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GE ~ Chapters 1 - 7

GE ~ Chapters 1 - 7. Pip ’ s youthfulness: He imagines his family members looking something like their gravestones (757) He believes the convict would actually come to kill him if he doesn ’ t bring him the file and food (758) He asks lots of questions (761-762)

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GE ~ Chapters 1 - 7

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  1. GE ~ Chapters 1 - 7 • Pip’s youthfulness: • He imagines his family members looking something like their gravestones (757) • He believes the convict would actually come to kill him if he doesn’t bring him the file and food (758) • He asks lots of questions (761-762) • He tries to run away abruptly because of the tar water and missing pie (766-767) • He thinks the cuffs are for him (767) • He doesn’t tell Joe the truth (771) • He falls asleep and Mrs. Joe carries him upstairs (771) • Pip’s childish “epistle” to Joe on 772: My dear Joe, I hope you are quite well. I hope I shall soon be able for to teach you, Joe, and then we shall be so glad. And when I am apprenticed to you, Joe: *what larks! And believe me, in affection, Pip • *”What larks!” means something akin to “What fun!”

  2. GE ~ Chapters 5 - 7 • Joe Gargery: • He says the convict was welcome to his pie (770) • He is illiterate and amazed by Pip’s letter (772) • He had an alcoholic father who beat him and his mother (774) • Joe learned to be a blacksmith to support the family (774) • His parents died when he was young (774) • He thinks the best of everyone—even his dad and Mrs. Joe (774) • He expresses great love for Pip (775)

  3. GE ~ Chapter 8 • Miss Havisham • She has withered in the bridal dress, she avoids the sun, and her clock has stopped at 8:40 am. • Vanity! • Satis House • Irony: means enough, although it makes Pip unsatisfied. • Estella is beautiful, self-possessed, and scornful of Pip. Pip becomes infatuated with her because she is beautiful. • Pip reconsiders everything: • He is a “common laboring boy” (working class vs. Estella’s independent wealth) • He is ashamed of his hands and boots (poverty / “beggar my neighbor”) • He called “knaves”“jacks” (ignorance) Lookism: prejudice or discrimination based on physical appearance and especially physical appearance believed to fall short of societal notions of beauty (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaLKIB7s-oY

  4. GE ~ Chapter 13 (798-800) • Literary Foils: provide characterization through opposite characters • Joe Gargery vs. Miss Havisham • Joe looks ridiculous in uncomfortable, fancy clothes, while Miss Havisham is ridiculous in her bridal gown. • Miss H speaks directly and eloquently while Joe speaks indirectly (through Pip) and foolishly. • Joe demands no premium, but Miss H awkwardly gives him one for Pip’s apprenticeship. • Pip vs. Estella • Estella takes “no notice” of Pip, but Pip notices her. • Pip angrily makes faces at Joe while Estella’s “eyes” laugh mischievously at Joe.

  5. GE ~ Chapter 13 (798-800) Direct Characterizations • Joe:poor; sincere; loyal; honest; uneducated; low class • Estella & Miss H: strange; rich; mean; snobby; proud; rude • Pip is becoming disloyal; snobby; self-centered; vain • “I was truly wretched…I had liked it [Joe’s trade] once, but once was not now.”

  6. GE ~ Chapter 22 (829 - 831) Miss Havisham’s Story • She was the spoiled child of a rich gentleman; her mother died when she was a baby. • She had a “party-animal” half-brother who wasted his wealth. • She falls in love and gets engaged. • She refuses the counsel of her cousin, Matthew Pocket. • On her wedding day, her “lover” left her in the dressing room (at 9:20 am) and she never recovered. • She has adopted and raised Estella to “wreak revenge on all the male sex.” • It was rumored that her “lover” was working with her half-brother.

  7. GE ~ Chapter 27 (842 - 844) • Pip: • dreads his visit and is embarrassed by Joe’s lack of class • Pip realizes he made Joe nervous • Pip is touched by Joe’s speech but does not go after him until too late. • IRONY: Pip is very vain and insecure even though his status is rising. Joe’s Visit Joe: • dressed in fancy clothes and a hat (“bird’s nest with eggs”) • nervous and jumbled in conversation (again) • Speech: “Pip…God bless you!” • Joe has simple dignity and he vows not to visit Pip anymore. • IRONY: Joe is content to be his own simple self.

