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Augustan. 2.26.14. ELA by Claire Headings

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  1. Augustan 2.26.14 ELA by Claire Headings Mrs. Christian, 6A’s reading teacher, has been coming up with some pretty great ideas. Almost every six weeks we read a class novel. The class novel that we have been working on is a book called Flipped. We also have been getting new vocab. Don’t forget to study really hard! Every once and awhile Mrs. Christian has BYOT(bring your own technology) day at school, but don’t worry if you don’t have a device Mrs. Christian provides school Ipads. We do lots of inside school projects that you do not have to bring home, but we also have a lot of out of school projects you do at home. Glad to keep you up to date in our 6A newsletter! Newsletter Social Studies By : Avery Blackwell and Claire Lindley We recently learned about WWI and WWII, we learned of battles fought and lives lost. This was about sad times, but you can’t blame us for loving to learn about this interesting unit. Mrs. Hale’s words were unique and always ended unexpectedly. We’ve all enjoyed learning about this unit. We recently have done a project on WWII which the students of 6A should’ve turned in awhile back, which will be turned into a “battle” against the sixth grade wing. Good luck to all, and May the odds be ever in your favor. Science by Bailey Wilson I can’t believe how far we’ve gotten in science! We know so much! I think science is going pretty good! We were learning about planets and how they rotate and revolve and how many moons. Now, we’re learning about force and motion and how gravity pulls things. So far, I think we’re all pretty good, although, it might get harder! Just keep paying attention and make sure you’re studying every night! Math by: Preston Mullins Have you ever noticed that math is all around us, its even important in the Olympics. Lately in math we have been learning pi, converting formulas, angles, and preparing for the STAAR test. Now you may be wondering how exactly is math used in the Olympics. Well if you are a hockey player you have to get to a good angle. A figure skater judge must find the average for the skater’s score. So now you know math is used in every day life and even the Olympics. Book Review By : Avery Blackwell and Claire Lindley Avery= What would it be like to live in a world with distinct ways of thinking? That’s the world of the Divergent Series. These three intense books will leave you constantly turning the pages. Tris Prior, 16, is warned that she won’t be classified in one way of thinking, called factions. Tris has to decide if she can be Dauntless the brave or Abnegation the selfless. One choice can transform you. Claire= In Almost Home, 12 year old, Sugar Mae Cole, is given a puppy, named Shush to care for. But pretty soon, Sugar, her mother, Reba, and Shush become homeless. When Reba is put in the hospital, Sugar and her poor dog, are forced to live in a foster home until Reba is better. How will Sugar feel about this change in her life? I promise you, if you pick up this book and read it, you’ll be in Sugar’s world. The Spelling Bee(s) by Hien Doan & Ben Stormer The Annual Greenways Spelling Bee went great. The winner was Hien Doan and a close competitor Ben Stormer. Six 5th graders moved on to the Junior spelling bee, Alyvia Escabell from our school won that to move on to the Senior spelling bee where the Six 6th graders moved on. Hien Doan placed 2nd/ Runner up.

  2. 1st Annual Greenways Science Bowl by Hien Doan and Ben Stormer The 1st Annual Greenways Science Bowl went great. There was a team from every 6th grade rotation and a spare, for players that have noticeable skills. There were 6 teams in total. The 6 teams competed for almost 2 hours. In the end the winning team was from our own 6A, Mrs. Hale’s team. The team included Brennan Carr, Hien Doan, Justin Le, Santiago Pinedo and Ben Stormer. The team moved on to compete at the regionals, losing to 3 eighth grade teams and beating 2 mixed teams . They did not move on to the afternoon competition, but we were all still very proud of their hard work. Winter time by Devanee Sena It’s that time of year to bundle up! Its been very cold in the mornings, break, and also brain break. 6A suggests that you get your coats and gloves and get snuggy. This type of cold can get you very sick. So now lets squeeze your way into your coats, gloves, and scarves. Thank you so much!! Super Bowl 2014 by Jarrett Schaef The Seattle Seahawks took on the Denver Broncos in Super bowl 2014. If you are a Denver Broncos fan, bad news the Denver Broncos lost the super bowl. If you are a Seattle Seahawks fan though, good news the Seahawks won the Super Bowl. The Denver Broncos said they were going to take home the trophy this year. The Denver Broncos have worked hard to get to the 2014 Super Bowl, but the Seattle Seahawks have been waiting to see if they were going to take home the trophy and they did so sorry Denver Broncos and good job Seahawks. For more information go to www.superbowl2014.com and for fan information go to www.seattleseahawks.com and www.denverbroncos.com. Band By Dannika Graef and Emma Ambs 6A’s got rhythm! After our Christmas concert, we started another challenge, our chromatic scales. So pass all of your scales so you can get to the wonderful Music Festival. To get to this once in a lifetime chance, we’ll have to practice, practice, practice! To be honest, it’s hard to practice and concentrate with the aroma of food coming from the lunch room.

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