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商务英语阅读. 高等学校英语拓展系列教程. Business English Reading. Unit 4. Corporate Citizenship. Back. Contents. Warm Up. 1. Term Study. 2. Outline. 3. More Examples. 4. Discussion. 5. Back.
商务英语阅读 高等学校英语拓展系列教程 Business English Reading
Unit 4 Corporate Citizenship
Back Contents Warm Up 1 Term Study 2 Outline 3 More Examples 4 Discussion 5
Back For these entrepreneurs, social responsibility isn’t just part of their PR campaigns—it’s the essence of their businesses. And they’re changing the world for the better, one community at a time. —April Y. Pennington
Back Warm Up • As a citizen, are you sure about your social responsibilities? List out as many of them as possible. 2. As a family member, can you tolerate your being very rich and abundant and your brothers or sisters in poverty? Suppose you are inclined to help your brothers or sisters, do you simply give them money? Do you prefer to give them fish or fishery?
Back Warm Up 3. Corporations today are trying to improve their corporate image by all means. Please surf the Internet to find out the following corporations’ actions in improving their images. 4. The above corporations are ready to call themselves citizens or world citizens. Do you understand why? 5. Tsunami hit Indonesia on December 26, 2004, the second day after Christmas. As a citizen, how did the above corporations react? Or in what ways do you imagine they should react?
Back Term Study • Corporate Citizenship • A firm's sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates, and draws resources and sustenance from. Firms express this citizenship (1) through their waste and pollution reduction processes, (2) by contributing educational and social programs, and (3) by earning adequate returns on the employed resources.
Back Term Study • Budget Deficit • The amount by which expenditures exceed revenues for a specific period. The term is generally applied to governments when expenditures exceed tax revenues and the difference must be made up with borrowing. Large budget deficits accompanied by major borrowing can result in higher market rates of interest.
Back Term Study • Stakeholder • The term has been defined as “those groups without whose support the organization would cease to exist” and originally included shareowners, employees, customers, lenders and society. • The stakeholder concept has become wildly used in recent years, due to factors such as increased public interest and concern about corporate governance.
Back Term Study • Deflation • Deflation is defined as a decrease in the general price level. • It is a negative inflation rate. Deflation means the value of money will increase. • Deflation is often associated with periods of negative or stagnant economic growth. In fact deflation is often used to express a declining economy.
Back Term Study • Structural Unemployment • Joblessness caused not by lack of demand, but by changes in demand patterns or obsolescence of technology, and requiring retraining of workers and large investment in new capital equipment.
Back Outline Text A Outline Ⅰ. (Paras. 1-2) General statement before corporate leaders give their opinions. • Ideas • Ⅱ. (Paras. 3-9) Charity is like investment, the return is improving people’s lives. Ⅲ. (Paras. 10-16)Communicating and engaging are first steps toward cohesive society. Supporting details Participating in charity projects is like ‘making an investment.’ The lack of understanding between the two sectors reflects a severe lack of contact or dialogue and a failure to analyze the issues thoroughly.
Back Outline Ideas Ⅳ. (Paras. 17-19) Contributions of Corporations to communities are more than just giving something back. Ⅴ. (Paras. 20-24) Contributing to society is a manifestation of the human values within us. Ⅵ. (Paras. 24-27) A wisdom deeply rooted in both Chinese and Western cultures. Supporting details Our corporate citizenship is, in addition to making donations, best expressed in terms of real engagement and active participation. Helping others is the origin of happiness. Contributing to the community is where one’s value lies. Their management concept is to take the best of breeds in Western and traditional Chinese philosophy.
Back Outline Ideas Ⅶ. (Paras. 28-30) Good corporate citizenship starts at the top. Ⅷ. (Paras. 31-35) To be a modern society means to be a caring society. Ⅸ. (Paras. 36-40) Fostering a positive and mutual care spirit. Supporting details Personal involvement , in particular at the management level, gives rise to a better understanding of social services. Modernity must be equated with a high degree of public participation and care towards the community. The support from these companies does not only provide necessary funding fro social services, more importantly, their involvement inspires a caring spirit in community.
Back Outline Ideas Ⅹ. (Paras. 41-45) Life is much more than just making money. Supporting details Employing people with disability, organizing volunteers to serve society and sharing knowledge with social services will not be in conflict with companies’ goal to maximize profit.