  8. Pip’s“Great Expectations” • “Great Expectations” = Pip receives “a prospect of future good or profit.”(815) <www.dictionary.com> • “Great Expectations”= Pip assumes that his benefactor is Miss Havisham and that she is preparing him for Estella. His reasons include… • His tutor is Matthew Pocket, Miss H’s relative. (816) • Mr. Jaggers is Miss H’s lawyer. (828) • Estella is sent to Pip in London by Miss Havisham. (854) • Pip brings E back to Miss H and still thinks she has her planned for him once she had “wreaked…revenge on men for a term.” (870) • 3. Letdown = Estella is marrying Bentley Drummle and Pip’s benefactor is his convict, Provis! • Irony: Pip is only selfishly upset that he cannot have E, but E may be showing love to him by not “deceiving and entrapping” him. (872) • Irony: During a stormy night (foreshadowing), Pip’s benefactor turns out to be his convict, Provis (or “Abel Magwitch”)! • Pip: “Miss H…that I had deserted Joe.” (877) • Pip’s rise in status and infatuation has led him to a downfall far worse than his original state of simplicity at the forge.

  9. Pip’s Vanity: • Pip’s feelings for Estella are only based on her looks; she is heartless and he has never enjoyed her company. • Estella has already warned him that she has no love or tenderness towards anything, including Pip or Miss H. (849) • Pip goes on “against trust and against hope” in his infatuation (just like Miss H’s twisted definition of love on 849). • Pip’s assumption about his benefactor was only based on appearances and his own desires. • *Jaggers: “Take nothing on its looks: take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule.” • Pip’s Selfless Acts: • Pip anonymously gives Herbert income and has Wemmick find him a job. (867-868) • Pip asks Miss H to continue Herbert’s income. (891) • Pip begs with E not to marry Drummle for her own good. (892)

  10. GE Chapters 45 - 51 • Pip’s Paranoia: • Pip thinks everyone is watching him. (900) • Wopsle points out that he has seen a man who looks like Compeyson following Pip. (902) • Plot Points through Pip’s dinner with Mr. Jaggers: • Miss Havisham wants to see Pip over “business” (“Herbert’s expectations”) (903) • The “Spider” (Bentley Drummle) has married Estella. (903) • Pip: “I felt absolutely certain that this woman [Molly] was Estella’s mother.” (904) • Wemmick says that Jaggers defended Molly when she was accused of murder and disposing of her daughter. (904) • Herbert and Pip discover Provis is Estella’s father and Molly is her mother! • Pip’s Characterization: • Pip forgives Miss H! (906) • Recognition: “I can do it now…to be bitter with you.” (Luke 7:41-50) • Pip saves Miss H by putting out the fire. • Pip goes to the Sluice House alone for Provis’s sake.

  11. GE Chapters 52 - 55 • Orlick’s Villainous Plan • Angry at Pip for getting him fired as Miss Havisham’s security guard. • He traps Pip and says he will dispose of his remains in the kiln. • Pip is worried about being misremembered: • Provis would think he deserted him. • Herbert would doubt him. • Joe and Biddy would not know he was sorry. • Estella and her children would despise him. • Hebert, Startop, and Trabb’s boy rescue him! • Herbert found the letter because Pip dropped it. • Pip now has a second chance, just like Ebenezer Scrooge! • Magwitch is Arrested • The officers seize the boat and arrest Magwitch. • Compeyson turned him in, but Compeyson drowns when he and Magwitch fight and fall into the Thames. • Magwitch is sentenced to death. • Irony: His return was for Pip’s sake, not for a lack of repentance! • Pip’s Characterization: • Pip stays by Magwitch until he dies. • Pip says M treated him better than he treated Joe. • Pip is glad that M won’t know that Pip will not receive the rest of his money. • Pip goes to Mr. Jaggers to see if anything can be down for Magwitch. • Pip appeals to the Home Secretary of State for Magwitch’s sake.

  12. GE Chapters 46 – 58 ~ The Published Ending! • Conflict Resolutions: • Miss Havisham has died. She left 4,000 pounds to Matthew Pocket! • Pip is deathly ill and arrested because of his debt. • Joe tends to Pip, houses him, and pays off his debts. • Alludes to the Parable of the Good Samaritan • But, “as [Pip] became stronger, Joe became less easy on [him]” • Joe calls Pip “sir” and did all this good for Pip expecting Pip to desert him! • Joe’s motives are so pure! • Pip asks for forgiveness and is forgiven by Joe and Biddy. • Pip works for Clarriker & Co. and now values honest work over independent wealth. • P: “We were not in any grand way of business, but we had a good name, and worked for our profits, and did very well.” • Biddy and Joe are married, and Herbert and Clara are married! • Pip is happy for them, instead of being selfish and jealous. • Pip and Estella are reunited! • The Satis house has been dismantled, but it is being rebuilt (as a symbol of the suffering and growth that has taken place in Pip and Estella’s lives). • Both have been “bent and broken…into a better shape.”

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