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David Mouriño Gerente de Licenciamiento Digital Mexico

Inducción a: Author Academy. David Mouriño Gerente de Licenciamiento Digital Mexico. Springer Author Academy. www.springer.com/authoracademy. En esta inducción…. Selección de Journal Estructura del manuscrito Objetivo de la revista Escritura efectiva Cartas de presentación

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David Mouriño Gerente de Licenciamiento Digital Mexico

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  1. Inducción a: AuthorAcademy David Mouriño Gerente de Licenciamiento Digital Mexico

  2. Springer Author Academy www.springer.com/authoracademy

  3. En esta inducción… • Selección de Journal • Estructura del manuscrito • Objetivo de la revista • Escrituraefectiva • Cartas de presentación • Revisiónpor pares

  4. Sección 1 Selección de Journal

  5. Los autorestienendificultadesparaelegirlasrevistas Edanz: Principalesdificultadesdurante la preparación del manuscrito Choosing a journal 35.4% 118 Expressing thoughts clearly in English 23.7% 79 Understanding the author guidelines 21.9% 73 Formatting according to the guidelines 18.9% 63 n = 333 published non-native English authors

  6. Cuándo Eligirá el journal en el que publicará: • Despúes de que ha decidido que tiene suficientes resultados como para publicar • Despúes de que ha decidido que tan alto y amplio será el impacto de su publicación • Despúes y de que ha decidido que tan relevantes son los resultados • Antes de escribir el título, resumen e introducción del artículo

  7. Tenga en cuenta los diferentes factores de cada revista Objetivos y alcance Número de lectores Frecuencia de publicación Factor de impacto Indexación Accesoabierto Varies by field ¿Qué factor es más importante para usted?

  8. Eligiendo un Journal Significado Objetivos y alcance / impacto Honestamenteevalue la importancia de suinvestigación

  9. Evaluación Autenticidad ¿Qué tan nuevos son susdescubrimientos? Relevancia ¿Qué tan relevantes son? Interés ¿Quétanto se puedeaplicar al mundo real?

  10. Tipos de publicaciones científico-técnicas • Artículo en revistas (journalpaper) • journal (científico) / magazine (divulgación) • Ponencia • Principal (keynote) –invitada- • Ponencia (conference paper) –invitada- • Comunicación(contributed paper) –libreversiónescritaversión para presentar • Patente • Contrato inventor-Estado quepermitefabricaralgoen exclusiva durante 20 años (luego pasa al dominio público) • Informe • Memoria(proyecto) • Libro blanco (informe oficial de situación, exhaustivo) • Libro verde (libro de consulta, con propuestas)

  11. ¿Dónde publicar?

  12. Journal Selector – www.edanzediting.com/journal_selector El Journal Selector ayuda a elegir la publicacion más adecuada Insert your proposed abstract

  13. Journal Selector – www.edanzediting.com/journal_selector Journals recomendados Filtrarpor: Factor de impacto Frecuencia de publicación AccesoAbierto

  14. Journal Selector – www.edanzediting.com/journal_selector Términossemánticosqueencajan Journals FI, Objetivos, alcance y frecuencia Artículossimilares ¿Se hanpublicadoartículossimilaresrecientemente? ¿Ha citadoalgunos de estosartículos?

  15. Visite el sitio del journal

  16. Tips para identificar la revista más adecuada S Identica los intereses del editor de la revista • Editoriales • Artículos en revisión • Fascículosespeciales Identifica los intereses de los lectores • Másvistos • Máscitados Identifica los intereses del editor de la revista y de los lectores en cada publicación

  17. Sección 2 Estructura del Manuscrito

  18. Títulosefectivos Puntosimportantes Evitar Resuma las principales conclusiones Palabras clave Menos de 20 palabras Preguntas Abreviaciones “New” o “novel” El título debe ser conciso y resumir su hallazgos clave

  19. Resúmen / Abstract Relevancia de susobjetivos Importancia de susresultados Validez de susconclusiones Es la primeraimpresión de sudocumento Juzguesuestilo de escritura Probablemente sea la única parte que sea leída

  20. Secciones del Resumen Síntesis concisa de su investigación Antecedentes ¿Porque se hizo el estudio?(20%) Objetivos Hipótesis (10%) Métodos Tecnicas (10%) Resultados Hallazgosmásimportantes(40%) Conclusión Conclusiones/implicaciones (20%)

