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BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC. 1995: Establishment of the BCRC as a unit within SLOVAK ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY – CENTRE OF WASTE AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Based on a feasibility study – prepared by Finland UN – UNEP/SBC/SAE project No. BS/3100-97-01

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  1. BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC 1995: Establishment of the BCRC as a unit within SLOVAK ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY – CENTRE OF WASTE AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Based on a feasibility study – prepared by Finland UN – UNEP/SBC/SAE project No. BS/3100-97-01 • generous grant from the Swiss government • grant from DEPA • in-kind contribution from the Slovak Republic Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  2. BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal • Adopted on March 22, 1989 by the Conference of Plenipotentiares at Basel, Switzerland • May 5, 1992 Entry into force • 164 Parties to the Basel Convention Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  3. BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC Basel Convention key objectives: • to minimize the generation of HW in terms of quantity and hazardousness • to dispose of HW as close to the source of generation as possible • to reduce the movement of HW Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  4. BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC The two main points of the Basel Convention • Control regime for the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous wastes • Environmentally Sound management (ESM) of Hazardous Wastes Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  5. BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC Building the capacity through training and technology transfer BCRCs Argentina, China, Egypt, El Salvador, Indonesia, Nigeria, Senegal, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Russian Federation, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay, Iran • to help countries implement the BC Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  6. BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC • Knowledge of the current state of waste management in CEE countries was considered basic condition for the project realisation. Operational strategy for the Centre • Training courses and workshops • Supplementary projects to the workshops and comprehensive studies • Assistance and advisory services • Promotion and public awareness Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  7. BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC PRIORITY AREAS • Adoption and implementation of BC into national legislation • Setting up environmentally sound HW management systems • Introduction of the waste management information system at a national level • Technologies for environmentally sound treatment and disposal of HW • Promotion of public awareness • Control system for HW transboundary movement Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  8. TRAINING PROCESS EVALUATION Current Situation • All countries under the competence of BCRC Bratislava became Parties to the Basel Convention Result • All countries have established Competent Authorities and Focal Points under Article 5 of the Basel Convention Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  9. BCRC BRATISLAVA TRAINING COURSES June 1997 to March 2000: 10 training courses No. 1: June 1997 • Implementation of the Basel Convention into the National Legislation (Demonstration Project – Petroleum Refinery Slovnaft Bratislava) No. 2: October 1997 • Identification of Hazardous Wastes (Hazardous waste collection, Saubermacher Company in Graz, Austria) Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  10. BCRC BRATISLAVA TRAINING COURSES No. 3 December 1997 • The Information Management System on Wastes (Tyre Company Matador Puchov, Slovakia) No. 4 March 1998 • Enforcement of the Basel Convention Principles (Slovak Gas Industry, Danube-River Hydro-Energetic Complex) No. 5 June 1998 • Public Awareness Programmes (Aluminium Plant, Envirofilm) Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  11. BCRC BRATISLAVA TRAINING COURSES No. 6 September 1998 • Cleaner production and Waste Minimisation (Pulp and paper Mill AssiDoman Packaging Sturovo, Slovakia) No. 7 November 1998 • Methods of Waste Disposal with Focus on Incineration (incineration plant EbS in Vienna – Simmering, Austria and waste alternative Treatment Company in Slovakia) Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  12. BCRC BRATISLAVA TRAINING COURSES No. 8 May 1999 • Control of the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes (Visit to the Slovak-Austrian border check point) No. 9 March 2000 • Implementation of the Basel Ban Amendment (Danish Project) No. 10 June 2002 • Comparative Analysis of International Waste Lists and Control Systems Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  13. COOPERATION WITH OTHERS MEAs • Bratislava, April, 2002 • Preparation and Presentation of the BCRC Bratislava at the Sub-regional workshop for Implementation of Stockholm Convention on POPs • Kiev, November 2002 • Presentation of BCRC Bratislava at Sub-regional Workshop for Implementation of Rotterdam Convention Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  14. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION • Seventh International HCH & Pesticides Forum (Kiev, June, 2003) Kiev Declaration on the establishment of a programme action for the environmentally sound management of obsolete pesticides and other stocks of unwanted persistent organic pollutants for ECA countries Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  15. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION • Sarajevo, October, 2003 Presentation of BCRC Bratislava at Regional Training workshop on the Monitoring and Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes in the Context of the Basel Convention in the Balkans • Budapest, December, 2003 Presentation of BCRC Bratislava at WTO Regional Seminar on Trade and Environment for CEE Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  16. 11th BCRC BRATISLAVA WORKSHOP Cleaner production - Waste Minimization Training Bratislava, November, 2003 • knowledge on cleaner production • principle of practice, strategies, tools and method to adopt preventive approach on preparation and management of clearing production projects • planning and organisation of projects in enterprises • quality of implementation plan • environmental and economic evaluation Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  17. 12th BCRC BRATISLAVA WORKSHOP Workshop on the Strengthening of Co-operation based on Chemical and Hazardous Wastes Conventions • Prague, march, 2004 • Participating countries: Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia • NFPs (Basel, RotterdamStockholm, Montreal), Customs Officers, Environmental Inspectorates • Share information, exchange of experiences • Make clear identification of links among chemical and HW Conventions • Support the implementation • Strengthening of co-operation • Avoid the duplicity of activities Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  18. 12th BCRC BRATISLAVA WORKSHOP Frequently Discussed Topics • Exports of the POPs as waste for destruction • Two non-combustion technologies in the region • NGO position • Problem with the interim storage of collected POPs as waste • POPs contaminated sites • Inventories of PCB and PCBs equipment are still in process • Inventories of CFCs • Problem with limit values for low level POPs wastes Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  19. 12th BCRC BRATISLAVA WORKSHOP Recommendations related directly to BCRC • To strengthen this co-operation through regularly updated information exchange - channelled through the BCRC Bratislava which will handle database • To exchange results of national inventories of POPs and POPs as wastes, BCRC will facilitate this process in the CEE region • To inform other countries about the list of PCB products, PCB transformers, capacitors and other equipment containing PCBs, which were produced and used in the countries of the region, BCRC will facilitate this process; Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  20. 13th BCRC BRATISLAVA WORKSHOP Regional Workshop on the Preparation of a Regional approach for the ESM of POPs as Wastes for Selected CEE countries (11 CEE countries) • To develop recommendations for a regional approach for the ESM of POPs waste • To make recommendations for how to make national inventories of POPs waste • To develop national strategies for the elimination of POPs waste Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  21. 13th BCRC BRATISLAVA WORKSHOP • To undertake first investigations on which technologies are available and could be chosen for the environmentally sound transport, storage and destruction of POPs waste, taking into consideration cost effectiveness • To increase policy-awareness of the POPs waste issue in the region Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  22. 13th BCRC BRATISLAVA WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS • Ensure synergy and co-ordination between POPs related regional initiatives • Sharing knowledge and experience in ESM and elimination of POPs wastes and related wastes • Guidance for undertaking detailed inventories of PCBs, obsolete pesticides, dioxins and furans • Additional workshop conducted on PCBs, obsolete pesticides and unintentionally produced by-products • Training of trainers and other stakeholders Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  23. 13th BCRC BRATISLAVA WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS • Follow up activities to NIP, action plans, taking into account the “Directive 79/117/EEC” on POPs • Development and maintenance of information resource, incl databases, publications, reports legislation • To support regional approach on POPs containing wastes and obsolete stockpiles taking into account the complexity of HW management and disposal • Lobbying for political support Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  24. 2005-06 Business Plan The Centre will focus its activities on: • Capacity building of the Regional Centre • Implementing the Obligations of the Convention • The ESM of Basel Convention Priority Waste Streams Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

  25. Project in progress • Project on Legal assistance for the elaboration and adoption of national legislation for the effective implementation of the Basel Convention in Bulgaria, Former Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia


  27. 7th CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES Geneva, October 25-29, 2004 Preparatory segment • Strategic Plan - capacity building • BCRCs • Preparation of technical guidelines • BC Partnership programme • Partnership with MEAs • Work programme of the for 2005-06 High level: Partnership for Meeting the Global Waste Challenge Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia

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