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Examining Creation vs. Evolution in Science

Explore the scientific perspectives on creation and evolution, comparing theories, models, and evidence to understand their validity based on the scientific method and observable data. Investigate the origin of matter, energy, life, and biological organisms to determine the most plausible model.

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Examining Creation vs. Evolution in Science

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  1. What Does Science Say About Creation? Dr. Heinz Lycklama Heinz@osta.com www.osta.com

  2. What Does Science Have To Say? Harrison Matthews, in the “Foreword” to the 1971 edition of “Origin of Species by Natural Selection”, by Charles Darwin states that “Belief in evolution is thus exactly parallel to belief in special creation - both are concepts which believers know to be true but neither, up to the present, has been capable of proof.” An Objective statement of fact!

  3. Is This Science? “Since Darwin, every knowing person agrees that man is descended from the apes. ... Today, of course, there is no such thing as the theory of evolution; it is the fact of evolution. The only arguments now are over technical problems, but the basic fact of evolution is so clearly established that no scientist worries about it any more.” - so states Ernst Mayr, professor of Biology at Harvard. A Subjective statement!

  4. Scientific Methodology • Make observations • Develop a hypothesis or theory that explains the observations • Conduct experiments to test accuracy and predictions made by the theory • Draw conclusions • Repeat experiments to verify results and eliminate sources of inaccuracy

  5. Theory Criteria • To apply scientific methodology, the theory must meet these criteria: • Must be falsifiable or verifiable • Must make quantifiable predictions • Experimental results must be repeatable • Must be as simplistic as possible with no unnecessary components (Occam’s Razor) • Adherence to the methodology allows for self-correction and increases confidence in the assumptions made by scientific philosophy

  6. Models of Origins • We can neither observe nor repeat “origins” • Origins “theories” cannot be tested or proven • We have two models (not theories) of origins • Creation and evolution • Models can be compared as to their respective capacities for correlating observable data • Evolutionists regard evolution as “a proven fact.” • They believe that evolutionism is science and that creationism is religion • Evolutionists are unable to prove evolution • Thousands of scientists believe in creation

  7. Evolution Model • Cannot be proved: • It operates too slowly to be measurable (if it is taking place) • The scientific method cannot be used to measure it • Small variations in organisms, observed today, are not relevant (can’t be used to distinguish between creation and evolution) Dr. Heribert-Nilsson, Director of the Botanical Institute at Lund University, Sweden, said “My attempt to demonstrate evolution by an experiment carried on for more than 40 years has completely failed. … The idea of an evolution rests on pure belief.” (Synthetische Artbildung, 1953).

  8. Evolution Model - 2 • Explains origin, development and meaning of all things in terms of natural laws and processes which operate today as they have in the past • No extraneous processes requiring an external agent (i.e. a Creator) are permitted • The universe in all respects evolves itself into higher levels of order (particles to people), elements -> complex chemicals -> simple living systems -> complex life -> man

  9. Creation Model • Cannot be proved: • Creation is not happening now, so far as can be observed • The scientific method cannot repeat creation • Cannot ascertain whether creation took place (except through divine revelation)

  10. Creation Model - 2 • Involves a process of special creation in the beginning • All the basic laws and categories of nature brought into existence by special creative processes which are no longer in operation today • Distinct kinds exist today as they have existed in the past • Processes of creation replaced by processes of conservation

  11. Which Model Best Fits The Facts? • Creation and Evolution are the only two modelsof origins • Both models should be considered as equal alternatives and evaluated objectively in terms of their relative abilities to correlate and explain scientific data • The model that incorporates the most data and has the smallest number of unresolved issues is the most likely to be true

  12. Basic Predictions of The Models

  13. Basic Predictions of The Models - 2

  14. Looking At The Scientific Evidence • Origin of matter, energy and natural law • Origin of the solar system • Teleology – study of evidences of design in nature, e.g. Anthropic Principle • Classification of biological organisms • Natural selection and mutations (vestigal organs)

  15. The Scientific Evidence - 2 • Origin of man • Origin of life – probability • The fossil record • Geologic ages – Uniformitarianism vs. Catastrophism • Age of the earth

  16. Origin of Matter, Energy & Natural Law • Evolution model predicts: • Matter, energy and laws are still evolving • Must have evolved in the past since there is no external agent to bring evolution to a stop • Systems can evolve to higher levels of complexity • Creation model predicts: • Basic laws would not now be changing • Fundamental nature of matter and energy would not now be changing • Finished in the past, conserved in the present • Matter should go from order to disorder

  17. The Natural Laws • The first two laws of thermodynamics are constant: • The total energy of any system remains the same • The entropy of a system increases over time • Other constant laws include: • Law of gravity • Conservation of momentum • Conservation of electric charge • Did natural laws evolve? • There is no evidence of this