  21. Escribasureseña en secciones Unstructured abstract Our understanding of the mechanisms by which ducts and lobules develop is derived from model organisms and three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models wherein mammalian epithelial cells undergo morphogenesis to form multicellular spheres with a hollow central lumen. However, the mechanophysical properties associated with epithelial morphogenesis are poorly understood. Antecedentes We performed multidimensional live-cell imaging analysis to track the morphogenetic process starting from a single cell to the development of a multicellular, spherical structure composed of polarized epithelial cells surrounding a hollow lumen. Métodos We report that in addition to actively maintaining apicobasal polarity, the structures underwent rotational motions at rates of 15–20 μm/h and the structures rotated 360° every 4 h during the early phase of morphogenesis. Rotational motion was independent of the cell cycle, but was blocked by loss of the epithelial polarity proteins Scribble or Pard3, or by inhibition of dynein-based microtubule motors. Interestingly, none of the structures derived from human cancer underwent rotational motion. We found a direct relationship between rotational motion and assembly of endogenous basement membrane matrix around the 3D structures, and that structures that failed to rotate were defective in weaving exogenous laminin matrix. Dissolution of basement membrane around mature, nonrotating acini restored rotational movement and the ability to assemble exogenous laminin. Resultados Conclusión Thus, coordinated rotational movement is a unique mechanophysical process observed during normal 3D morphogenesis that regulates laminin matrix assembly and is lost in cancer-derived epithelial cells. Wang et al. PNAS. 2013; 110: 163‒168.

  22. Escriba su Resumen Our understanding of the mechanisms by which ducts and lobules develop is derived from model organisms and three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models wherein mammalian epithelial cells undergo morphogenesis to form multicellular spheres with a hollow central lumen. However, the mechanophysical properties associated with epithelial morphogenesis are poorly understood. We performed multidimensional live-cell imaging analysis to track the morphogenetic process starting from a single cell to the development of a multicellular, spherical structure composed of polarized epithelial cells surrounding a hollow lumen. We report that in addition to actively maintaining apicobasal polarity, the structures underwent rotational motions at rates of 15–20 μm/h and the structures rotated 360° every 4 h during the early phase of morphogenesis. Rotational motion was independent of the cell cycle, but was blocked by loss of the epithelial polarity proteins Scribble or Pard3, or by inhibition of dynein-based microtubule motors. Interestingly, none of the structures derived from human cancer underwent rotational motion. We found a direct relationship between rotational motion and assembly of endogenous basement membrane matrix around the 3D structures, and that structures that failed to rotate were defective in weaving exogenous laminin matrix. Dissolution of basement membrane around mature, nonrotating acini restored rotational movement and the ability to assemble exogenous laminin. Thus, coordinated rotational movement is a unique mechanophysical process observed during normal 3D morphogenesis that regulates laminin matrix assembly and is lost in cancer-derived epithelial cells. Wang et al. PNAS. 2013; 110: 163‒168.

  23. Escriba su Resumen Our understanding of the mechanisms by which ducts and lobules develop is derived from model organisms and three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models wherein mammalian epithelial cells undergo morphogenesis to form multicellular spheres with a hollow central lumen. However, the mechanophysical properties associated with epithelial morphogenesis are poorly understood. We performed multidimensional live-cell imaging analysis to track the morphogenetic process starting from a single cell to the development of a multicellular, spherical structure composed of polarized epithelial cells surrounding a hollow lumen. We report that in addition to actively maintaining apicobasal polarity, the structures underwent rotational motions at rates of 15–20 μm/h and the structures rotated 360° every 4 h during the early phase of morphogenesis. Rotational motion was independent of the cell cycle, but was blocked by loss of the epithelial polarity proteins Scribble or Pard3, or by inhibition of dynein-based microtubule motors. Interestingly, none of the structures derived from human cancer underwent rotational motion. We found a direct relationship between rotational motion and assembly of endogenous basement membrane matrix around the 3D structures, and that structures that failed to rotate were defective in weaving exogenous laminin matrix. Dissolution of basement membrane around mature, nonrotating acini restored rotational movement and the ability to assemble exogenous laminin. Thus, coordinated rotational movement is a unique mechanophysical process observed during normal 3D morphogenesis that regulates laminin matrix assembly and is lost in cancer-derived epithelial cells. Antecedentes Métodos Resultados Conclusiones Wang et al. PNAS. 2013; 110: 163‒168.

