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GTI-IA-MIP - GRPS Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)

GTI-IA-MIP - GRPS Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). www.agreement-technologies.org. Where are we from?. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación (UPV) Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos http://www.dsic.upv.es/users/ia/ia.html.

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GTI-IA-MIP - GRPS Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)

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  1. GTI-IA-MIP-GRPS Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) www.agreement-technologies.org

  2. Where are we from?. • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia • Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación (UPV) • Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos http://www.dsic.upv.es/users/ia/ia.html

  3. Who are we?. People GTI-IA-MIP-GRPS

  4. Who are we? People Data Mining Tool Suite MAS Infrastructure Agreement Planning

  5. Research Lines • Open Multi-Agent Systems • Service Oriented MAS • Virtual Organizations • Multi-Agent System Infrastructure • MAS Development Tools • Methodology and Software Engineering for MAS • Planning • Recommender Systems • Data mining • Multi-Agent Systems in Virtual Reality Environments • Real-Time Artificial Intelligence • Operating Systems

  6. Research Lines: Data Mining. People Mª José Ramírez José Hernández Orallo César Ferri

  7. Research Lines: Data Mining. Background • Inductive Programming and Data-Mining • Inductive (Functional-)Logic Programming • Inductive Debugging • Data Mining and Machine Learning • Multiclassifier systems • ROC analysis, cost-sensitive learning and model evaluation for decision support • Relation between Generalisation operators and distances • Learning from structured data

  8. Research Lines: Planning. People Antonio Garrido Laura Sebastia Eva Onaindía Oscar Sapena Inma García Eliseo Marzal

  9. Research Lines: Planning. Background • Planning • Classical planning: domain-independent planning algorithms, decomposition techniques, landmarks-based heuristics for planning • Planning and Scheduling (P&S): temporal reasoning and resource management, P&S integration, CSP • On-line planning: planning and execution, execution monitoring, reactive planning, repairing, replanning • Distributed planning: collaborative planning models • Recommender Systems • Recommendation techniques: demographic filtering, collaborative filtering, content-based filtering…, hybrid recommender systems • Planning and recommendation: application to e-tourism and leisure time activities

  10. Research Lines: MAS. People Ana García Vicente Julián Agustín Espinosa Andrés Terrasa Carlos Carrascosa Emilio Vivancos Miguel Rebollo Luís Hernández Adriana Giret José Soler Estefanía Argente

  11. Research Lines: MAS. Background • Multi-agent Systems: • Methodology and Software Engineering for MAS (RT-Message, Anemona, Gormas). • MAS Platforms (Magentix: support flexible interaction protocols and conversations, general scalable security model, tracing service) • Open MAS / Service Oriented MAS (Thomas abstract architecture, organization model, ..). • Multi-Agent Systems in Virtual Reality Environments (JGomas) • Real-Time Artificial Intelligence (ARTIS, SIMBA, ..) • Real-Time Systems. Real-Time Operating Systems (MarteOS, RT-Linux). Posix Tracing. Tools • Recommender Systems (softcomputing techniques, e-tourism and leisure time)

  12. Current Projects • TIN2006-14630-C03-01 THOMAS: Metodos, tecnicas y herramientas para sistemas multiagente Duración: 2007-2009 • TIN2007-68093-C02-02 TechnoLogics-UPV: Duración: 2007-2010 • TIN2005-03395 Magentix: Una plataforma de sistemas multiagente integrada en Linux Duración: 2006-2008 • TIN2005-08945-C06-06 ADAPTAPLAN: Adaptación basada en aprendizaje, modelado y planificación para tareas complejas orientadas al usuario Duración: 2006-2008

  13. Numbers (last 5 years)

  14. Agreement Technologies Project Effort Person/Month

  15. GTI-IA-MIP-GRPS Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) www.agreement-technologies.org

  16. Agreement Technologies Project Effort • WP1: Semantics • Task 1.3: Scalable Methods for Semantic Service Coordination (9 pm) • WP2: Norms • Task 2.1 Computable Language for Normative Systems (9 pm) • Task 2.2 Individual Reasoning About a Normative System (9 pm) • Task 2.3 Declarative Specification of Electronic Institutions (9 pm) • WP3: Organisations • Task 3.1. Autonomic Electronic Institutions. (9 pm) • Task 3.2: Agreement Planning (40 pm) • Task 3.3. Deliberative Agreement: social choice and collective judgment models for open MAS (9 pm) • Task 3.4 3D Electronic Institutions (3DEI) (16 pm) • Task 3.5: Mechanisms for Efficient Organisational Teamwork (36 pm)

  17. Agreement Technologies Project Effort • WP4: Argumentation and negotiation • Task 4.1. Agreement Logics (9) • Task 4.2. Real-Time agreements (30) • Task 4.3. CBR-based Mediating Agent (24) • Task 4.4 Planning and scheduling capabilities for an agent (60) • Task 4.5 Agreement management with Data Mining (70) • WP5: Trust • Task 5.1. Dynamic semantic alignment of trust and reputation models. (12) • Task 5.2 Integrated trust model (12) • WP6: Tool suite • Task 6.1: Design of a MAS methodology based on organizational concepts (72) • Task 6.2: MAS Development Environment (90)

  18. Agreement Technologies Project Effort • WP7: Infraestructure • Task 7.1: Software architectures and computation model (12) • Task 7.2. Multiagent System Platform (102) • Task 7.3: Multiagent System-Based Operating Systems (36) • WP8: Real Case Studies • Task 8.2: mWater Demonstrator (36)

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