Back Outline and Questions Text B Outline Ⅰ.General idea (Para. 1): (a win-win relationship between… and...) Ⅱ. Supporting Details (Paras. 2-6) (…is essentially a rallying crying for…) (…big idea was creating wealth at the bottom of the pyramid) (…there are huge potential profits to be made from…) Ⅲ. Challenges (Paras. 7-8)
Back Example • Cisco • 思科公司08年初发起了“思科网助学堂”活动。 • 该活动旨在打造一个基于网络的创新型公益平台,它通过网络汇聚社会各界的力量,并从孩子的实际需求出发,提供平等参与和知识分享的机会,从而创造从物质捐助到精神分享的最佳公益实践。 • 在新的网络时代背景下,企业社会责任也被赋予了新的内容。网助学堂凭借网络平台的强大优势,将知识分享有效地纳入公益范畴,给更多的人提供了奉献爱心的机会,创造了新时代的新公益。
Back Example • Microsoft • 全球网民只要在其网站下载一次IE8,微软就捐给Feeding America(喂饱美国)慈善机构1.15美元,据说这些钱能为一个美国穷人提供8餐食物。 • 此举是双赢,饥饿的美国人民得到了食物,作为企业的微软,既成就了慈善企业形象,还成功推广了他的新浏览器。
Back Example • HP • 惠普公司携手中国青年创业国际计划(YBC)、中国就业促进会、北京富平学校三家公益组织,近日在北京共同启动了“科技点亮未来‘全程助力’创业梦想”公益活动 。 • 1938年,两个美国青年在一个车库里开始了创业,于是就有了今天的惠普公司。惠普希望通过对青年创业者的帮助,让更多的人实现创业梦想。 • 此次活动旨在鼓励并帮助创业者,积极利用科技手段创业,惠普为此次活动提供了300万元的IT技术和设备。
Back Example • Coca-Cola • 可口可乐和腾讯QQ共同合作的奥运火炬在线传递活动。 • 可口可乐借助腾讯公司成熟的网络技术(QQ)与广泛的消费群体(2亿多的QQ用户)的两个优势,并通过腾讯的媒体优势资源,从而使得品牌更深入民心。 • 在在线火炬传递激起了国人对奥运火炬传递的强烈感情,无形地由把可口可乐与大部分国人的情感紧紧地联系在一起。
Back Example • Disney • 迪士尼100周年奇幻冰上汇演2004年7月6日在上海举行。 • “米奇”和“米尼”在为期6天的演出中安排了一次慈善专场——演出所得的全部款项将用于设立上海慈善基金会关爱儿童慈善专项基金。 • 演出所得款项设立关爱儿童慈善专项基金,将用于与上海儿童相关的慈善项目,基金的使用实行公开化监督。
Back Example • McDonald’s • 2007年4月,麦当劳将在全国范围内推出18款NBA炫酷指环,支持“中国麦当劳叔叔之家慈善基金”筹集善款。 • NBA与麦当劳双方均致力举办正面及实际的社区外展计划。NBA与麦当劳合作,共同推动企业社会责任,包括这次通过“中国麦当劳叔叔之家慈善基金”去帮助中国需要帮助的儿童。”
Back Example • Kentucky • 为期十年的“中国肯德基曙光基金,长期资助家境贫困但品学兼优的在校大学生。它是中国青少年发展基金会实施希望工程以来资助贫困大学生基金中规模最大、时间最长、单项资助额度最高的一个助学基金。 • 2007年11月,肯德基与中国红十字基金会合作启动“肯德基餐饮健康基金”,每年投入200万元,用于资助与餐饮食品、营养健康、城市居民三者相关的科学研究和宣传教育项目。
Back Example • Nokia • 诺基亚发起名为“音乐,让我说爱”的慈善行动,以支持由华语音乐人沈黎晖发起,张亚东和方文山携手参与的“回声”慈善行动,共同帮助失聪儿童重返音乐的世界。 • 音乐品牌战略方面诺基亚的三大任务:“第一,为喜爱音乐的用户提供人性化的音乐手机;其二,将‘音乐,让我说……’这一品牌不断发扬光大;三,帮助更多音乐爱好者实现他们的音乐梦想和抱负。”
Back Discussion Question • It is a fact that there are so many disadvantaged people in our country and so all over the world. To help those people, do you think the proposition in the provided examples and in the two texts will work?