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Dogs. Ivana Vnuková. Dog breed s. Alapaz full-breed bulldog. This breed is recognized in United States . Is it muscular and strong breed . His weight is 30 – 45 kilograms , and his height is 48 – 66 centimeters.Their typical colors are white , shades black,red,gray,brown .
Dogs Ivana Vnuková
Alapazfull-breedbulldog • Thisbreed is recognized in United States. • Is itmuscular and strongbreed. His weight is 30 – 45 kilograms, and hisheight is 48 – 66 centimeters.Theirtypicalcolors are white, shadesblack,red,gray,brown.
AlaskanMalamute • Is it dog breed, coming from USA. They belong to oldest breed sledge dogs. Usually they live in northwest Alaska. They emenativestrong,elegance and reverence. They are bold, no tremulous or aggressive.
AmericanWaterSpaniel • He coming from state Wisconsin. Pedagogy and discipline aren’t doubtable. He likes children.
White swissshepherd • ThisdogcomingfromSwitzerland. His avaragelength of life is 12-13 years. They are similar of germanshepherd. They are friendly and nice to theirfamily.
Bichon • HecomingfromFrance and Belgium. Is itplayful and happy breed , that has gotcurly, soft, whitecoat. Heneedregularlysoftenereyes.
Chow-chow • ThisbreedcomingfromChina. Wecansay, thathe is stubborn and independent, dedicated, sweet. Is suitably to city and village. Thisbreed hate penalties and hewill never listen to the word.
Chihuahua • BreedcomingfromMexico. Chihuahua is smallestdogfromallbreed. Are twotipsthisbreed. Is itlongcoat and shortcoat. Is highabout 20 centimeters.
Germanshepherd • Is excellentfriend. To unknownpeople is skeptic. He is playful. Peopleusedthisbreed in police services.