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ANTICIPATORY BRAIN DYNAMICS IN PERCEPTION, COGNITION, AND ACTION. Stephen Grossberg Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems and Center for Adaptive Systems Boston University. steve@bu.edu http://www.cns.bu.edu/Profiles/Grossberg. THEMES.
ANTICIPATORY BRAIN DYNAMICSIN PERCEPTION, COGNITION, AND ACTION Stephen Grossberg Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems and Center for Adaptive Systems Boston University steve@bu.edu http://www.cns.bu.edu/Profiles/Grossberg
THEMES What is the role of anticipatory mechanisms with respect to reactive ones? • How do we pay attention to appropriate features using • expectations and goals? • What is the relation between anticipatory processes • and symbol formation? • How are emotions related to anticipatory representations? • How are emotions such as fear and relief built and exploited? • How do different anticipatory mechanisms integrate and interact?
THEMES A great deal of recent interest in these themes Almost 50 years of behavioral and neural modeling have been developing them! My talk will give a (necessarily) selective overview Many relevant articles from my work with my colleagues can be downloaded from http://www.cns.bu.edu/Profiles/Grossberg
A TALK IN THREE PARTS COGNITIVE INFORMATION PROCESSING Show link between working memory in STM learning and categorization (symbol formation) in LTM expectation attention resonance hypothesis testing and memory search consciousness sensory cortex temporal cortex prefrontal cortex hippocampal system
A TALK IN THREE PARTS how reactive movements are made rapidly to urgent environmental challenges how reactive movements may be suppressed when more slowly developing plans are selected how the brain knows that a plan is being selected before it is selected how the brain uses reactive movements to learn planned movements BALANCING REACTIVE AND PLANNED MOVEMENTS sensory cortex motor cortex temporal cortex prefrontal cortex basal ganglia cerebellum superior colliculus reticular formation
A TALK IN THREE PARTS COGNITIVE-EMOTIONAL INTERACTIONS classical and instrumental conditioning attentional blocking opponent emotions; e.g., fear vs. relief (hope) how expectations influence emotions adaptively timed learning and attention how unexpected rewards generate reinforcing signals sensory cortex temporal cortex prefrontal cortex sensory thalamus amygdala basal ganglia cerebellum
Let’s start with a basic question:HOW DOES THE BRAIN CONTROL BEHAVIOR? Mind-Body ProblemMany groups study BRAIN OR BEHAVIORBRAIN provides MECHANISMSBEHAVIOR provides FUNCTIONSWithout a link between them BRAIN MECHANISMS have no FUNCTIONBEHAVIORAL FUNCTIONS have no MECHANISM
HOW DOES THE BRAIN CONTROL BEHAVIOR? What level of brain organization controls behavior? What is the functional unit of behavior? BRAIN evolution needs to achieve BEHAVIORAL success What level of BRAIN processing governs BEHAVIORAL success? TheNETWORK andSYSTEM levels!
How does BEHAVIOR arise as EMERGENT PROPERTIES OF NEURAL NETWORKS? Does this mean that individual neurons are unimportant? Not at all! How are individualNEURONS designed and connected so that theNETWORKS they comprise generate emergent properties that govern successful BEHAVIORS? Need to simultaneously describe 3 levels (at least): BEHAVIOR NETWORK NEURON and a MODELING language to link them
A KEYMODELING THEME has unified these levels during forty years of modeling: HOW AN INDIVIDUAL ADAPTS ON ITS OWN IN REAL TIME TO A COMPLEX AND CHANGING WORLD AUTONOMOUS ADAPTATION TO A NON-STATIONARY ENVIRONMENT This theme is realized in a modeling cycle that leads to models of brain and behavior with surprising explanations and predictions:
MODELING CYCLE Design Principles Behavioral Data Neural Data Predictions Predictions Mathematical and Computer Analysis Technological Applications
TWO KEY CONCLUSIONS 1. Advanced brains look like they do to enable REAL-TIME AUTONOMOUS LEARNING Lesson: The Architecture is the Algorithm 2. Recent models show how the brain’s ability to DEVELOP and LEARN greatly constrain the laws of ADULT INFORMATION PROCESSING Lesson: You cannot fully understand adult neural information processing without studying how the brain LEARNS
TECHNOLOGICAL TAKE HOME LESSON The brain is designed to AUTONOMOUSLY ADAPT TO A CHANGING WORLD Engineering and Technology need this competence to solve urgent societal problems Both FUNCTIONANDMECHANISM are needed to solve technological problems FUNCTION= What it is for MECHANISM = How it works This explains how BEHAVIOR AND BRAIN modeling can inspire NEUROMORPHIC TECHNOLOGY
A CENTRAL QUESTION OF BOTHBIOLOGICAL AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE How does an INDIVIDUAL ADAPT ON ITS OWN IN REAL TIME TO A CHANGING WORLD? Autonomous adaptation to a nonstationary environment Answers to different aspects of this question have led to…
BREAKTHROUGHS IN BRAIN COMPUTING Models that link detailed brain CIRCUITS to the ADAPTIVE BEHAVIORS that they control Mind/Body Problem Describe NEW PARADIGMS for brain computing INDEPENDENT MODULES Computer Metaphor COMPLEMENTARY COMPUTING Brain as part of the physical world LAMINAR COMPUTING Why are all neocortical circuits laminar? How do laminar circuits give rise to biological intelligence?
