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1Z0-972 Braindumps - Pass with Valid [2018] Oracle 1Z0-972 Exam Dumps - PDF

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  1. Oracle Oracle Product Hub Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-972 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of 1Z0-972 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/1z0-972-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing 1Z0-972 Exam PDF Demo

  2. Oracle 1Z0-972 Exam Oracle Product Hub Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials Questions&Answers Demo

  3. Questions & Answers PDF Page 2 Version: 7.0 Question: 1 Your customer wants to publish Item Attributes and Item Category Assignments in Oracle Product Hub Cloud. Identify two item entities that the customer can select for publication in Oracle Product Hub Cloud. A. Item Master B. Packs C. Supplier User Roles D. Associations-Supplier Site Organization Answer: BD Question: 2 Within Catalogs, which three values can be selected within the Sharing Content attribute? A. Categories only: Only categories without assigned items can be shared B. Items only: Only categories without assigned items can be shared C. Categories only: Only categories with assigned items can be shared D. Items and categories: Only one category can be shared E. Items and categories: All categories can be shared F. Items only: Only categories with assigned items can be shared Answer: ABE Reference: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E37583_01/doc.1116/e22709/F463529AN191A4.htm Question: 3 If your organization wants to use catalogs and categories, what is the key flexfield name for the key flexfield structure and structure instance? A. EGP_CATEGORY B. EGO C. MCAT D. FLEXFIELD_CODE E. KEY Answer: E

  4. Questions & Answers PDF Page 3 Question: 4 You have scheduled item publication to a spoke system with specific item publication criteria and the following details: Day 1: First publication date to the spoke system with a publication schedule that runs every five days Day 5: Next schedule process Day 10: Next schedule process Day 15: Next schedule process On Day 12, your customer decides to publish from Day 6. Identify the parameters that are required to run this request and the data set that would result from this request. A. Set Last Publication Date as Day 6, which will publish all records updated from Day 6 up to Day 10. B. Set Last Publication Date as Day 1, which will publish all records updated from Day 6 up to Day 12. C. Set Criteria Date as Day 6, which will publish all records updated from Day 6 up to Day 10. D. Set Criteria Date as Day 6, which will publish all records updated from Day 6 up to Day 12. Answer: C Question: 5 Which action would a Supplier User not have the ability to do in the Product Hub Portal UI? A. Create new items B. Mass edit attachments C. Mass edit items D. Edit items Answer: B Question: 6 Your customer wants to use Descriptive Flexfield segments in Business Intelligence. Which two actions would enable a Descriptive Flexfield segment for Business Intelligence? A. Deploying the Descriptive Flexfield B. Adding a new segment by using BI Composer C. Selecting the BI Enabled check box for the Descriptive Flexfield segment D. Re-deploying the Key Flexfields Answer: AC Reference: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E51367_01/fa_lcm_gs/BIFAD/flex.htm#BIFAD546

  5. Questions & Answers PDF Page 4 Question: 7 Which three trading partner types are valid for creating trading partner item relationships in Oracle Product Hub Cloud? A. Competitor B. Supplier Site C. GS1 D. Customer E. Manufacturer Answer: ADE Reference: update17d/fapim/manageproduct- and-service-data-manage-product-relationships-and-associations.html#FAPIM175931 https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/supply-chain-management/r13-

  6. Passing the Oracle 1Z0-972 exam is not easy without having dumps. You can get 1Z0-972 exam Questions and Answers from itexamquestions.com this is the authentic source for 1Z0-972 exam study material. They can provide you latest and actual 1Z0-972 exam questions with verified answers. They guaranteed, you will Pass your 1Z0-972 exam in first attempt so don't waste any time and download your 1Z0-972exam from now. For Downloading 1Z0-972 Exam Dumps PDF Get Full Version of 1Z0-972 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/1z0-972-exam-questions/

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