  24. Introduzcasutema de maneralógica de lo general a lo específico Introduction Introducción General Estado del arte del campo Problemas en el campo Objetivos Objetivos específicos

  25. Métodos Sus métodos reflejan su diseño experimental Lo quefueutilizado Muestras o materiales Cómo se hizo Métodosgenerales Técnicasespecíficas (controles de discusión) Cómofueanalizado Análisis de datos Métodos de cuantificación Pruebasestadísticas

  26. Resultados Presente sus resultados en un orden lógico Observacióninicial Caracterización Aplicación Presentaciónlógica Cadasubseccióncorresponde a unafigura Subsecciones Qué has encontrado, no lo quesignifica Descripciónfáctica

  27. Imágenes Presentanmuchosdatos de forma rápida y eficiente Por lo general es lo primerque los lectoresven Figuras, gráficosy tablas Queseansencillas: recuadrosseparadossiesnecesario Etiquetasclaras y leyendas de lasfiguras

  28. Discusión Resúmen de hallazgos clave Estado de la conclusión principal Comienzo Interpretar los resultados en el contexto de otrosestudios Describirlimitaciones Medio Replantear la conclusión principal Aplicaciones/implicaciones Proponer un futurotrabajo Final

  29. Referencias Cite todaslasdeclaraciones de los trabajospublicadosanteriormente Cite ampliemente los diferentesgrupos en su campo Utilice software de gestión de referencias: EndNote, Papers, RefWorks, Mendeley

  30. Vincule sus ideas Antecedentes generales Estado del arte Introducción Lagunas de conocimiento Objectivos Métodos Metodología Resultados Resultados y cifras Resumen de los resultados Discusión Relevancia del hallazgo Implicaciones para el campo Enlace lógicamentesus ideas en suinvestigación

  31. Vincule sus ideas Introducción New ways to treat or prevent lung cancer are therefore needed. Problema This study explored the hypothesis that inhibition of TNKS…would inhibit lung cancer growth… Objetivos Discusión Pharmacological or genetic inhibition of TNKS1 and TNKS2…reduces lung cancer proliferation... Conclusión Busch et al. BMC Cancer. 2012;13:211.

  32. Sección 3 Objetivo de la revista

  33. Enfoque de la revista Planta The control of chlorophyll levels in maturing kiwifruit Chlorophyll is present in many plant organs, including immature fruit where it is usually degraded during ripening. Mature green kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) are an exception, with high concentrations of chlorophyll remaining in the fruit flesh. In gold-fleshed kiwifruit (A. chinensis), chlorophyll is degraded to colourless catabolites upon fruit ripening, leaving yellow carotenoids visible. We have identified candidate genes for the control of chlorophyll degradation… Pilkington et al. Planta. 2012; 236: 1615−1628.

  34. Enfoque de la revista Planta The control of chlorophyll levels in maturing kiwifruit De ampliointerés Chlorophyll is present in many plant organs, including immature fruit where it is usually degraded during ripening. Mature green kiwifruit (Actinidiadeliciosa) are an exception, with high concentrations of chlorophyll remaining in the fruit flesh. In gold-fleshed kiwifruit (A. chinensis), chlorophyll is degraded to colourlesscatabolites upon fruit ripening, leaving yellow carotenoids visible. We have identified candidate genes for the control of chlorophyll degradation… Pilkington et al. Planta. 2012; 236: 1615−1628.

  35. Publicación de amplio enfoque Planta The control of chlorophyll levels in maturing kiwifruit De ampliointerés Chlorophyll is present in many plant organs, including immature fruit where it is usually degraded during ripening. Mature green kiwifruit (Actinidiadeliciosa) are an exception, with high concentrations of chlorophyll remaining in the fruit flesh. In gold-fleshed kiwifruit (A. chinensis), chlorophyll is degraded to colourlesscatabolites upon fruit ripening, leaving yellow carotenoids visible. We have identified candidate genes for the control of chlorophyll degradation… De ampliointerés Pilkington et al. Planta. 2012; 236: 1615−1628.