Principles ofUNCERTAINTY and COMPLEMENTARITY Multiple Parallel Processing Streams Exist HIERARCHICAL INTRASTREAM INTERACTIONS UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLES operate at individual levels Hierarchical interactions resolve uncertainty PARALLEL INTERSTREAM INTERACTIONS Each stream computes COMPLEMENTARY properties Parallel interactions overcome complementary weaknesses ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR = EMERGENT PROPERTIES
SOME COMPLEMENTARY PROCESSES Visual Boundary Visual Surface Interbob Stream V1-V4 Blob Stream V1-V4 Visual Boundary Visual Motion Interbob Stream V1-V4 Magno Stream V1-MT WHAT learning/ WHERE learning/ Matching Matching Inferotemporal and Parietal and Prefrontal areas Prefrontal areas Object Tracking Optic Flow Navigation MT Interbands and MSTv MT Bands and MSTd Motor Target Position Volitional Speed Motor and Parietal Cortex Basal Ganglia
BOUNDARY ANDSURFACECOMPUTATIONS ARE COMPLEMENTARY neon color spreading BOUNDARY COMPLETION SURFACE FILLING-IN oriented inward insensitiveto direction-of-contrast unoriented outward sensitive to direction-of-contrast
HOW DOES THE CEREBRAL CORTEX WORK? It supports the highest levels of biological intelligence in all modalities VISION, SPEECH, COGNITION, ACTION Why does the cortex have LAYERS? How does LAMINAR COMPUTING give rise to biological intelligence? 1. How does visual cortex stably DEVELOPandLEARNto optimize its structure to process different environments? 2. How does visual cortexGROUPdistributed information? 3. How does top-downATTENTIONbias visual processing? A CNS breakthrough shows how 1 implies 2 and 3!
2/3 4 6 WHAT DOES LAMINAR COMPUTING ACHIEVE? 1. SELF-STABILIZING DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING 2. Seamless fusion of PRE-ATTENTIVE AUTOMATIC BOTTOM-UP PROCESSING and ATTENTIVE TASK-SELECTIVE TOP-DOWN PROCESSING 3. ANALOG COHERENCE: Solution of theBINDING PROBLEMwithout a loss of analog sensitivity Even the earliest cortical stages carry out active adaptive information processing: LEARNING, GROUPING, ATTENTION
LAMINAR COMPUTING: A NEW WAY TO COMPUTE 1. FEEDFORWARD AND FEEDBACK Rapid feedforward processing when data are unambiguous Feedback is automatically engaged to choose among ambiguous alternatives: self-normalizing competition A self-organizing system that trades certainty against speed Goes beyond Bayesian models 2. ANALOG AND DIGITAL ANALOG COHERENCE combines the stability of digital with the sensitivity of analog 3. PRE-ATTENTIVE AND ATTENTIVE LEARNING A pre-attentive grouping is its own “attentional” prime!
A TALK IN THREE PARTS: PART 1 COGNITIVE INFORMATION PROCESSING Show link between working memory in STM learning and categorization (symbols) in LTM expectation attention resonance hypothesis testing and memory search consciousness sensory cortex temporal cortex prefrontal cortex hippocampal system
SEVERAL TYPES OF LEARNING Identify Evaluate Synchronize Locate Act What Why When Where How Recognition Reinforcement Timing Spatial Motor Control …and they Interact! How to unravel this complexity?
TWO APPROACHES TO HUMAN LEARNING, CATEGORIZATION, AND MEMORY MY face vs. A face • EXEMPLAR MODELS • Memory • store each event • Categorization • compare items to each stored exemplar • assign item to category with nearest exemplar • PROTOTYPE MODELS • Memory • store abstraction of multiple exemplars • Categorization • compare items to each stored prototype • assign item to category with nearest prototype
PROBLEMS OF EXEMPLAR AND PROTOTYPE MODELS • EXEMPLAR MODELS • How to: • abstract from individual events? • recognize novel events? • search such a large memory? • PROTOTYPE MODELS • How to: • determine proper level of abstraction? • code individual events? • learn prototypes on line when only exemplars are ever experienced?
