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JHSAT Status January 2007 JHSIT Kickoff meeting AHS – Alexandria, VA. Mark Liptak FAA ANE-110. JHSAT Goal:
JHSAT Status January 2007JHSIT Kickoff meetingAHS – Alexandria, VA Mark Liptak FAA ANE-110
JHSAT Goal: Provide intervention strategies to the IHST and Joint Helicopter Safety Implementation Team (JHSIT) that maximize the likelihood of reducing worldwide helicopter accident rates by 80 percent by 2016.
CAST (IHST)Charters Activity Basic CAST Process JSAT (JHSAT)Analyzes DataProposes most effective interventions JSIT (JHSIT)Assesses feasibility of interventions works implementation Continued data analysis,measure interventioneffectiveness
JHSAT Team Membership: Mark Liptak – FAA ANE co-chair Jack Drake – HAI co-chair Joan Gregoire - Turbomeca Steve Gleason - Schweizer Helicopters Roy Fox - Bell Helicopter Ron Luhmann - Silver State Helicopters Tony Alfalla - Sikorsky Ray Wall & Tom Fleming – Bristow Group Sandra Hart - NASA Barry Rohm - Rolls Royce Laura Iseler AHS/NASA Clark Davenport & Matthew Rigsby – FAA ASW Ed Stockhausen & Joe Lemma – Airmethods Joe Syslo & Lindsay Cunningham – US Eurocopter
JHSAT Web Site http://www.ihst.org/jhsat/jhsat_top.htm User id – jhsat, password – helicoptersafe Contents: JHSAT charter and process docs Dataset details Meeting minutes/agenda Presentations Interim Recommendations Resource documents Not open to the public, restrict access for JHSIT needs only
JHSAT Status Data Analysis Engaging with the international community Near term safety recommendations
JHSAT currently working process areas highlighted in yellow CharterDevelopment EstablishTeam Select Data Set ReviewNTSBDocket Data DevelopEventSequence Identify InterventionStrategies ScoreProblemValidity &Importance ScoreInterventionAbility/Usage Assign StdProblem Statements IdentifyProblems(what/why) Yes TechnicalReview&Expert Validation Conflicts? Categorize and Prioritize Data ReportResults No IHST Current task JHSIT
Data Analysis: The JHSAT team is currently processing 195 accidents from the NTSB year 2000 database The accident data has been downloaded from the NTSB (~4000 files) For each accident the JHSAT performs the following: reconstruct the sequence of events identify what went wrong and why it went wrong assign an appropriate problem statement identify appropriate corrective action(s) score findings based on validity, importance, ability and usage
Data Analysis Status: To date the accidents analyzed have covered a wide spectrum of helicopter types and operations. The team has currently completed 187 of 195 accidents 1200+ scored problem statements/intervention findings have been developed JHSAT currently doing some “cleanup” work, will start categorization and prioritization work at our Feb meeting Expect to offer recommendations for all major operational groups in the helicopter community
Primary Ops Secondary Aerial Application External Load Aerial Observation/patrol Training Air Tour Positioning/RTB Sightseeing Ferry Business - company owns a/c Air Taxi - Cargo (135) Corp/Exec - dedicated pilot Air Taxi - Passenger (135) EMS Cargo (91) ENG Public Use Firefighting Maintenance/Test flight Instructional/Training Evaluation flight Law Enforcement Logging Commercial Operator External Load Offshore Other Aerial Work Personal/Private Utilities - Patrol & Construction JHSAT Operational Categories (as of 1/07, still being worked)
Engaging with the international community The preceding slide shows worldwide accident trends for the last 26 years. The criticality of working with the international community to reduce worldwide rates is readily apparent since the US accounts for only 35 to 40% of accidents on an annual basis. On-going efforts to identify other partners from Asia, South America, Oceania, etc. The JHSAT team is developing contacts and coordinating this activity. Matt Rigsby from FAA-ASW will be acting as the contact point for identifying overseas and military partners. Any entity that possess large helicopter accident datasets that could be processed by the JHSAT method should be considered. EASA and Canada moving toward partnering with us in this process.
Engaging with the international community A structured approach will be used to manage the analytical and implementation work sponsored by the IHST. Key attributes: All recommendations will be data driven Regional ownership - Data is owned and analyzed by those most familiar with it. Safety recommendations will be implemented by teams most familiar with local needs. JHSAT and JHSIT lead teams will be responsible for training/coaching regional teams, measuring the results of the safety recommendations and implementation effectiveness.
