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Financial Crises In Thailand

Financial Crises In Thailand. Presented by: Paramazyan , Savak Miu , Paul. Outline. Introduction Overview Causes of Thai Financial Crises Impacts of the Crises Recovery Strategies Present Situation Conclusion. Introduction. Introduction Kingdom of Thailand .

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Financial Crises In Thailand

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Financial Crises In Thailand Presented by: Paramazyan, Savak Miu, Paul

  2. Outline Introduction Overview Causes of Thai Financial Crises Impacts of the Crises Recovery Strategies Present Situation Conclusion

  3. Introduction

  4. IntroductionKingdom of Thailand A unified Thai kingdom was established in the mid-14th century. Known as Siam until 1939, Thailand is the only Southeast Asian country never to have been taken over by a European power. five horizontal bands of red, white, blue, white, and red

  5. Thailand • Current President: Chai Chidchob • Area: • total: 513,120 sq km • land: 510,890 sq km • water: 2,230 sq km • Population: • 66 million

  6. Thailand • GDP • $539.7 billion • GDP - real growth rate: • -2.8% (2009 est.) • GDP - composition by sector: • Agriculture: 12.3% • Industriel: 44% • Services: 43.7% • Labor force: • 38.24 million • Labor force - by occupation: • Agriculture: 42.4% • Industriel: 19.7% • Services: 37.9% • Unemployment rate: • 1.6% • Inflation rate (consumer prices): • -0.9%

  7. Thai Financial Crises:Overview

  8. Thai Financial Crises:Overview

  9. Thai Financial Crises:Overview

  10. Thai Financial Crises:Causes of Thai Financial Crises

  11. Thai Financial Crises:Causes Since early 1990s, Thai economy had attracted massive volumes of capital inflow from aboard due to: Its accommodating economic policies Healthy-looking conditions The recession of European Economy The stagflation of Japanese economy

  12. Thai Financial Crises:Causes The obvious causes that are broadly discussed Weaknesses in domestic macro-economic fundamentals Weakness in the Financial System Financial liberalization and the volatile international capital flows Speculative Attacks and the Floatation of Baht Unstable political and social institutions

  13. Thai Financial Crises:Impacts of the Crises

  14. Thai Financial Crises:Impacts Highly depreciated baht because the lack of confidence in Thai economy

  15. Thai Financial Crises:Impacts Massive increase in external debt burden due to high dependency on foreign capital and deeply depreciated baht.

  16. Thai Financial Crises:Impacts • Stock Market crisis Portfolio investment drawn out, stock market crash • Economic recessions

  17. Thai Financial Crises:ImpactsIn other Asian countries: “The Asian Crisis” Depreciation of exchange rates Financial institution crises Stock markets collapses Economic recessions Political instabilities

  18. Thai Financial Crises:Why Thai financial crisis becomes Asian Crisis: International investors’ lack of confidence as they think that similar problems (chronic current account deficit and weak financial system) will also occur in other countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and South Korea. For other countries with better financial structure such as Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore, they suffer because of contagious effects.

  19. Thai Financial Crises:ImpactsIn other Asian countries:

  20. Thai Financial Crises:Recovery Strategies

  21. Thai Financial Crises:Recovery IMF Assistance to Thailand During the Crises Financial Support: IMF support = USD 4 Billion Bilateral and Multilateral Support = USD 13.2 Billion Total = USD 17.2 Billion

  22. Thai Financial Crises:RecoveryIMF INTERVENSION • adopt new exchange rate policy to be managed float • implement the contractionary monetary policies • Increase domestic interest rate This aimed to • stabilize the exchange rate • high rate of rollover the short-term foreign debt

  23. Thai Financial Crises:RecoveryIMF INTERVENSION Stop further capital outflows as well as regain the market confidence during the shock turn around the foreign reserve position Financial Sector Restructuring This policy aimed to strengthen the banking system by closing possible loopholes on facilitating new credits by hurting as least people as possible

  24. Thai Financial Crises:Recovery • Results • Tight Fiscal Policies • no fiscal stimulus on social safety net • arguments on privatization • time and administrative lag on fiscal policies • Tight Monetary Policies • unable to stop capital outflows due to lack of confidence • should aim more to control domestic

  25. Thai Financial Crises:Present

  26. Thai Financial Crises:Present After 1999 The rapid spread of the Asian crisis and chronic recession bringing a larger than expected depreciation of the Baht, a sharp economic downturn and adverse regional economic developments—warranted revisions to the Thai program. The revisions were undertaken through a series of program reviews conducted in close consultation with the Thai authorities.

  27. Thai Financial Crises: Present Current Situation In July 2003, Thailand repaid its final US$1.51bn batch of outstanding debts from US$17.2bn IMF bailout package. The repayment came two years ahead of schedule. Real GDP growth reached a strong 6.7% in 2003, leaded by domestic consumption and export. Expansionary economic policy, coupled with the expected upturn in the global economy, are expected to drive growth higher in 2004 to an average of 7.7%.

  28. Thai Financial Crises:CURRENT GDP

  29. Thai Financial Crises: Present Current Situation The economy is slowed down to a still respectable 4.9% in 2005, owing to some upward movement in interest rates and rising concern about the government’s off-budge liabilities. Household consumption is currently at an all-time high as a results of high levels of consumer confidence. Investment growth is recovering, primarily in the form of property development. Export growth will rise, but import growth is expected to grow at a faster pace.

  30. Thai Financial Crises:Conclusion

  31. Thai Financial Crises:Conclusion With a well-developed infrastructure, a free-enterprise economy, generally pro-investment policies, and strong export industries, Thailand enjoyed solid growth from 2000 to 2008 - averaging more than 4% per year - as it recovered from the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. Thai exports - mostly machinery and electronic components, agricultural commodities, and jewelry - continue to drive the economy, accounting for as much as three-quarters of GDP. The global financial crisis of 2008-09 severely cut Thailand's exports, with most sectors experiencing double-digit drops. In 2009, the economy contracted about 2.8%. The Thai government is focusing on financing domestic infrastructure projects and stimulus programs to revive the economy, as external trade is still recovering and persistent internal political tension and investment disputes threaten to damage the investment climate VIDEO

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