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+ Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria

ON E0 TRANSITIONS BETWEEN 0 + STATES IN THE SAME NUCLEUS. V. P. Garistov + O.K. Egorov A.A. Solnyshkin ++. + Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria ++ Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia.

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+ Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria

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  1. ON E0 TRANSITIONS BETWEEN 0+ STATES IN THE SAME NUCLEUS V. P. Garistov+ O.K. Egorov A.A. Solnyshkin++ + Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria ++Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

  2. Holstein Primakoff transformation

  3. E=an+bn2

  4. 0+

  5. mishmash

  6. ОБНАРУЖЕНИЕ ВОЗБУЖДЕННОГО 0+-СОСТОЯНИЯ В ЯДРЕ 160DY С ЭНЕРГИЕЙ 681.3 КЭВ И.Адам, Д.Д.Богаченко, В.П.Гаристов, О.К.Егоров, Т.А.Исламов, В.В.Колесников, В.И.Силаев, А.А.Солнышкин

  7. 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 160Dy ЭНЕРГИЯ СОСТОЯНИЯ, МэВ 0+-СОСТОЯНИЯ Модель взаимодействующих бозонов ЧИСЛО БОЗОНОВ

  8. Григорьев:ΣI=0.031 ΣI=0.14 K682.3 I=0.094 K681.3 I=0.046 K673.09 I=0.025 K672.35 I=0.020

  9. 2+ 2503.8 0+6 0+5 0+4 0+3 0+2 2+1 0+1 1952.3 (n=4) 1708.2 (n=3) 1456.7 (n=8) 1280.0 (n=2) 681.3 (n=1) 86.8 0.0 (n=0) 0.020 0.039 0.0024 672.3 495.6 244.1 0.024 1952.3 1271.0 0.015 428.2 251.5 <0.005 1026.9 0.033 <0.005 1708.2 <0.005 775.4 176.7 1456.7 <0.005 1822.5 {1822.4(3)} Iγ=0.24 Изв. РАН,2002 0.053 598.7 1280.0 594.5 Iγ< 0.3 0.046 X> 0.66 681.3 160Dy

  10. ΣI=0.12 K1271.89 I=0,096 K1271.0 I=0,024 K1274.25+K1276.0

  11. 594.5 I<0.3 I=1.40 595.3 I=0.53 593.5

  12. Митропольский И.А. (теор.) препринт ЛИЯФ, 1095, 1985 г. наша оценка (эксп.) X(X0/E2) > 0.66 An=160; r0=1.02*An^(1/3); be2=5.94*0.01*An^(4/3); ro=0.7/An^(1/3); ea=1.44; ea^2*r0^4*ro^2/be2 X( (E0/E2) = 0.628235 N[17/An^(2/3) X(X0/E2) = 0.576814

  13. Кластерная модель ядра Состояние 0+ при 0.530 MeV соответствует первому (двойная система с α-кластером) возбуждению по координате массовой асимметрии. Вращательные полосы отрицательной четности соответствуют возбуждению угловых колебаний изгиба в α-кластерной двойной системе.

  14. Кластерная модель ядра

  15. Григорьев:ΣI=0.031 ΣI=0.14 K682.3 I=0.088 K681.3 I=0.052 K672.35 I=0.021 K673.09 I=0.024


  17. ΣI=0.12 K1271.89 I=0,093 K1271.0 I=0,027 K1274.25+K1276.0

  18. Dy

  19. 7 K681.3

  20. NEW 0+- EXCITED STATE WITH THE ENERGY OF 681.3 KEV IN 160DY NUCLEUS J.Adam1, D.Bogachenko2, V.P.Garistov3, O.K.Egorov2, T.A.Islamov1, V.V.Kolesnikov2, V.I.Silaev2, A.A.Solnyshkin1 1)Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 2)Institute Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia 3)Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria The theoretical calculations [1] predict existence of a 0+ state with energy ~700 keV in 160Dy nucleus. For finding-out of existence of this 0+ state we measure β-spectrograms of [2] DLNP JINR for fractions Er (two photographic plates) and Ho (one photographic plate) using universal installation МАС-1 in ITEP [3]. At the analysis it was found out, that on all three photographic plates to the left of known line EIK with energy 682.3 keV below by energy on 1 keV, the peak comparable by intensity with the specified line is confidently observed. Our attempts to carry the mentioned peak to a conversion line or to any of known from the literature [4] γ-transitions in 160Dy nucleus have not crowned with success. Then we proposed, that this peak is probably caused by new transition with energy 681.3 keV, unloading the corresponding new raised state with energy 681.3 keV to the ground state. Except for the specified state, from experiment four more states with excitation energies 1280.0, 1456.7, 1708.2 and 1952.3 keV are known. Considering, that from these levels transitions to the entered by us 681.3 keV level are possible, we have undertaken searches of such transitions. As a result one of such transitions with energy 1271.0 keV, between states 1952.3 and 681.3 keV, has been found out. In spite of that this fact already is powerful enough argument in favour of existence of a state 681.3 keV in a nucleus 160Dy, searches of other transitions now proceed. 1. A.A.Solnyshkin, e.a. // Phys. Rev. C. 2005. V.72. P. 064321-1. 2. Abdurazakov A.A. e.a. “Beta-spectrographs with constant magnets”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1972. 3. Egorov O.K. e.a. JTF. 2003. V. 48, № 3. 4. I.Adam e.a.// Izv. RAN, ser. Fiz. 2002. V.66. P.1384 and C.W. Reich // Nuclear Data Sheets 105, 557 (2005).

  21. 966.8 8+0 -0.005(7) % 1801.2 8+2 -0.003(3) % 1882.7 8-2 0.004(4) % 1901.2 9-2 0.006(3) % 2022.0 9+2 0.00(1) % 2112.8 8-1 0.034(8) % γ γ1177 γ121.7 I=0.07 γ γ872 γ130.87 I=0.014

  22. Григорьев:ΣI=0.031 ΣI=0.14 K682.3 I=0.091 K672.35 I=0.018 K681.3 I=0.032 K673.09 I=0.020

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