  36. Publicación de enfoque específico Paddy and Water Development Effects of tillage and irrigation on the occurrence and establishment of native wetland plant species in fallow paddy fields Traditional weed management, such as tillage and irrigation, has led to an enhanced maintenance of wetland plant species in fallow paddy fields. Recent herbicide usage and improvements in irrigation and drainage systems however have caused habitat loss of these species, especially in fields on open lowlands… Takanose et al. Paddy Water Environ. 2013; 11: 1−4.

  37. Publicación de enfoque específico Paddy and Water Development Effects of tillage and irrigation on the occurrence and establishment of native wetland plant species in fallow paddyfields Traditional weed management, such as tillage and irrigation, has led to an enhanced maintenance of wetland plant species in fallow paddy fields. Recent herbicide usage and improvements in irrigation and drainage systems however have caused habitat loss of these species, especially in fields on open lowlands… Keywords from the Aims and Scope Takanose et al. Paddy Water Environ. 2013; 11: 1−4.

  38. Sección 4 Escrituraefectiva

  39. Alta legibilidad Su lector debería… Leer sólounavez No tendríaque leer despacio Entendersulógica de manerainmediata

  40. 1. Frases cortas The largest company, a Mexican corporation founded in 1916 outside of Puebla by Miguel Hernández, was considered to be a model in the development of modern employee conditions by economists. 30 palabras

  41. Frases cortas The largest company, a Mexican corporation founded in 1916 outside of Puebla by Miguel Hernández, was considered to be a model in the development of modern employee conditions by economists. 30 palabras

  42. Frases cortas 16 words Economists considered the largest company to be a model in the development of modern employee conditions. This company was a Mexican corporation founded in 1916 outside of Puebla by Miguel Hernández. 15 words Utilicesólouna idea pororacion 15–20 palabras

  43. 2. Voz activa Las oracionesescritas en vozactiva son: simples directas Claras Fáciles de leer Utilice la voz activa para ser más directos Pasiva The mechanisms regulating tumor growth were investigated. Activa We investigated the mechanisms regulating tumor growth.

  44. Se prefiere la voz activa ACS Style Guide “Use the active voice when it is less wordy and more direct than the passive”. (3rd ed., pg. 42) APA Style “Use the active voice rather than the passive voice…”. www.apastyle.org/learn/faqs/effective-verb-use.aspx Chicago Style Guide “As a matter of style, passive voice is typically, but not always, inferior to active voice”. (15th ed., pg. 177) AMA Manual of Style “In general, authors should use the active voice…”. (10th ed., pg. 320)

  45. 3. Posición de tensión ¿Quéoraciónsugierequeconseguirá un aumento de sueldo? You deserve a raise, but the budget is tight. The budget is tight, but you deserve a raise. Los lectores se centran en el final de la oraciónpara identificar lo queesimportante http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/flow/

  46. Posición de tensión La posición de tensióndebeintroducir el tema de la siguienteoracion The budget is tight, but you deserve a raise. Your salary will increase at the beginning of next year. http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/flow/

  47. Posición de estrés La posición de tensióndebeintroducir el tema de la siguienteoración The budget is tight, but you deserve a raise. Your salary will increase at the beginning of next year. Posición de tensión http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/flow/

  48. Posición de tensión La posición de tensióndebeintroducir el tema de la siguienteoración The budget is tight, but you deserve a raise. Your salary will increase at the beginning of next year. Posición de tensión Posición del tema La posición del tema identifica de qué trata la oración http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/flow/

  49. 4. Posición del tema oración The patient went to the hospital to see a gastroenterologist. The doctor then performed a series of diagnostic tests. The results showed the patient suffered from a bacterial infection.Antibiotics were prescribed to treat the infection before the patient developed an ulcer. idea idea idea idea Tema enlace Esta forma es mucho más común en inglés que en español Simpson JM. J Second Lang Writ. 2000; 9: 293–309.

  50. Estructura del manuscrito Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality for men and women. Despite smoking prevention and cessation programs… …New ways to treat or prevent lung cancer are therefore needed. One potential therapeutic target for lung cancer is the Wnt signaling pathway. The canonical Wnt signaling pathway in mammals consists of a… Busch et al. BMCCancer. 2012; 13: 211.

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