PROBLEMS OF EXEMPLAR AND PROTOTYPE MODELS • ALL MODELS • How do: • NEWitems degrade memory of OLD items during recognition trials? • I.e., How to FORGET? • INFEROTEMPORAL CORTEX • Learns to encode both • specific and general information • Forgets
COGNITIVE MODELS • CONTEXT MODEL • Medin & Shaffer, 1978; Medin & Smith, 1981; • Medin, Dewey & Murphy, 1984 • Early successful exemplar model • Shows weaknesses of prototype models • RULE–PLUS-EXCEPTIONS MODEL • Nosofsky, 1984, 1987; Nosofsky, Kruschke & McKinley, 1992; Palmeri & Nosofsky, 1995 • Hybrid model • Mixes prototypes and exemplars
COGNITIVE MODELS • RETURN OF PROTOTYPE MODELS • Smith & Minda, 1998; Smith, Murray & Minda,1997; • Smith & Minda, 2000 • Trace exemplar model success to differential processing of OLD and NEW items • Prototype models do better when designed to process OLD and NEW items separately • But see Nosofsky (2000) and Nosofsky and Zaki (2002)
Data set Reference Physical Stimuli Instruction-Condition 1 Medin & Shaffer (1978) Geometric Shapes Neutral 2 Brunswick Faces Neutral 3 Medin & Smith (1981) Brunswick Faces Neutral 4 Brunswick Faces Rule-plus-exception 5 Brunswick Faces Prototype instructions 6 Medin, Dewey, & Murphy (1984) Yearbook photos Neutral 7 Yearbook photos Neutral 8 Yearbook photos Learn first-last name 9 Yearbook photos Learn first name 10 Medin, Altom, & Murphy (1992) Geometric Shapes Neutral 11 Geometric Shapes Prototype facts given concurrently 12 Geometric Shapes Prototype facts given first 13 Geometric Shapes Neutral 14 Geometric Shapes Prototype facts given concurrently 15 Geometric Shapes Prototype facts given first 16 Neutral 17 Prototype facts given concurrently 18 Prototype facts given first 19 Nosofsky, Kruschke, & McKinley (1992) Geometric Shapes Neutral 20 Geometric Shapes Neutral 21 Geometric Shapes Neutral 22 Geometric Shapes Neutral 23 Geometric Shapes Neutral 24 Nosofsky, Kruschke, & McKinley (1994) Rocket Ships Neutral 25 Palmeri & Nosofsky (1995) Rocket Ships Rule-plus-exception 26 Rocket Ships Neutral 27 Lamberts (1995) Brunswick Faces Neutral-speeded 28 Brunswick Faces Neutral-speeded 29 Brunswick Faces Neutral-speeded 30 Brunswick Faces Neutral 5-4 CATEGORY STIMULI IN 30 EXPERIMENTS • Smith & Minda, 2000 • Geometric Shapes Verbal Descriptions • Brunswick Faces Rocket Ship Drawings • Yearbook Photos
Type and Stimulus Dimension (D) D1 D2 D3 D4 Category A A1 1 1 1 0 A2 1 0 1 0 A3 1 0 1 1 A4 1 1 1 0 A5 0 1 1 1 TRAINING (OLD) ITEMS Category B B1 1 1 0 0 0 B2 1 1 0 B3 0 0 0 1 B4 0 0 0 0 Transfer (T) T 10 1 0 0 1 T11 1 0 0 0 T12 1 1 1 1 T13 0 0 1 0 NEW TEST ITEMS T14 0 1 0 1 T15 0 0 1 1 T16 0 1 0 0 5-4 CATEGORY STRUCTURE A1-A5: closer to the (1 1 1 1) prototype B1-B4: closer to (0 0 0 0) prototype
5-4 CATEGORY STRUCTURE PROPERTIES • Within-category similarity:2.4 • average number of features that exemplars within a category share • Between-category similarity:1.6 • average number of features that exemplars across categories share • Structural ratio (s.r.) 1.5 • ratio of within-category similarity • to between-category similarity • measure of within-category coherence & between-category differentiation • s.r. = 1.5 implies poor differentiation • s.r.= 1.0nodifferentiation • s.r.> 3.0easydifferentiation
5-4 CATEGORY STRUCTURE PROPERTIES • Classes are linearly separable • Predictive power of each dimension • percent correct using only one feature in training • Dimension: • 178 % • 2 56 % • 3 78 % • 4 67 % • Ideal Rule: • Subjects should use dimensions 1 & 3 and not 2
PROBLEMS OF COGNITIVE MODELS None of these models actually learns its exemplars or prototypes None of them explains how information is stored or retrieved in real time They define prototypes a priori, not by what prototypes humans may actually learn They all use combinations of exemplars, not just individual exemplars
EXEMPLAR MODELS IMPLICITLY USE PROTOTYPE KNOWLEDGE Probability of a category A response equals sum of similarities between the test item i and stored exemplars of A divided by the sum of similarities between the test item i and ALL stored exemplars: å S ij j Î A = P iA å å + S S ij ij j A j B Î Î
HOW DOES THE MODEL KNOW WHICH EXEMPLARS ARE IN CATEGORY A? It must know this to compare ONLY these exemplars with the test item to compute their similarity BOTTOM-UP LEARNING: Every exemplar, including the test item, is associated during learning with a“prototype” TOP-DOWN LEARNING: When activated by a test item, the prototype feeds back to selectively activate ALL its exemplars Although these exemplars are simultaneously activated, the similarity of the test item to EACH one can be computed and then summed. How is this done?!
