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Uncovering Michigan's Glacial History: Proof and Features of Ancient Glaciers

Discover how scientists prove Michigan's glaciation through unique geological features such as moraine deposits, kettle lakes, and striations. Learn about the Great Lakes' formation from rivers and the impact of ice advancing and retreating in the region.

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Uncovering Michigan's Glacial History: Proof and Features of Ancient Glaciers

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  1. Michigan’s Glacial History

  2. How do scientists prove that glaciers once covered Michigan?

  3. Each of the Great Lakes began as a river. Image from Earth Science, Tarbuck and Lutgens, 2003

  4. Theoretical Michigan Before the Ice Age

  5. When the climate cooled… Ice advanced southward from Canada over the Great Lakes Region.

  6. As the climate cooled… • The rivers froze. • Glaciers moved through them – widening and deepening them to form today’s lake bottoms.

  7. 14,500 & 14,000

  8. 13,000

  9. 11,000 damned to the North

  10. 9,500 two outlets

  11. When the climate began to warm, glaciers began to retreat. http://www.msstate.edu/dept/geosciences/CT/TIG/WEBSITES/LOCAL/Spring2002/Michael_Marsicek/images/Great_Lakes_Formation.gif

  12. When the climate began to warm, glaciers began to retreat. http://www.msstate.edu/dept/geosciences/CT/TIG/WEBSITES/LOCAL/Spring2002/Michael_Marsicek/images/Great_Lakes_Formation.gif

  13. When the climate began to warm, glaciers began to retreat. http://www.msstate.edu/dept/geosciences/CT/TIG/WEBSITES/LOCAL/Spring2002/Michael_Marsicek/images/Great_Lakes_Formation.gif

  14. When the climate began to warm, glaciers began to retreat. http://www.msstate.edu/dept/geosciences/CT/TIG/WEBSITES/LOCAL/Spring2002/Michael_Marsicek/images/Great_Lakes_Formation.gif

  15. http://www.ofps.ucar.edu/gapp/networks/images/greatlakes_map.jpghttp://www.ofps.ucar.edu/gapp/networks/images/greatlakes_map.jpg

  16. Striations

  17. Kettle Lakes

  18. S.E. Michigan Kettle Lakes

  19. Moraine Deposits = unsorted sediments Moraines are made of unsorted sediments. Only mass movements and glaciers deposit unsorted sediments. Mass Movements? Glaciers??

  20. Moraine Deposits have the same shape as the Great Lakes. • Michigan moraines run parallel to the shoreline. • So how do they relate??

  21. Other glacial evidence… Kalkaska, Michigan

  22. Why do scientists believe that glaciers once covered Michigan? • Michigan is covered with unsorted moraine deposits. • The moraine deposits follow the outline of Great Lakes. • Other depositional features such as drumlins and kettle lakes are found throughout Michigan. • Erosional features like striations are found in Michigan as well.

  23. 11.14 Explain what happens to Earth’s crust when a glacier is removed. • Isostatic Rebound • The upward movement of the Earth’s crust

  24. 11.15 Identify glacial features using a Topographic Map • Glacial topo map lab:

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