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OPAL YAYINCILIK ORGANİZASYON VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. Happy Kids is an institution which has been working since 1992.
Happy Kids is an institution which has been working since 1992. • OPAL GROUP (Happy Kids and Life Long Learning Association - Turkey) is an institution and organization providing learning opportunities within the context of the lifelong learning programme and founded 1992.
We submit the trainings for kids, youngsters, adults, parents, traininginstitutions, professionals and trainers for making them more self-confident, happy and successful individuals with our slogan “For all children from the age of three to hundred and three” .
The Aims Of Happy Kids: To train individuals who wants to be more successful, happier and more self confident,who are more sensitive to science and art, and who wants to reach to a more contemporary society... To consult the parents who wants to have positive relationships with their children and themselves... To prepare educational programswhich leads learning to the maximum level with the education which takes individual differences into account... To spread contemporary, continuous, qualified education, techniques and educational means by following technological developments... To provide customer satisfaction which is free from all conditions by applying Total Quality Management...
The Principles Of Hapy Kids: • We believe in the power of science and rationalism; • We firstly take customer satisfaction into account; • Productivity is our base;We invest on human;We are sensitive to arts; • We consider information and education as a fundamental resource; • We believe in team work;All our resources are for continuous development and education; • Consequently our life style is quality...
The Activities of Happy Kids: • For Children:* The Seminar of Effective Speech and Self-confidence* The seminar of "I Can"* The Seminar of Social Interaction Development* Creative Drama* Computer Assisted Concept Training (for 3-7 age groups)* Proficiency in Computers (for 7-15 age groups)* Cheese* Painting, sculpture, and ceramics training,* Folk Dances,* English,* Happy Kids Children Club...
The Activities of Happy Kids: • For Youth:* The Seminar of Effective Speech and Self-confidence,* The Seminar of Overcoming Exam Anxiety,* Creative Drama* Effective Communication Ability Development,* NLP and the Seminar of Applying Individual Qualification,* Psychodrama* Chess* Painting, sculpture, and ceramics training,* Folk Dances,* English,* Happy Kids Youth Club...
The Activities of Happy Kids: • For Adults:* The Seminar of Effective Speech and Self-confidence,* Creative Drama,* Effective Communication Abilities,* Management of Stress,* Painting, sculpture, and ceramics training,* Folk Dances,* English,* Psychodrama,* Effective Teacher Training Seminar,* Parent's Education* NLP and the seminar of applying individual qualification,* The Seminar of "I Can,"* Happy Kids Thought Workshop...
The projects which Happy Kids participated in 2010-2011: • 510010-LLP-1-2010-1-AT-COMENIUS-CNW Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg "Digitalearth.eu: geomedia in schools • 510007-LLP-1-2010-1-CZ-LEONARDO-LMP EuroProfis s.r.o. "Efficiency Measurement of Lifelong Learning, using of Balanced Scorecard Concept" • 510005-LLP-1-2010-1-BG-COMENIUS-CMP National ManagementSchool, "SOcial Skills Trainer - New Qualification for European Teachers • 511858-LLP-1-2010-1-IT-KA3-KA3MP "INTERACTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA FOR INTEGRATION, SKILLS BARTERING, EMPOWERMENT, INFORMAL LEARNING” • 2010-1-NL1-LEO05-02662, "FUTURE - International tool for transparency of abilities, personality and interests", SES Training & Advies, TOI • 510294-LLP-1-2010-1-IT-COMENIUS-CMP Provincia di Mantova "MOtivating students to REad through cre-active approach” • 510864-LLP-1-2010-1-LVGRUNDTVIG-GMP Grundtvig Multilateral Projesi olan "Parents as Successful teacherS" (Associated Partner)
Thank you for your attention… • www.mutlubirey.net • www.happykids.com.tr (+90 312) 419 01 41 (+90 505) 810 81 25 Inkılap Sokak 24 / 12 Kızılay – ANKARA - TURKEY