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Social Consent in Liberal Democracy: Bridging the Gap

This study explores the intersection of liberalism and democracy through the lens of social consent in decision-making processes. Analyzing voting patterns and societal preferences, the research delves into the concept of individual qualification and its impact on broader social structures. The implications of consent rules, including the role of quotas and majority influence, are examined to understand how they shape governance. By investigating various scenarios and applying mathematical models, the study sheds light on the dynamics of power and agency within liberal democratic frameworks.

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Social Consent in Liberal Democracy: Bridging the Gap

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  1. BetweenLiberalism and DemocracyD. Samet, D. Schmeidler www.tau.ac.il/~samet

  2. Sen’s Liberalism Paradox Who should be allowed to read Lady Chatterley’s Lover ?

  3. Sen’s Liberalism Paradox  ≻{R} ≻ {B} R’spreferences: {R} ≻{B} ≻ B’spreferences: Liberal social preferences: Social alternatives are subsetsof individuals – the qualified ones. {B}  {R} ≻ ≻ Pareto social preferences: {R}≻ {B}

  4. The model N = {1,…,n} individuals i’s vote A profile – nxn matrix P of 0,1. j k i 1 . . . . . 0 idoes notqualifyk P = iqualifiesj A rule: f(P) = (f1(P), . . . , fn(P)), a 0,1 vector, designating the socially qualified.

  5. Monotonicity Individuals qualify additional persons no one looses social qualification. P≥P’ f(P) ≥ f(P’)

  6. Independence j’s qualification depends onlyon how individuals qualify her. Pij = P’ij for all i fj(P) ≥ fj(P’)

  7. Symmetry Dale Pat Dale Pat I Pat is qualified Dale and are qualified Let  be a permutation of {1, . . . , n} The profile P is defined by (P)ij = P(i) (j) The rule f is defined by (f)j = f(j) f(P) = f(P)

  8. Consent rules t . Fix integers s and t. s – the quota for qualification t – the quota for disqualification The quotas satisfy: s, t 1 s + t  n + 2 n+2 . n+1 . 1 . . . s 1 n+1 n+2 The consent rule fst : One’s self qualification wins social consent iffs individuals support it. One’s self disqualification wins social consent ifft individuals support it.

  9. Consent rules The consent rule fst : One’s self qualification wins social consent iffs individuals support it. One’s self disqualification wins social consent ifft individuals support it. Pjj = 1: fj(P) = 1 |{i : Pij = 1}| ≥ s Pjj = 0: fj(P) = 0 |{i : Pij = 0}| ≥ t TheoremA rule satisfies monotonicity, independence, and symmetryiffit is a consent rule.

  10. Duality Notation: for x ∈ {0,1}, ¯ = 1 – x For a profile P,¯ = ( ¯¯ ) For a rule f , ¯(P) = ( ¯¯ ) x P Pij f fi(P) f( ¯ ) = ¯(P) f P TheoremA rule satisfies monotonicity, independence, symmetry and dualityiffit is a consent rule of the form fss.

  11. Special rules t . n+2 . n+1 . 1 . . . 1 n+1 n+2 • The size of the quotas s,t reflects the power of society • The difference |s-t| reflects the asymmetry of qualification and disqualification. s The size and the difference are the smallest for s = t = 1. The liberal rule f11 : fj11(P) = Pjj

  12. Special rules t . n+2 . n+1 . 1 . . . 1 n+1 n+2 The choice between qualification and disqualification of j is determined by simple majority where j’s vote for herself counts like all other votes for her. • The size of the quotas s,t reflects the power of society • The difference |s-t| reflects the asymmetry of qualification and disqualification. These are the rules that bridge between liberalism and democracy (majoritarian rule) s Maximal societal influence for equal quotas ... The majoritarian rule fss for odd n and s = (n+1)/2. fjss(P) = x  |{i : Pij = x}| ≥ (n+1)/2

  13. Special rules t . n+2 . n+1 . 1 . . . 1 n+1 n+2 • The size of the quotas s,t reflects the power of society • The difference |s-t| reflects the asymmetry of qualification and disqualification. The choice between qualification and disqualification of j is determined by simple majority of all the voters other than j. s Maximal societal influence for equal quotas ... The majoritarian rule fss for even n and s = n/2 + 1. fjss(P) = x  |{i j : Pij = x}| ≥ n/2 + 1

  14. Special rules t . n+2 . n+1 . 1 . . . 1 n+1 n+2 • The size of the quotas s,t reflects the power of society • The difference |s-t| reflects the asymmetry of qualification and disqualification. s The most extreme case of asymmetry between qualification and disqualification is attained at (n+1,1) and (1,n+1). At (n+1,1) players are disqualified no matter how they vote. At (1,n+1) players are qualified no matter how they vote.

  15. Self determination “Let Hobbits determine who is a Hobbit.” J.R.R. Tolkien Theorem: The only rule that satisfies monotonicity, independence, non-degeneracy, and self-determination is the liberal rule. Self determination If non-Hobbits change their votes about Hobbits, then the set of Hobbits does not change. Non-degeneracy For each j there are profiles P and Q such that fj(P) = 1 and fj(Q) = 0.

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