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OUTLINE. Background “AIS” Asian Carp Species Origin, Introduction & Distribution Impacts Common Carp vs. Asian Carp Positive Effects Negative Effects Management of AIS North American Legislation Canadian Methods U.S.A Methods Research Limitations to Distribution Northwards
OUTLINE Background “AIS” Asian Carp Species Origin, Introduction & Distribution Impacts Common Carp vs. Asian Carp Positive Effects Negative Effects Management of AIS North American Legislation Canadian Methods U.S.A Methods Research Limitations to Distribution Northwards Suitability / Susceptibility of Manitoba Implications of Climate Change Management Recommendations for Manitoba Pathways of Introduction into Manitoba Sustainable Water Management References BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP • Aquatic Invasive Species • “AIS” are defined as accidentally or intentionally introduced organisms that out-compete native species for resources in aquatic environments • Asian carp are deemed “great” invaders – for their reproductive capacity & immense consumption rates, which effectively pushes out native fish populations pound per hundred pounds • “The biology & ecology of carp are two of the major reasons for their success as a vertebrate pest” • - BROAD RANGE of environmental tolerances • - Thrive in habitats disturbed by human activity • “Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis” • Easy establishment of AIS in disturbed areas BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP • Origin, Introduction & Distribution • ORIGIN: Native to expansive pacific drainages in eastern Asia • INTRODUCTION: Stocked for phytoplankton control in a private pond in the U.S.A in 1960s & 1970sthen in hatcheries & sewage lagoons • Found in Mississippi waters in 1980 – • Combined result of INTENTIONAL cultural good luck live releases; and UNINTENTIONAL emptying of bait buckets, and flooding of aquaculture fish farm operations in the U.S.A • DISTRIBUTION: • Reported in waterways in up to 45 states BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP Asian Carp Species SILVER(Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix) 1 metre & 100 lbs – planktivorous BIGHEAD (Hypophthalmichthysnobilis) 1.4 metres & 110 lbs – planktivorous Collected from Lake Erie GRASS (Ctenopharyngodonidella) 1.25 metres & 79 lbs - herbivorous Collected from Lake Huron and Lake Ontario; currently stocked in Alberta and Saskatchewan BLACK (Mylopharyngodonpiceus) 1.5 to 2.2 metres & 150 lbs - molluscivorous Eurasian Carp Species COMMON (Cyprinuscarpio) 1.2 metres & 94 lbs – omnivorous/benthivorous In Canada (sans Alberta) since the late 1880s BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP Impacts Impact difficult to predict because of its place in the food web – acts as an ENERGY TRAP by growing to a large size & feeding at low levels In numbers, diets & consumptionrates, Asian carp could cause enormous damage These species could decrease the density & diversity of native aquatic organisms through competition SCIENTISTS FEAR AN INVASION OF ASIAN CARP WOULD DEVASTATE NATIVE FISHES - Minimal changes to date, despite Asian carp making up 63-95%biomass of the Illinois River - Reduced weights in nativespecies: Bigmouth buffalo and Gizzard shad BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP Positive Effects - Cheap baitproduction for crayfish & lobsters - High-quality protein forfertilizers& pet foods - Small quantities sold for local consumption “Carp has all the health benefits associated with eating fish & since it eats low on the food chain, has few contaminants such as mercury that tend to be concentrated in the flesh of other fish species” - Potential for mass export back to Asia - Valued by some recreational fishers - Potential for tourism in infected areas with adjusted legislation & flying carp fishing derbies - Small carp may be an important part of the diet of large native fish predators BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP Negative Effects Consume vast amounts of plankton, out-competing native fish fry; affects larger fish that feed on fry, including walleye, musky & trout All Asian carp species are very fast growers & reproducers– millions of eggs per year Asian carp are carriers of diseases - Asian tapeworm, Koi herpes virus, and SVCV, which could be passed to native species Vigorous movement, feeding & reproductive behaviours degrade channel banks, increase turbidity & decrease water quality Feeding activity and diet of carp may increase algal bloom formation in areas BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP North American Legislation Canada has 20% of the world's fresh water & an expansive coastline, making it high risk for AIS The Action Plan is an approach to dealing with species that are or could become established Managing pathways through which AIS enter: BOATS / LIVE BAIT / LIVE FOOD TRADE AQUARIUMS / CANALS & H2O DIVERSIONS In 2010, the United States introduced: “The Asian Carp Prevention &Control Act”, focused on: - Management - Removal - Restoration projects BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP Canadian Methods COOTES PARADISE - The Great Lakes’ first two-way FISHWAY & CARP BARRIER - Prior to establishment, Asian carp population was estimated at 70 000 in the water body - Functional in 1997, the FISHWAY works to maintain water flow and facilitate movement of native species, while blocking Asian carp - Baskets collect the fish, which are individually sorted by hand and shunted in either direction: back to Hamilton Harbour (AIS) or to the marsh In the first year of operation, 95% of carp were removed, with fewer than 1 000 found presently WETLAND RESTORATION PROJECT - Used Christmas trees were arranged to re-create the natural shoreline & maintain flow BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP • U.S.A Methods • CURRENT • Electric fish barriers • Legalized firearms on watercrafts • Bow-hunting recreational & tourism strategy • “Red-neck” fishing derbies • Localized commercial harvesting • Addition to supermarkets & restaurant menus • Enforcement & fines • INVESTIGATING • Acoustic fish deterrents: bubble curtains & water guns • Mass export to China • Hydrological separation BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP in MANITOBA • Limitations to Distribution Northwards • Nutrient, habitat & temperature thresholds • Food resources, as required by metabolic rates based on body size, swim