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ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY K-12 Policies and Procedures. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. What is AT?. AT Definition from IDEA 1994-1997-The Tech Act-PL 100-407:
What is AT? • AT Definition from IDEA 1994-1997-The Tech Act-PL 100-407: • AT Device: Any item, piece of equipment or product system whether acquired commercially off-the-shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. • AT Service: Any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. • http://inclusive.com/assistive-technology-boogie/ • http://assistivetech.dadeschools.net • http://prekese.dadeschools.net Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
Examples of AT? Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L • Augmentative-Alternative Communication (AAC)-Speech Generating Devices (SGD)- • Low/Mid Tech-Big Mack, Step-by-Step, Cheap Talk, Tech Speak, Go Talk • High Tech-Dynamic display devices-Tango, Dynavox, Spring Board, Vantage, Eye-gaze system • Access-to curricular tools-hardware and software-for writing, reading, math, learning strategies- • LoTTIE Kit-(Low Tech Tools for Inclusive Education) • http://www.onionmountaintech.com • Adaptive keyboards • Switches/interfaces • Touch screen monitors • Voice recognition • Screen-readers-Premier, Read Write & Gold, Kurzweil • Braille, Magnifiers, Book Holder • Adapted books-RFB&D, CDs, On-line textbooks, BookShare
Education of all Handicapped Children Act Public Law -1975-P.L.94-142-provides for IEP (Individualized Educational Plan and related services - requires schools to provide ESE students FAPE (free appropriate public education) IDEA-1990 – increases access to general education classes IDEA-1997-mandates that AT be considered and included in IEP IDEA-2004-provides access to instructional materials http://idea.ed.gov/ Assistive Technology- The Law Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
District procedure for AT assessment begins at the school level…Step 1 • The School Support Team Develops the Assistive Technology Implementation Plan K-12 (ATIP) for access to the curriculum and/or communication FM#7067 1. The School Support Team • Identifies the student’s needs, tasks, strategies and tools using task pages 1-8 (SETT format-Joy Zabala) • Completes task pages relevant to the student’s needs • Implements the strategies and tools selected for the specific task for a minimum 9 weeks • Finishes plan summary (Make additional copies of page 2 as needed.) Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
District procedure for AT assessment begins at the school level…Step 1 con’t • The School Support Team Develops the Assistive Technology Implementation Plan K-12 (ATIP) for access to the curriculum and/or communication FM#7067 continued * FM#7067 requires answers to the following questions: • * Who initiated the ATIP-K12 (Parent, Teacher, Para, Therapist)? • * What are the recommendations of your Curriculum/Program Support Staff? • * What academic skill(s) do you want this student to do that he/she cannot do now? Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
District procedure for AT assessment continues at the school level…Step 2 2. The School Support TeamDetermines the effectiveness of Strategies/Tools: (check one) • The tools/techniques were effective to meet the student’s access &/or communication needs in the curriculum. • Places theAssistive Technology Implementation Plan K-12 (FM-7067), in the student’s cumulative folder • Schedules IEP interim meeting to add goals supported by AT • Notes completion of the Assistive Technology Implementation Plan K-12 (FM-7067) in the conference notes section of the IEP • Sendscompleted ATIP K-12 to District AT Coordinator: Mail Code 3334 Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
Before requesting an AT assessment consider… • Additional strategies/tools needed for trials.Send a copy of this plan to your Region Chairperson for Speech & Language Programs for processing. List additional strategies/toolsneeded. • Region Chairperson for Speech & Language will log the request and forward it to the District AT Coordinator • Requested device is delivered to the school • Interim IEP is held to add goals that integrate use of the AT in the student’s curriculum • The school Support Team completes the PLAN SUMMARY (page 2) and sends the ATIP K-12 to District AT Coordinator: Mail Code 3334 Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
NOW request an Assistive Technology screening/assessment 3. The School Support Team has implemented strategies/tools as determined by the ATIP-K12 (FM#7067) for 9 weeks • The strategies/tools were not adequate to meet the student’s access &/or communication needs request an Assistive Technology screening/assessment. • Send the following information/documents with your request: • a copy of the ATIP K-12 (FM#-7067) after implementation period, documented dates tried and results • a copy of the signed Notice of Intent and Parental/Guardian Consent to Conduct a Screening/Assessment form (FM#-6279) • on FM#-6279 check other; write “Assistive Technology” • a copy of latest IEP Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
The AT Assessment Cycle-An Ongoing-Process • Send completed packets to Region Chairperson for Speech & Language Programs for processing • Region Chairperson for Speech & Language will log the request and forward it to the District AT Coordinator • Requested device is delivered to the school • Administrator signs form indicating receipt of tool/device • School Support Team self trains with suggested website, PPs and strategies • Student implementation begins • Interim IEP is held to add goals that integrate use of the AT in the student’s curriculum • The School Support Team completes the PLAN SUMMARY (page 2) and sends to District AT Coordinator: Mail Code 3334 Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
FM#7067– Assistive Technology Implementation Plan K-12-used to determine AT is needs for a student with an IEP/504 plan in grades K-12 http://forms.dadeschools.net/webpdf/7067.pdf FM#6279 – Notice of Intent and Parent/Guardian Consent to Conduct a Screening/Assessment (check box other – enter – assistive technology) http://forms.dadeschools.net/webpdf/6279.pdf FM#6790 – Assistive Technology Equipment Release/Transfer- releasing school will document the factors for consideration and submit the request to the District Assistive Technology Committee http://forms.dadeschools.net/webpdf/6790.pdf Assistive Technology- Forms Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
TOP TEN THINGS TO SAY ABOUT AT/AAC 1. It is my job to implement AT. 2. I can learn about AAC or AT. 3. He/she may be developmentally ready. 4. If it’s broken it can be fixed. 5. I will find out how much it costs. 6. The time is worth it. 7. He/she will use the device. 8. It is all about the students. 9. Switch toys can be meaningful. 10. I can get training and support. Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L
DISTRICT CONTACT INFORMATION Ms. Maria (Trudy) Sanchez Occupational Therapist District Coordinator for Assistive Technology Mail Code 3334 Office - 305 271-2374, Audix – 305 523-0280 trudysanchez@dadeschools.net Ms Cheryl (Berwisht) Howard Physical Therapist District Support for Assistive Technology Mail Code 3334 Office - 305 271-2374, Audix – 305 523-0281 cherylhoward@dadeschools.net Trudy Sanchez, MS Ed., OTR/L