  18. First Cause – Divine or Matter? • The First Cause of Limitless Space – must be infinite • The First Cause of Endless Time – must be eternal • The First Cause of Boundless Energy – must be omnipotent • The First Cause of Universal Interrelationships – must be omnipresent • The First Cause of Infinite Complexity – must be omniscient • The First Cause of Moral Values – must be moral • The First Cause of Spiritual Values – must be spiritual • The First Cause of Human Responsibility – must be volitional • The First Cause of Human Integrity – must be truthful • The First Cause of Human Love – must be loving • The First Cause of Life – must be living

  19. Conceptual Systems of Science • Cause and Effect - an omnipotent Creator is an adequate cause for all observable effects in the universe • Energy Conservation – energy can be converted from one form into another, but can neither be created nor destroyed • Classification and Order - table of chemical elements, biological taxonomy, hierarchy of star types. All entities are in a state of flux in the evolution model • Processes - all processes are well-defined and orderly. If not, there is no point to scientific study. Creation predicts “purpose” and “meaning” These systems all favor the creation model!

  20. Conceptual Systems of Science - 2 • Forces and Fields - types of forces in nature (electromagnetic, gravitational, nuclear and weak) have always acted the same from the beginning. These forces did not evolve • Environmental Interdependence – the environment coupled with natural selection constitutes a powerful mechanism to conserve the created kinds and balance of nature • Energy Decay – changes always tend to go in a “downward” direction such that there results a net decrease in the “availability” of the converted energy for further useful work These systems all favor the creation model!

  21. More on 2nd Law of Thermodynamics • 2nd Law - The entropy of a system increases with time • Entropy is defined as “a measure of the quantity of energy not capable of conversion into work” • 2nd Law holds in the fields of classical thermodynamics (unavailability of energy for further work), statistical thermodynamics (decreased order of the system’s structure), as well as in informational thermodynamics (lost/distorted information) • Creation predicts and is supported by the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics Let’s see what Dr. Gish [ICR] has to say …

  22. Conditions For Increasing Complexity in an Open System • Necessary, but not sufficient conditions: 1. Open System 2. Available Energy • Additional requirements: 3. Mechanism for storing and converting incoming energy 4. Program (to “direct” the growth of complexity)

  23. Keeping Score

  24. Origin of The Solar System • Predictions of evolution model: • Solar system is one of many • Earth, moon and planets should have same composition and structure • Predictions of creation model: • Solar system is unique • Earth, moon and planets each created for a specific purpose, each with a distinctive composition and structure • Only the earth would be found to have a hydrosphere capable of supporting life • Only the earth would be found to have an atmosphere capable of supporting life • Evidence of decay and catastrophism would be found on other planets and moons

  25. Big Bang Theory • All energy and matter was crammed into a cosmic egg (or primeval atom) • Where did it come from? • How did it get there? • Suddenly exploded/expanded at great speed • Nothing -> today’s universe? • First there was nothing – then there was a Big Bang! • Two elements were created: • Hydrogen (75%) • Helium (25%)

  26. Big Bang Theory - 2 • These simple gases expanded • Perfect vacuum at very low temperature • Everything in the universe evolved from these simple gases: • Stars, galaxies, solar system • All living things, including man with: • 30 trillion cells of about 200 different kinds • Brain with 12 billion brain cells and 120 trillion connections • Chaos & Disorder -> Complex Universe

  27. The Solar System Was Created • Based on statistical analysis and the evolution model: • One might expect to find many solar systems with planets and similar characteristics to our solar system • The evolution model also assumes that the moon broke away from the earth • What we find: • Our solar system is unique • Earth and moon have vastly different structure and composition and could not have come from the same celestial “ancestor” • The chemical makeup of the moon rocks is very different from that of rocks on the earth • The predictions of the creation model are exactly confirmed by moon landings and space probes

  28. Keeping Score

  29. Teleology • Teleology is the study of evidences of design in nature • The word is derived from the Greek word for end or purpose. • Evolution predicts: • Mechanistic self-ordering process in nature • Mutations provide random changes • Natural selection concentrates the beneficial features • Creation predicts: • Evidence of design in nature • Carefully balanced equations, constants and properties of matter

  30. The Anthropic Principle • The Anthropic Principle states that the universe appears to be carefully designed for the well-being of mankind • Some evidence of this found in nature: • Mass of proton • Gravitation force • Strength of electrical charges • Distance of moon from the earth • Distance of sun from the earth • etc.

