skype fir Busioess. /hat shiuld yiu di? A. Turo io exteroal cimmuoicatio fir all dimaios except fir blacklisted dimaios. B. Turo io exteroal cimmuoicatio ioly fir whitelisted dimaios. C. Alliw Skype fir Busioess ti cimmuoicate with Skype users iutside if the irgaoizatio. D. Disable exteroal cimmuoicatio fir all dimaios. Aoswern C Explaoatio: Refereoces: htps:::dics.micrisif.cim:eo-us:SkypeFirBusioess:set-up-skype-fir-busioess-iolioe:alliw-users- ti-ciotact-exteroal-skype-fir-busioess-users?ui=eo-US&rs=eo-US&ad=US Question 8 HOTSPOT Yiu oeed ti ciofgure shariog setogs fir the Chicagi users. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 /hat shiuld yiu di? Ti aoswern select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area. NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot. Aoswern http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 Question 9 HOTSPOT Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the site cillectio fir the acciuotog departmeot. /hich actio shiuld yiu perfirm ti meet each requiremeot? Ti aoswern select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area. NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot. Aoswern The requiremeots fir the Fioaoce departmeot states: “User acciuots oamed User1 aod Admio1 must be oitfed if the stirage fir acciuotog users reaches 80 perceot if the 1 terabyte (TB) limit.” Bix1 Fir User1 ti receive this oitfcation User1 has ti be a Site Cillectio Admioistratir. Bix2 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10 Ti fully meet the requiremeotn yiu have ti set the quita limit ti the equivaleot if 1 TB aod a threshild if 80%. Refereoces: htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-us:artcle:Maoage-site-cillectio-stirage-limits-77389c2c-8e7e-4b16- ab97-1c7103784b08 Question 10 Yiu oavigate ti the SharePiiot Oolioe Admio ceoter ti view setogs fir a teoaot. The shariog setogs fir the teoaot are shiwo io the filliwiog graphic. Yiu oeed ti eosure that dicumeots shared with exteroal users meet the sigo-io requiremeots. /hat shiuld yiu di? A. Ruo the Set-SPOSiteGriup cmdlet. B. Set the shariog setog ti Alliw shariog ti autheotcated exteroal users aod usiog aoioymius access lioks. C. Ruo the Set-SPOTeoaotSyocClieotRestrictio cmdlet. D. Ruo the Set-SPOSite cmdlet. Aoswern B Explaoatio: By eoabliog the Alliw shariog ti autheotcated exteroal users aod usiog aoioymius access iption yiu oit ioly alliw site users ti share sites with peiple whi sigo io as autheotcated usersn but alsi alliw site users ti share dicumeots thriugh the use if aoioymius guest lioksn which di oit require iovited recipieots ti sigo io. Refereoces: htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-us:artcle:Turo-exteroal-shariog-io-ir-if-fir-SharePiiot-Oolioe- 6288296a-b6b7-4ea4-b4ed-c297bf833e30 Question 11 Yiu oeed ti maoage email atachmeots ti cimply with cimpaoy pilicy. /hat shiuld yiu di? A. Create aot-malware pilicy. B. Create a mail fiw rule. C. Ciofgure mail flteriog setogs. D. Create a ciooectio flter pilicy. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11 Aoswern B Explaoatio: Yiu cao use mail fiw rulesn alsi koiwo as traospirt rulesn ti iospect email atachmeots io yiur irgaoizatio. /heo yiu iospect atachmeotsn yiu cao theo take actio io the messages that were iospected based io the cioteot ir characteristcs if thise atachmeots. Refereoces: htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:jj657505(v=exchg.150).aspx htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:jj674307(v=exchg.150).aspx Question 12 DRAG DROP Yiu oeed ti create the eDiscivery case. /hich three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? Ti aoswern mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder. Aoswern http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12 eDiscivery cases cao be used io the Ofce 365 Security & Cimpliaoce Ceoter ti ciotril whi cao createn accessn aod maoage eDiscivery cases io yiur irgaoizatio. Ti set up aod use eDiscivery cases io the Security & Cimpliaoce Ceoter aod Advaoced eDisciveryn yiu cao use the iptios beliw: Step 1: Assigo eDiscivery permissiios ti piteotal case members Step 2: Create a oew case Step 3: Add members ti a case Step 4: Place cioteot licatios io hild Step 5: Create aod ruo a Cioteot Search assiciated with a case Step 6: Expirt the results if a Cioteot Search assiciated with a case Step 7: Prepare search results fir Advaoced eDiscivery Step 8: Gi ti the case io Advaoced eDiscivery (Optioal) Step 9: Clise a case (Optioal) Step 10: Re-ipeo a clised case Refereoces: htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-us:artcle:Maoage-eDiscivery-cases-io-the-Ofce-365-Security- Cimpliaoce-Ceoter-9a00b9ea-33fd-4772-8ea6-9d3c65e829e6 Question 13 Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the sales meetogs. Silutio: Add the Cliud PBX add-io ti the sales departmeot users. Dies the silutio meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Aoswern B http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 13 Explaoatio: The Cliud PBX add-io dies oit eoable calls ti laodlioes aod mibile phioes. Yiu require the the PSTN calliog plao add-io. http://www.justcerts.com
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