ADAPTIVE RESONANCE THEORY ART Grossberg, 1976 An ART model autonomously learns CRITICAL FEATURE PATTERNS of relevant features to which the model pays attention Some patterns represent general information PROTOTYPES Other patterns represent specific information EXEMPLARS Together they represent RULES-PLUS-EXCEPTIONS
ADAPTIVE RESONANCE THEORY INTRODUCED Grossberg, 1976 UNSUPERVISED ART Carpenter & Grossberg, 1987 SUPERVISED ARTMAP Carpenter, Grossberg, & Reynolds, 1991 SUPERVISED DISTRIBUTED ARTMAP: Carpenter, Milenova, & Noeske, 1998 DISTRIBUTED ARTMAP: Fits the data as well as the E & P models after LEARNING these categories Proposes a new definition of PROTOTYPE Clarifies the E & P controversy and provides a way out of the E & P impasse
SIMULATION OF 5-4 DATA Carpenter, Ersoy, and Grossberg, 2005 Best fits to 30 experiments solid: experimental data dash: best simulation fits
Without forgetting, this part would be a straight line at 1 Transfer (New) Items Training (Old) Items SIMULATION OF 5-4 DATA Best fits to mean of 30 experiments solid (circles): average of 30 experimental results dash (triangles): average of 30 fits to individual data dot (squares): fit to average of data
LEARNED PROTOTYPES AND EXEMPLARS • BOXES:Geometric representation of memories A B Histogram of box sizes labeled Class AHistogram of box sizes labeled Class B PROTOTYPES: big boxes EXEMPLARS:small boxes Learns RULES-PLUS-EXCEPTIONS
WHAT ART SHOWS How and why the following processes work together: working memory in STM learning and categorization (symbols) in LTM expectation attention resonance hypothesis testing and memory search consciousness sensory cortex temporal cortex prefrontal cortex hippocampal system
Stability-Plasticity Dilemma ADAPTIVE RESONANCE THEORY Grossberg, 1976 How can learning continue into adulthood without causing catastrophic forgetting? How can we learn quickly without being forced to forget just as quickly?
STABILITY-PLASTICITY DILEMMA How does a brain dynamically switch between its STABLE and PLASTIC modes Key design trade-off without an external teacher? Too Stable Rigid Too Plastic Chaotic Dynamic Balance
BOTTOM-UP ACTIVATION ART MATCHING AND RESONANCE RULES by itself can activate target nodes (automatic activation) TOP-DOWN EXPECTATIONS learn prototypes that select consistent bottom-up signals suppress inconsistent bottom-up signals (attentional focusing) cannot by themselves fully activate target nodes (modulation, priming)
EXPECTATIONS FOCUS ATTENTION Categories (STM) Top-down expectations (LTM) Bottom-up adaptive filter (LTM) Items in working memory (STM) STM after top-down matching STM before top-down matching
COMPETITIVE LEARNINGANDSELF-ORGANIZING MAPS Grossberg (1972, 1976), von der Malsburg (1973), Kohonen (1982) List categories(STM) Bottom-up adaptive filter (LTM) Items in working memory (STM) ART was introduced in 1976 to self-stabilize CL and SOM learning using top-down EXPECTATIONS and ATTENTION
ART MATCHING RULE Top-downmodulatory on-center, off-surround network F2 + + + Volition _ F1 _ _ _ _ _ + +