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Verica Trstenjak: Expert on Refugee Crisis and Arbitration Disputes

Verica Trstenjak is a renowned expert on the refugee crisis and arbitration disputes between Slovenia and Croatia. With extensive knowledge in EU law, she provides valuable insights and analysis on these complex issues.

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Verica Trstenjak: Expert on Refugee Crisis and Arbitration Disputes

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  1. Verica TrstenjakMedia (2006 – 2015)

  2. Croatia's complaint against the slovene border fence. VericaTrstenjak "Chances for a croatian success aren't that good", slovene newspaper Finance (17.12.2015)

  3. "Is it possible to return refugees to Greece, like it is claimed by primeministerCerar?“ - VericaTrstenjak on recent developments regarding the refugee crisis sloveneweekly Finance, 13.11.2015

  4. "Austria's capacities are exhausted" - VericaTrstenjak about the refugee crisis,slovenemagazine Reporter, 2.11.2015

  5. VericaTrstenjak on Austria's plans to build a border fence and it's legal basis, Austrian newspaper Salzburg 24,29.10.2015

  6. VericaTrstenjak on Austria's plans to build a border fence and it's legal basis Austrian newspaper SalzburgerNachrichten, 29.10.2015

  7. VericaTrstenjak on Austria's plans to build a border fence and it's legal basis, Austrian newspaper Die Presse, 29.10.2015

  8. VericaTrstenjak on Slovenia's national television about the Nobel Peace Prize nominee Pedro Opeka, 16.10.2015

  9. "Refugees have a right to asylum, but they can't choose a state" - VericaTrstenjak in a big interview about the refugee crisis, the EU, Vienna and the rule of law in Slovenia; slovenemagazine Reporter, 28.9.2015

  10. "VericaTrstenjak about refugees: Humanity comes before the law", slovene weekly Finance, 14.9.2015

  11. Prof. Trstenjak on thenewsshow "Odmevi" at Slovenia's national television RTV SLO aboutthearbitrationbetweenSloveniaandCroatia, 14.8.2015

  12. VericaTrstenjak in the rubric "Statement of the week", slovene weekly Ona, 11.8.2015

  13. Telephone interview for the newsshow "Odmevi" at Slovenia's national television RTV SLO about the arbitration between Slovenia and Croatia, July 2015

  14. Austrian Press Agency's interview with VericaTrstenjak about the arbitration between Slovenia and Croatia; APA, 7.8.2015

  15. Disputes have to be solved with law and diplomacy, not with friendship" - VericaTrstenjak about arbitration between Slovenia and Croatia, sloveneweekly Finance, 6.8.2015

  16. "Politicians or statesmen, officials or judges?" VericaTrstenjak about the arbitration between Slovenia and Croatia, slovenenewspaper Delo,28.7.2015

  17. "Slovenes, we can be proud of" - VericaTrstenjak on the list of SIOL www.siol.net/novice/slovenija/2015/07/slovenci_na_katere_smo_ponosni2.aspx(27.7.2015)

  18. "VericaTrstenjak: I was against the abritration, so I won't be arbitrator" - open letter about the speculations relating to the arbitration between Slovenia and Croatia; sloveneweekly Finance, 27.7.2015

  19. "I hope, we can at least keep the Teran" - VericaTrstenjak in an big interview about the EU, Slovenia's politics and the rule of law, slovenenewspaper Večer, 25.7.2015

  20. Prof. Trstenjak on thenewsshow "Odmevi" at Slovenia's national television RTV SLO aboutthearbitrationbetweenSloveniaandCroatia, 23.7.2015

  21. Prof. Trstenjak on the newsshow "Odmevi" at Slovenia's national television RTV SLO about the possible withdraw of Greece from the EU, 9.7.2015

  22. Prof. Trstenjak about the Dublin-III-Regulation and asylum;austriannewspaperDer Standard, 24.6.2015

  23. First issueofthe„Italian Law Journal“, 14.8.2015

  24. ORF Hohes Haus Interview about "Euratom"ORF, 31.5.2015

  25. RTV SLOenglish, 24.3.2015

  26. "Trstenjakwithdrawsfrom her candidacyforthejudge at the European Court of Justice", Slovene Press Agency (STA), 24.3.2015

  27. "Slovenia's president Pahor recommends Ilešič and Trstenjak for the ECJ“; times.si, 13.3.2015

  28. Article "Prizes and awards in september 2014", Magazine of the University of Vienna “uni:view”, 22.12.2014

  29. Article "Without property" on compulsory acquisitions in HungaryaustriannewspaperWiener Zeitung, 30.9.2014

  30. Trstenjak admitted to the Academia Europaea, Magazine of the University of Vienna “uni:view”,30.9.2014

  31. Interview about the healthcare system and the EU, slovene national TV RTV SLO, 11.8.2014

  32. Interview about the rule of law in Slovenia, slovene national TV RTV SLO, September 2014

  33. The book "EU Law" by VericaTrstenjak and Maja Brkan in Slovenia's Eurovision Songcontest spot 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSjRqn6TKKw

  34. Verica TrstenjakasSlovenia'snew prime minister?", slovenenewspaperSvet24, 25.04.2014

  35. Article about foreign professors at the University of Vienna; Austrian newspaperWiener Zeitung, 30.01.2014

  36. Article about genetically modified foodsaustriannewspaperWiener Zeitung, 11.2.2014

  37. „Fromthe ECJ intotheheartof Europe“Magazine of the University of Vienna “uni:view”, 3.12.2013

  38. ORF News Magazine Interview about European citizenship, Austrian national TV ORF, 19.11.2013

  39. Article about the new Members of the Academia Europaea Austrian newspaper„Der Standard“, 30.10.2013 http://derstandard.at/1381370350272/13-Oesterreicher-in-Academia-Europaea-aufgenommen

  40. VericaTrstenjak became one of the few professors at the Universtity of Vienna Slovenenewspaper„Delo“, 30.10.2013

  41. Article about the new position as Professor for European Law at the University of Vienna Austrian newspaperDie Presse, 28.11.2013

  42. Article about the Opinion of the Advocate General VericaTrstenjak in the case C-91/11, germannewspaperhandeslblatt.at, 13.09.2013 www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/industrie/urteil-mit-symbolkraft-rwe-droht-schlappe-wegen-gaspreis-/7130120.html

  43. Article about the Opinion of the Advocate General VericaTrstenjak in the case C-28/09 ORF, 11.4.2012 tirv1.orf.at/stories/487718

  44. Article about a desired reinforcement of the Judges at the ECJ;germannewspaperFrankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 27.9.2011www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/recht-steuern/verfahren-am-eugh-dauern-immer-laenger-europarichter-wollen-verstaerkung-11371864.html

  45. Article about the Advocate General VericaTrstenjak Deutsche Welle, 2.3.2010 www.dw.de/verica-trstenjak-ich-vertrete-das-recht/a-5311310

  46. Article about the Opinion of the Advocate General VericaTrstenjak in the case C-316/09germanmagazine daz.online , 24.11.2010 www.deutsche-apotheker-zeitung.de/recht/news/2010/11/24/eugh-generalanwaeltin-packungsbeilage-darf-im-web-frei-zugaenglich-sein/3444.html

  47. Spanish article about the Opinion of the Advocate General VericaTrstenjak in the case C-467/08 spanishnewspaper„El Confidencial“, 20.10.2010www.elconfidencial.com/comunicacion/sgae-trstenjak-negocio-canon-20101020-70723.html

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