IHST Safety Initiative Analysis, Implementation and Metrics Management Structure IHSTExecutive Committee Need to maintain a strongcommunication/feedback loopbetween IHST – JHSAT - JHSIT Process development usingUS NTSB datarepresents 48% ofworldwide fleet JHSAT Lead Group Measure Accident Reductions Effectiveness Measure Implementation Effectiveness JHSIT Lead Group JHSAT sends recommendations to JHSIT Canada JHSAT EASA JHSAT Canada JHSIT EASA JHSIT Region X, Y, Z JHSIT JHSAT/JHSITcross-talk Others? ALEA groupEMS group US/CAN/EASA/X,Y,Z Implementation Results US/CAN/EASA Consolidated Recommendations Regions X, Y, Z defined as those pockets of operation not ableto staff a full JHSAT team and are willing to work implementation of US/CAN/EASA findings to benefit their fleets
JHSAT Lead GroupAnalysis of International Data Matt Rigsby is JHSAT POC Seeking data rich partners Preliminary discussions with: Canada EASA (CAA-UK, France BEA) Brazil (contacted, no reply) NZ (contacted, no reply) Australia Chile Canadian Military USN Near-term: bring Canada on-line as a test case Consider EASA next Interim Goal: have Canada/EASA present status at the 2007 IHSS Symposium in Montreal Demonstrate that this is an international effort, and it has momentum Engaging with the International Community IHSTOutreach/MarketingEmerging Fleets Somen is the IHST POCIdentify emerging/high growth markets Develop strategy to: Foster participation Benefit from IHST knowledge base Candidates: China India CIS? JHSIT Lead GroupImplementingRegional Solutions JHSIT will also have international partner management responsibilities: custom tailored regional solutions coordinated with JHSAT coordinated with IHST
Coordinating JHSAT US and International Efforts Current task US CivilDataset Selection (1/2 of helicopters Worldwide) JSAT ProcessUnderstandingRefining Expert Review/Validation JHSAT Analysis TechReview 2Q 07 May-Jan 07 Feb 07 Apr 07 May/June 06 First SetUS MitigationRecs Mar/Apr 06 FCAA & Military Partners conductJHSATanalyses on their accident data Train FCAA & Military Partners in JHSATProcess MitigationRecsFCAA & Mil IdentifyFCAA &MilitaryPartners 1Q 08 MitigationRecs - Global Sept 06 TBD 08 TBD 06/07 TBD 07/08 IHST Current task JHSAT is now working to bring EASA and Canada into the process
Potential Barriers: JHSAT: Variation in dataset quality, definitions, etc, around the world may make use of a standardized JHSAT approach more difficult. Military data may not be available.Lack of fleet hours will complicate ability to measure results. Regional teams may be difficult to staff with sufficient level of expertise representing manufacturers, operators and regulatory interests. JHSIT:Regional operations and regulations may make some implementation actions difficult.
Interim recommendations Reports reviewed by the JHSAT: NASA - U.S. Civil Rotorcraft Accidents, 1963 Through 1997 NASA - Analysis of US Civil Rotorcraft Accidents from 1990 to 1996 and Implications for a Safety Program NASA - ASRS Rotorcraft Incident Study - Draft Data Summary Aviation Safety Reporting System NASA - Helicopter Accident Analysis Team AMPA - A Safety Review and Risk Assessment in Air Medical Transport CRS - Report for Congress - Military Aviation Safety OGP - Safety Performance of Helicopter Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry - 2000 Data TSB Canada - Lessons Learned from TSB Investigation of Helicopter Accidents (1994 - 2003) Bell Textron - History of Helicopter Safety Other NTSB and international reports may be considered. The JHSAT has identified important recommendations from a series of existing helicopter safety reports. (listed on the next slide) These recommendations were submitted to the IHST in November so that the JHSIT would have several well founded general recommendations to work with. The JHSAT plan to issue its full set of analytical results by 2Q07.
JHSAT interim recommendations: 1. – Promote the adoption of Safety Management Systems in the helicopter community. 2. – More consistent and comprehensive NTSB involvement and investigation needed in helicopter accidents. 3. – Reestablish the collection of worldwide helicopter fleet hour data as previously performed by the FAA. 4. – Establish a helicopter safety website to disseminate important information 5. – Use proximity detection equipment in helicopters. 6. – Use flight recording devices and cockpit image recording systems in helicopters. 7. – Develop a strategy to improve pilot Aeronautical Decision Making. (NB: this listing is not intended to indicate prioritization)