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SAKARYA. Culture & History & Landscapes. HISTORY.

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  1. SAKARYA Culture&History&Landscapes

  2. HISTORY • Theriverwhichgavethe name of theprovince, hadbeencalled as Sangaribelongingtoone of themostimportantPhrygianGodswithinthatage.This name changedintothe form of Sangarios in theHellenistic-age.It had beenusedforlongyearsago.Inaddition of that it had knownthatAncientGreekshavegiventhe name of "Zakharion" totheriver of Sakarya whichmeans "agressor"totheOldGreek time.This name has beenformed as Sakarya withinthefollowingyears.

  3. LOCATION Sakarya is a province which takes place in the Nortwest of Turkey and the Northeast of the Marmara Region, it is open to theshores of, in the east the city Bolu, in the west the Marmara Sea and İstanbul in the South the city Bilecik and in north the Black Sea.

  4. EARTHQUAKE • The Turkey: Istanbul, Kocaeli, Sakarya earthquake was on August 17, 1999 and had a magnitude of 7.8. The earthquake caused: $20,000,000,000 of damage, 50,000 injuries, and 17,118 deaths.

  5. Sakaryahas the advantage of location,being easily accessible from Istanbul,the eternal capital city of the world,and houses various kinds of natural beauties such as high plateaus,forests and lakes,each providing an oxygenrich atmosphere for recreation within easy reach of city dwellers.


  7. CARK STREET ÇarkAdapazarı’s oldest promenade got it’s name in 1903 from a Wheel shape that was formed in the water. This stream comes from Sapanca Lake, and passes through Adapazarı in the past was used as drinking water. The municipality of Adapazarı has reorganized the “ÇarkMesire” area and has built lit pools which dance when accompanied by music.

  8. KENTPARK & ORMANPARK • KentparkandOrmanparkarejustthetwonaturalplacesthat Sakarya residentsrefresh as theysuffocatefromthestress of thecountry life andwatchfor an opportunitytohave a rest andhavefun in recentyears



  11. SAPANCA The Sapanca Lake, which is beyondcomparisonlocatedbetweenthetwobiggestmetropolitans of Turkey – İstanbul and Ankara, not onlyfulfilstheneed of drinkingwater of Sakarya residents but alsosatisfiestheeyepleasure of itsvisitors.

  12. POYRAZLAR • The Poyrazlar Lake located on thewayto Karasu that is ten kilometres far awayfrom Sakarya citycentre is one of themostimportantrecreationareaswhereblueandgreencoloursareattunedastoundinglytoeachother in glamorousharmony.


  14. The Sakarya Taraklı region is an area of completeprotectionpreservation.Allthestructures in thisareaarepreserved,includingthehistoricmosques.

  15. THE JUSTINIANOS BRIDGE • TheJustinianosBridge (Beşköprü)builtbyByzantianemperorJustinianos is 430 metres longand has 12 belts.


  17. Beingthesecondbiggestdeep spot of Turkeyafterİğneada,Acarlar has beenone of themostimportanttouristiczones of both Sakarya andtheentireregionforsightseeing in recentyears.

  18. UZUNÇARŞI • ThehistoricalUzunçarşı is theoldestbazaar in Adapazarı.


  20. KABAK TATLISI • Ingredientspumpkin or butternut squashsugar4-5 clovescrushed walnuts • The ratio of pumpkin to sugar is 1:1/2. I used 3 cups of squash and 1 1/2 cups of sugar. Peel the pumpkin, cut it into big chunks, and put in a pot. Put sugar on and let it sit overnight. It will release water, so you don't need to add water when you're cooking it. The next day, add 4-5 cloves in to the pot and cook on medium until the pumpkin is soft, approximately 30 minutes. Let it cool and garnish with walnuts or grated coconut. 

  21. ISLAMA KOFTE • Islamaköfte is a traditional dish originated in Adapazarı, the capital of Sakarya province in Turkey. • The dish consists of sliced bread which is dipped in meat broth and grilled along with the meatballs. Tomato slices and green hot peppers accompany the dish.

  22. DO NOT LEAVE SAKARYA WITHOUT • Visitingthe 1,500-year-old Justinian’s Bridge, • Walking aroundTarakliDistrict’sunspoilthistoricstreetsandhousesandtastingitsspecialitymeringues, • Goinguptooneofthehighplateauswiththeir clean airandwonderfulnaturalenvironment, • Visiting Lake SapancaandeatingSapanca’sfamousbreadbaked in wood-burningovens, • Eating a world-famousAdapazariislamaköfteandkabaktatlisi, • Taking a cure in itsspasand thermal springs, • TastingtheGeyvegrapesthatcanonlybefound in Geyve, • BuyingwoodenspoonsandTaraklilinenproduced in traditional ways,as well

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