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AfiLab The Tool for Ketosis

AfiLab The Tool for Ketosis. OABP Meeting – November 14, 2012. Jeff Durkin, DVM Application Specialist afimilk USA jeff@afimilk.com 360 610 1554. Ketosis and Negative Energy Balance. Very common in high producing herds High losses Sub clinical ketosis (SCK) >>> Clinical ketosis (CK).

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AfiLab The Tool for Ketosis

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  1. AfiLabThe Tool for Ketosis OABP Meeting – November 14, 2012 Jeff Durkin, DVM Application Specialist afimilk USA jeff@afimilk.com 360 610 1554

  2. Ketosis and Negative Energy Balance • Very common in high producing herds • High losses • Sub clinical ketosis (SCK) >>> Clinical ketosis (CK)

  3. Ketosis and Production • Ketosis, leads to a gradual loss of appetite • Lowers milk production Peak, Persistency and Negative Energy Balance (NEB) 1st Lactations Cows* (8882 cows in 86 herds) 1 % persistency = 304.0 lbs in 305 days * Oded Nir, 2010

  4. Sub-Clinical Ketosis (SCK) - Losses • 100 herds average of 840 cows (range 265-2770) • 2785 cows tested • Cows with Sub-clinical ketosis: • Reduction of 14%-18% of conception rate • Less 453 kg/lactation (305 days) • Increase culling rate Nydam, 2011

  5. Sub-Clinical Ketosis - Treatment • 4 herds - 1717 cow tested • Sub clinical ketosis definition BHBA=1.2-2 mmole/L • 43% of the cows with SCK(range 26.4-55.7%) • Propylene Glycol treatment – shorten time for recovery, decrease clinical ketosis and DA events, improve milk production and fertility Nydam, 2011

  6. Negative Energy Balance by Days in Milk (DIM) Adapted from: Oded Nir

  7. Clinical Ketosis Vs. Sub-Clinical Ketosis 2603 lactations of multiparous cows in 7 herds (1982-1984) From: Oded Nir

  8. Questions That Every Herdsman Must Ask • How do I find ketosis? • When do I check cows for ketosis? • What is the ketosis rate in my herd?

  9. The AfiLab Way…. • Fat:Protein ratio • Early detection • Continuous monitoring - every day all the day Milk protein Milk fat

  10. Fat:Protein Ratio • Correlation between metabolic diseases and milk components • Ketosis (NEB) – Fat/Protein Ratio (FPR)> 1.35-1.50 (Heuer et. al., 1999)

  11. Diagnosing Ketosis using AfiLab data • A field trial (395 cows sample) • The “gold standard”: Serum BHBA >1.4 mmol/l • Rate of ketosis 21.0% • Models:

  12. Daily List of “Ketotic” Cows (5 to 45 DIM) • Cows high probability (80. 7%) of being “ketotic” • Cows moderate probability (51.7%) of being “ketotic” Based on a study field preformed by Afimilk Applied Research Team. Shkulnik et al, 2009

  13. Diurnal patterns of plasma BHBA (Beta-hydroxybutyrice acid) From: Meier et al., 2010

  14. AfiLab – Negative Energy BalanceUndetectedCows Profit of $5,500 per Year

  15. AfiLab – Early Treatment for NEB Cows Profit of $2,500 per Year

  16. AfiLab – Open Days Improvement Profit of $3,780 per Year

  17. AfiLab - Negative Energy Balance Profit 300 milking cow herd

  18. Afilab The Tool for Ketosis • Ketosis – high impact on dairy cows production and fertility • Fat:Protein ratio indication for ketosis • AFiLab – continuous monitoring • Expected benefit - 40$/cow/year

  19. What is wrong with cow 919? Milk

  20. Cow 919 have high fat:protein ration Milk Fat % So cow 919 is OK the AfiLab is wrong…

  21. Cow 919 present lactation compared to previous lactations?!

  22. A NEB in an Italian Herd (based on a Herd Health Report for the period 11/10-10/11) • 220 Holstein cows • The extended 305 days milk yield is 10,981 kg • All cows are checked routinely for ketosis 5 to 12 days postpartum A cow with a fat/protein ratio >1.4 in the milk tests carried out 5 to 35 DIM was defined to be in a state of a NEB Next 3 slides based on: Oded Nir

  23. A NEB in an Italian Herd (based on a Herd Health Report for the period 11/10-10/11) Comparing the milk test results to the cows diagnosed with ketosis • Ketosis rate – 42% (90/214) • 45 cows detected out of 90 cases (50%) • Total annual financial loss is estimated at US$ 11,685 • US$ 61.4/cow in the herd

  24. Why so many cows are missed? • The answer lies in the profile of the NEB in this herd: • a late ketosis! • What can he do more? • Improve the feeding in the transition period? He tried! • Use feed additives? He tried! • Check all cows for ketosis everyday? Not practical?!!

  25. Afilab Now let’s talk about feeding ….

  26. Thank you

  27. AfiLab – Real Time Milk Analyzer • Daily milk component measurement device • Fat • Protein • Lactose • Quality Control Alerts • On line blood detection, alerting and stop milking (Panel lock)

  28. SCC non labeled (clean) detection of • four levels: • Less than 200K • 200-400K • III. 400-800K • IV. More than 800 On Going Development

  29. Optical characteristics of light scattering off matter Technological Discipline Multivariate analysis of absorbance Spectrum of milk in near infra-red

  30. Automated coupling of the “lab” to each stall in real time • Free flow • Continuously measures milk components during milking • Provides daily milk analysis for animal health and • performance • Easy maintenance • Part of the regular cleaning system in the milking • parlor • Clean Measurement – No use of reagents needed • Affordable for every milking point AfiLab Concept

  31. Multiple Sampling VS. Single Periodic Sampling Real Life Afilab Estimation… Periodic lab samplings Periodic lab samplings 5%

  32. Day-to-day Variation for Individual Cows • During a week’s time, is milk fat % for a given cow better determined using 14 measures (each milking) by AfiLab or 2 consecutive measures (1 day) by an Infra-red lab? • 30 Holstein Cows averaging 40.7 kg/d of milk • Milk sampled for 14 consecutive milkings (7 days) • Milk composition analyzed by • AFI-lab • DHIA lab using Bentley NIR equipment (FL) • Milk sample collection began the day after recalibration of AFI University of Florida(Staples et al., 2011)

  33. Daily Variation in Milk Fat % Across 7 Days of Sampling (DHIA Lab) for Cow 15891 3.80% 7-day Mean of 3.11% 2.75% 2.51% From: Staples et al., 2011

  34. Day-to-day Variation for Individual Cows • Results: • Using 2x milking data, 39.7% (73/184) of daily measures of milk fat% by DHIA were more than 0.2 percentage units from the weekly average (i.e. 3 of 7 days) • Conclusion: • When AfiLab is accurate, AfiLab measures averaged across 14 milkings can be a more reliable tool for measure of weekly milk fat % than NIR when milk samples are collected at two consecutive milkings University of Florida(Staples et al., 2011)

  35. Milk Quality

  36. Mastitis Alert - Lactose • Sub-clinical mastitis detection and improve clinical mastitis detection • 15-20% of milking cows are infected • Early treatment improve milk production • Concept: • Lactose sharply drops during clinical events • Some bacteria (sub-clinical) decrease lactose level

  37. Clinical mastitis

  38. Milk Quality – Blood

  39. Milk Quality – Milk Separation High Prot % Good Quality Milk Low fat % Blood, SCC

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