  31. Mass of Proton • Mass of proton is chosen for stability • Mass of free neutron is slightly heavier than that of a proton, and it decays to a proton, electron, and an antineutrino with a half life of 12 minutes. Free neutrons cannot persist in nature. • If the mass of a proton were increased by just 0.2 %, it would decay into a neutron, a positron and a neutrino. This decay does not occur - if it did hydrogen could not exist. Hydrogen is the dominant element of the universe. Without it, the universe could not exist Evidence of a precise design!

  32. Gravitation Force • Gravitation force is inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance between the two masses. This fundamental force holds the universe together, controlling the orbits of all members of our planetary system. • Why is the number not 1.99 or 2.01? Any value other than 2 would lead to an eventual catastrophic decay of orbits and of the entire universe Evidence of an essential design!

  33. Strength of Electrical Charges • The strength of electrical charges, i.e. the Coulomb force varies as the inverse square of the distance between the charges. Since the electrical force is much stronger than the gravitational force, it has been measured to an accuracy of 16 decimal places to be 2.0000000000000000 This reflects God’s purposeful planning! More on the “Just Right” Universe by Dr. Ray Bohlin of Probe Ministries in next 14 slides …

  34. A “Just Right” Universe • 29 Fine-tuned Parameters to the Universe • Constants in equations for gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces • Ratio of proton to electron mass

  35. A “Just Right” Universe • 51 Fine-tuned Parameters to our Galaxy, Solar System, and Planet • Distance from the sun • Size, temperature, & type of sun • Size, axial tilt, rotation speed, moon, & composition of earth • Stability of Jupiter and Saturn

  36. A “Just Right” Universe • 10–53 - Probability of all 80 fine-tuned parameters occurring by chance

  37. A “Just Right” Universe • 10 22 -Upper limit for number of stars in the universe • Assume 1 planet per star • Therefore 1022 planets in the universe

  38. A “Just Right” Universe • So how do we determine how many planets may be suitable for life? • 10 -53 x 10 22 = 10 -31 or • 0.0000000000000000000000000000001 planets suitable for life

  39. A “Just Right” Universe • Jupiter acts as a comet and asteroid magnet shielding earth from catastrophic collisions • Our sun is located between spiral arms of the Milky Way Galaxy where there are fewer stars (less harmful radiation and disruptive gravity) and less gas and dust (we can see the rest of the galaxy and universe)

  40. A “Just Right” Universe • Since 1996, over 50 planets outside our solar system have been found • Only 5% of stars have planets • The planets are either too large, too close to their star, or with too erratic an orbit to harbor life • Have the probabilities changed?

  41. A “Just Right” Universe • There are now 123 parameters with a probability of 1 in 10161. When multiplied with a very generous estimate of 1 planet/star or 1022 planets, the final number of planets in the universe suitable for life is 10-139 or • 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 planets

  42. A “Just Right” Universe • CNN (2/5/01) just released an article reporting that some astronomers have hatched a plan to move earth’s orbit • Sun is going to increase in size and heat output over the next few billion years eventually making earth uninhabitable • Move the earth farther out (41 million miles) gradually by passing a 62 mile diameter asteroid within 10,000 miles of earth every 6,000 years • 1 million fly bys should do it

  43. But, . . . • “If the asteroid comes too close, it might break up or conceivably even slam into Earth.” • “Another possible side effect . . . would be to increase the planet's rotation. The encounters would have to be planned so that while some would cause the Earth to spin faster, others would slow it down back to normal rotation speed.” • “It's also possible that the moon would be thrown from its orbit around the Earth during these fly-bys.”

  44. What Does Evolution Say? • Evolution is unable to deal with such permanent properties of nature • Max Planck (1858-1947), a Nobel Prize winner and founder of modern physics, stated: • “According to everything taught by the exact sciences about the immense realm of nature, a certain order prevails - one independent of the human mind … this order can be formulated in terms of purposeful activity. There is evidence of an intelligent order of the universe to which both man and nature are subservient.”

  45. Keeping Score

  46. Classification of Biological Organisms • The evolution model predicts: • A continuum of all forms of life • No classification system would work • The creation model predicts: • An array of clear-but distinct organisms • similar structures for similar functions, e.g. eyes • different structures for different functions, e.g. gills for fish, lungs for man • Science of taxonomy • distinct kinds/species

  47. The Science of Taxonomy • The science of taxonomy is a problem for evolution • The classification system introduced by Carolus Linnaeus applies to plants/animals in today’s world as well as to extinct plants and animals • A continuum of life forms does not exist • Intermediates have not been observed and/or identified in the fossils • The classification system introduced by Linnaeus still works today

  48. Quoting an Evolutionist • The anti-creationist, Niles Eldredge, wrote in 1985: • “And though a few of these eighteenth-century systematists had vaguely evolutionary notions, nearly all were devoutly and orthodoxly religious. They saw the order in their material, the grand pattern of similarity running through the entire organic realm, as evidence of God’s plan of creation.”

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