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JEOPARDY!. Click Once to Begin. STAAR Readiness Standards World History 3. JEOPARDY!. Category 1. Category 2. Category 3. Category 4. Category 5. Category 6. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400.

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  1. JEOPARDY! Click Once to Begin STAAR Readiness Standards World History 3

  2. JEOPARDY! Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category 6 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  3. JEOPARDY! STAAR 1 STAAR 2 STAAR 3 STAAR 4 STAAR 5 STAAR 6 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  4. The direction in which these products moved during the Columbian Exchange: corn, tomatoes, potatoes Answer

  5. Eastward from the Americas to Europe

  6. The item that African chiefs wanted from Europeans more than anything else in return for their participation in the slave trade Answer

  7. guns

  8. Slavery in the Americas was dependent upon the importation of Africans to work on these two types of plantations in the Caribbean and these plantations in the American South Answer

  9. Caribbean - tobacco and sugar American South - cotton

  10. The ‘ancient world’ ended in the year 1453 when the Ottoman Empire captured the last vestiges of the Roman Empire with the taking of this Byzantine capital city Answer

  11. Constantinople

  12. In 1525, Eastern Europe was spared the advances of Suleyman’s Ottoman army outside the walls of this capital city due to the onset of winter Answer

  13. Vienna, Austria

  14. The Ottoman Empire impacted global trade from 1300-1922 by connecting the east with the west, including water-borne trade via the Persian Gulf, Black Sea, Aegean and Red Seas and this former ‘Roman Lake’ in the west Answer

  15. Mediterranean

  16. Name this Chinese Dynasty (1368-1644) that impacted global trade:1) Moved their capital to Beijing2) One emperor Yongle had and interest in the outside world3) 7 great voyages traveled to SE Asia, India, Arabia, and E. Africa4) Goal to impress world with Chinese splendor and collect tribute Answer

  17. Ming Dynasty

  18. After the voyages of Zheng He and his Treasure Ships (1405-1433 AD), these scholars returned to power and China returned to the policy of isolation Answer

  19. Confucian

  20. This period in world history (16th and 17th centuries) is defined by the following factors and principles:1) New wealth from colonies in the Americas2) Maritime innovations increase trade and exploration3) Establishment of banks, stock exchanges, and insurance Answer

  21. European Commercial Revolution

  22. The rise in this economic theory of private ownership and investment of wealth for profit led to the growth of the merchant class and an increase in the money supply among Western nations Answer

  23. capitalism

  24. A company in which investors pool their money together to establish American colonies and usually faced minimal monetary losses because of the large number involved in the investment Answer

  25. joint-stock

  26. An economic system in which colonies provided gold and silver (or raw materials) and the mother country had a favorable balance of trade because the colonies purchased manufactured goods in return Answer

  27. mercantilism

  28. Daily Double!!! The ‘revolution’ in Great Britain that preceded the Industrial Revolution that involved an enclosure system that allowed for cultivation of larger fields, improved planting technology, and livestock breeding that led to a larger population Answer

  29. Agricultural Revolution

  30. The first two successful industries in which new technologies spurred economic and industrial growth during the Industrial Revolution Answer

  31. Textiles and iron making

  32. The industry in which these inventions were used:1) flying shuttle2) spinning jenny3) spinning mule4) water frame Answer

  33. Textile

  34. The Islamic technology imported into Europe and used to run ‘early’ Industrial Age factories Answer

  35. Water wheels and wind mills

  36. Perhaps the single most important invention during the early stages of the Industrial Revolution that was improved by James Watt Answer

  37. Steam engine

  38. This American inventor applied steam technology to riverboat travel and made sailing upriver a reality Answer

  39. Robert Fulton

  40. This application of the steam engine to this infrastructure led to the opening of the American West to explorers and travelers utilizing this Industrial Age innovation Answer

  41. railroad

  42. The following are all examples of what political, economic, and social philosophy that Europeans embraced during the18th, 19th, and 20th centuries?1) The idea of nationalism leads to the want of overseas colonies2) Need for new markets and raw materials for the Industrial Revolution3) Feeling of superiority and the need to ‘civilize’ the barbaric non-westerners Answer

  43. Imperialism (Neo-Imperialism)

  44. This European philosophy or theory promoted the idea that the fittest for survival enjoy wealth and success and are superior to others Answer

  45. Social Darwinism

  46. The following characteristics are associated with the rise of which 18th – 20th century philosophy of European dominance?1) having colonies2) protectorates3) spheres of influence4) independent countries controlled by private interests (foreign company) Answer

  47. Imperialism

  48. Which are negative and which are positive impacts of imperialism?1) new diseases reduce native populations2) infrastructure built to aid economic growth3) European military presence reduces local warfare4) regions stripped of natural resources5) artificial boundaries create tensions between rival kinship groups Answer

  49. Negative • Positive • Positive • Negative • negative

  50. The following are all causes of which event in world history?1) Enlightenment ideals2) “No taxation without representation”3) Desire to participate in Parliament4) liberty, equality, and democracy Answer

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