speed and reproductive stage • According to DFO: ALL Canadian rivers are at RISK for Asian carp invasion • FACTORS considered: • Phytoplankton availability • Water temperature • Flow rates and their effect on mobility • Effects of flood pulses • Preferential habitat and spawning sites • Seasonal fluctuations BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENTRESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP in MANITOBA Suitability / Susceptibility of Manitoba CONDITIONS in Lake Winnipeg Temperature conditions in southern and central regions of Manitoba suitable for colonization of invasive Asian carp Nutrient availability, such as algal biomass, will probably be the limiting factor for Asian carp populations in Manitoba BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENTRESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP in MANITOBA • Implications of Climate Change • Climate change predictions plus anthropogenic eutrophication issues = double-edged sword • Predictions of Environmental Changes: • Increased flooding • Warmer average temperatures • Longer open water periods • Frequent cyanobacterialblooms = BETTER CONDITIONS FOR ASIAN CARP • Georeferencedsatellite images in conjunction with algorithms that quantify environmental variables in freshwater bodies • Integrated into Ecological Niche Models • = Powerful predictive tool for AIS • (not just limited to carp) BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP in MANITOBA Pathways of Introduction intoManitoba Uncontrollable & CONTROLLABLE channels Human-mediated transport of Asian carp into new areas & water bodies: - Illegal sale of live Asian carp in the States - Fines & enforcement at border crossings Water-mediated transport: - Possible invasion of the Saskatchewan River - Manitoba is the “end of the toilet bowl” - Proximity to Great Lakes Basin, which is connected to infected waterways in the U.S.A. Manitoba has 15AIS Great Lakes Basin has upwards of 250 AIS Mississippi River Basin has upwards of 150 AIS BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP in MANITOBA • Sustainable Water Management • Levels of Management: • PREVENTION (AIS not established) • MITIGATION (AIS present) • REMEDIATION (Area overrun with AIS) • Focus on PREVENTION for Asian carp species & MITIGATION for thriving Common carp • In the case of AIS: ONCE THEY’RE HERE THEY’RE HERE TO STAY • FIRST LINE: Public awareness & education • DEFENSE: Enforcement at borders • SECOND LINE: Rehabilitation & restoration of aquatic habitat to suit native fish species • ONGOING MONITORING EFFORTS BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP • Sustainable Water Management • ENVIRONMENTAL REHABILITATION • Improve habitat quality to favour native species • - Aims to increase native fish numbers, including large predators, which will increase predation pressures on young carp • Manitoba applications: “River flow alteration caused by dams…has impeded the spawning, recruitment and migration of native fish and created habitats in which carp survive well” • Restoration of natural features has greater results than traditional removal attempts Population dynamics = DENSITY DEPENDENT • Asian carp juveniles replace any number of removed adults in an area BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
ASIAN CARP Since humans perfectly altered the environment for Asian carp, essentially assisting the spread of these aquatic invaders – It is not a question of IFthey will arrive in Manitoba but WHEN, and what can be done now to mitigate the future impacts of Asian carp in the province. BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA
REFERENCES See REPORT PHOTO CREDITS http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2525/4120506314_a0d062d56f_o.jpg http://www.giantrobot.com/wp-media-uploads/1273171420-asian-carp.jpeg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tAl2707S_5I/TbTSsn5wxBI/AAAAAAAAADc/8GxvX_bSreQ/s1600/SilverCarpBuck.jpg http://www.watershedcouncil.org/learn/aquatic%20invasive%20species/asian-carp/images/Image%201%20carp_id_image_credit%20USGS.jpg http://prairierivers.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/asian-carp-1.jpg http://prairierivers.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/asian-carp-5.jpg http://cdn.physorg.com/newman/gfx/news/hires/2012/asiancarpwer.jpg http://www.tsusinvasives.org/dotAsset/4ce170df-e783-4812-97b8-7889523ad132.png http://www.csmonitor.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/images/0801-asian-carp/10560936-1-eng-US/0801-Asian-Carp_full_600.jpg http://www.csmonitor.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/images/2010/0308-weekly/0308-alakecarp-asian-carp-lakes-illinois/7458115-1-eng-US/0308-ALAKECARP-ASIAN-CARP-LAKES-ILLINOIS_full_600.jpg http://science.kqed.org/quest/files/2011/09/Asian_Carp_300.jpg http://www.outdooralabama.com/images/Image/fish/CarpGrassRecordMartin99.jpg and http://thereevesreport.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/asian-carp3.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--GoTFVsH9Uc/T3tHGzww9yI/AAAAAAAAe6M/G56kZ14LtF0/s1600/Asian-carp-631.jpg http://healthylakes.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/asian-carp-thumb-572xauto-181226.jpg http://www.luresforfishing.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/asian-carp-jumping.jpg http://www.csmonitor.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/images/0823-asian-carp-hearing/8522419-1-eng-US/0823-asian-carp-hearing_full_600.jpg http://pics4twitts.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/RBG-fishway-2-.jpg http://www.glslcities.org/images/Asian-carp%20face%202.jpg http://corncorps.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/asian-carp.jpg http://apps.startribune.com/blogs/user_images/marcot_1339003222_carp.JPG http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/wjon.com/files/2012/03/Asian-Carp.jpg http://www.chicagoreader.com/binary/b435/1262721607-carpwatch_w.jpg http://www.heraldtimesonline.com/stories/2012/05/13/out_ck_asiancarp_0513.jpg http://www.csmonitor.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/images/21210-asian-carp/7388372-1-eng-US/21210-asian-carp_full_600.jpg http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Yhfd9dIkXEk/0.jpg http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/NA-BF653_CARP1_G_20100425191844.jpg http://www.anglinglines.com/img/upload/news/large_CAR_2200.JPG BACKGROUND IMPACTS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH MANITOBA