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McKinney Vento…What’s It All About?

McKinney Vento…What’s It All About?. Education For Students Living in Transition McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act Title X, Part C Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Causes of Homelessness. Lack of affordable of housing Due to economy and foreclosures Loss of employment Poverty

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McKinney Vento…What’s It All About?

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  1. McKinney Vento…What’s It All About? Education For Students Living in Transition McKinney-VentoHomeless Education ActTitle X, Part CElementary and Secondary Education Act

  2. Causes of Homelessness Lack of affordable of housing Due to economy and foreclosures Loss of employment Poverty Health problems Domestic violence Natural and other disasters Abuse/neglect/abandonment (unaccompanied youth) NCHE • www.serve.org/nche • NAEHCY • www.naehcy.org • NLCHP • www.nlchp.org 2

  3. Issues Facing Children & YouthExperiencing Homelessness • Mobility - loss of structure, routine, stability • Trauma and loss • Deep poverty (deprivation, hunger) • Higher rates of developmental delays • Higher rates of chronic and acute health problems • Mental health issues: stress, anxiety, and depression • Disrupted or stressed attachments to caregivers • Invisibility

  4. Developmental Factors Compared to non-homeless children, homeless children have: • Greater developmental delays • More learning disabilities • More mental health problems • Higher frequency of withdrawal, shyness, separation anxiety, short attention disorder, flat affect, aggression, hoarding, anxiety over staff absences, concern over getting enough food, and sharing toys • More physical health problems

  5. Common Signs of Homelessness • Frequent moves • Attendance at many different schools • Inability to pay fees for school related activities or school supplies • Behind academically • Erratic attendance or tardiness • Numerous absences • Inability to contact parents (no phone/address

  6. Common Signs Homelessness(cont.) • Chronic hunger • Fatigue (falls sleep in class) • Increased vulnerability to colds/flu • Poor/short attention span • Lacks preparation for school (homework not complete, no school supplies or books) • Poor self-esteem • “Mature” beyond years • Difficulty trusting people/ avoids making friends

  7. McKinney - Vento Definition of Homeless Children & Youth • Children who lack a fixed, regular and adequate night time residence • Shared housing with others due to loss of home (economic hardship) • Living in a motel, hotel, trailer park or campground • Living in an emergency or transitional housing shelter • Living in a car, park, abandon building or substandard housing • Unaccompanied youth (not in the custody of parent or guardian)

  8. Homeless Definition: Why So Broad? • Shelters are often full and may turn families away, or put them on waiting lists • Shelters do not exist in many communities • Shelters often exclude families with boys over the age of 12 • Shelters often have 30, 60, or 90 day time limits • Motels may not be available, or too expensive • Families may turn to friends or family after initial eviction, living in over-crowded, temporary, and sometimes unsafe environments • Families may be unaware of alternatives, fleeing in crisis

  9. OC School Districts Identified Homeless Students County Wide Homeless Students • 32,510 (6.5%) MV students in 2013-2014 • 30,542 (6.1%) MV students in 2012-2013 • 28,625 (5.3%) MV students in 2011-2012 • 28,091 (5.6%) MV students in 2010-2011 • 26,029 (5.2%) MV students in 2009-2010 2013-2014 Primary Nighttime Residency • 29,300 (90%) Doubled/tripled up housing • 1,239 (4.0%) Hotels/motels • 1,730 (5.3%) Shelters • 241 (0.7%) Unsheltered (cars, parks, campground)

  10. McKinney Vento Statistics for PYLUSD PYLUSD Student Population: 25,316 (approximate as of 10/2015) Homeless Students in PYLUSD: • 3067 MV students in 2014-2015 • 2745 MV students in 2013-2014 • 817 MV students in 2012-2013 • 557 MV students in 2011-12 • 701 MV students in 2010-11 • 346 MV students in 2009-10 Current Number of McKinney Vento Students in PYLUSD: 2,964 • 66 Shelters • 9 Hotels and Motels • 2,867 Doubled and Tripled (two or more families in one home) • 22 Unsheltered (cars, parks, campgrounds)

  11. McKinney -Vento Enrollment Guidelines In order to promote school stability: • Enroll in public school that students living in the same attendance area are eligible to attend or stay in school-of-origin (school attended when permanently housed or in which last enrolled) • Students can stay in their school-of-origin the entire time they are homeless, and until the end of the academic year in which they are permanently housed • New legislation allows students to stay in their district of origin as well. Student can continue to the middle or high school now, as long as they are MV • Help arrange transportation (if applicable) • Students must be immediately enrolled, even if the student lacks immunization or student records such as birth certificates, medical records, proof of residency/guardianship (school needs to be obtain records at a later date) • District establishes a dispute resolution process • Student must be enrolled during a dispute and the parent must be provided with a written explanation of the school’s decision including the right to appeal • Student must be offered comparable services

  12. McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison: What Does Jon Do? Every School District must designate a homeless liaison charged with the following responsibilities: • Ensure that homeless students are identified • Ensure that homeless students enroll in and have full and equal opportunity to succeed in school • Make health referrals if necessary • Inform parents, guardians, or youth of educational and parent involvement opportunities • Inform parents/guardians of school enrollment status: “school-of-origin” vs. “school of residence” • Post public notice of educational rights • Resolve enrollment disputes between the school and the family • Inform parents, guardians, or youth of transportation services, including to the school of origin • Collaborate and coordinate with community and school personnel

  13. Helping Homeless Students ~ A Collaborative Model • School District PartnersCommunity Partners • Homeless Liaison Shelter & Service Providers • Community Workers 2-1-1 • Office Supervisors/registrars Transitional Living Programs • Transportation Department Homeless Forums & Meetings • Food Services Health Clinics/mobile clinics • School Administrators Soup Kitchens • Teachers County & City Housing Authority • Counselors, Social Workers County Social Workers • Special Education Mental Health Association • Pupil Support Services, CWA, SARB Public Laundry Facilities • Categorical Programs Director Faith-based Organizations • Migrant Education Motel Managers • State Preschool, Head Start, Apartment Managers • Family Resource Centers First 5 –Children/Family Commission • District After School Programs OCDE HOPES Collaborative • Parents and Children All Who Encounter Homeless Families

  14. As a Teacher…What Can You Do to Help? • Help identify McKinney Vento students • When a parent confides in you regarding their living status…tell them about McKinney Vento • Refer them to the office for enrollment form or give them one yourself • Help in the collection of accurate data by getting forms back to the office • Hold class fundraisers or food collection drives for MV pantry • Donate gift cards or have a gift card drive

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