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In preparation, use your mobile phone visit www.rwpoll.com Session ID: elshowcase Don’t enter details, just click Continue Or collect a ‘clicker’ from the front. Interaction in Lectures with Mobile Devices Paul Middleditch Lecturer in Macroeconomics and Will Moindrot eLearning Technologist.
In preparation, use your mobile phone visit www.rwpoll.com Session ID: elshowcase Don’t enter details, just click Continue Or collect a ‘clicker’ from the front Interaction in Lectures with Mobile DevicesPaul MiddleditchLecturer in MacroeconomicsandWill MoindroteLearning Technologist
Pilot for TESS Project Choice of Delivery Vehicles Why Turning Point? Pre Pilot Survey Evidence Post Pilot Survey Evidence Conclusion In today’s talk…
Pilot for TESS Project December 2010: Awarded Faculty TESS project - (Teaching Enhancement and Student Success) To pilot the use of browser based 'in lecture' interaction using mobile phone/devices during lectures. Module chosen for pilot - ECON10042 with 533 students. Motivation: Traditional Turning Point slides very popular with students. But: Problem with distributing and planning for 'traditional' hand sets in 'larger' sessions. Possibility of using cell phone technology attractive - no need to distribute physical hand sets.
Choice of Delivery Vehicle Google Moderator Students post questions 'live' during lectures which appear on a separate screen. Students then rate these questions using like dislike. Popular questions work there way up a chart table. No costs to students or institution.
Mobile Phone Text Software (Short Code) Students can text answers to 'poll type' questions by messaging a short code (eg Text A, B or C to 8339) Results posted live in bar chart form. Costs to student and institution. Choice of Delivery Vehicle • Turning Point Mobile Phone App • Students can use there mobile • phones/laptops to enter responses • to 'poll type' questions live via the • web. • Cost to institution only.
Why Turning Point Runs inside Microsoft PowerPoint. Unlike other vehicles there is no need for a separate projector screen. Simple wizard to create interactive slides. Technology already adopted by Faculty. Fully inclusive to students without mobile web browsers. • NEXT SLIDE TURNINGPOINT • www.rwpoll.com • Session ID: elshowcase • Don’t enter details, just click Continue
If the Government reduced the Budget Deficit... • National debt will fall. • National debt will rise. • National debt will stay the same. • None of the above.
When should the Chancellor encourage the Bank of England to raise interest rates? • When prices are rising. • At no time. • When prices are falling. • At times of instability.
Student device research: 145/533 (27%) response to 14 questions Qu: 'Do you have a mobile phone?' 100% answered ‘YES’ Pre-Pilot Survey Evidence
Student device research: 42/533 (8%) response to 4 questions Post-Pilot Survey Evidence
Comments from Students • ‘The interaction kept us alert during the whole two hours. It was fun, and a nice opportunity to meet new people through the discussion part.’ • It's rare to have interactive lectures and i felt i was learning & also enjoying it. Arguably most enjoyable ECON10042 lecture to date. Great idea and should be used more. • ‘It was good to apply the knowledge to questions. I feel using questions that will be similar to the questions presented in the exam it will prepare me what to expect and give me practice for the exam.’ • ‘Not only does it enable students to INTERACT during the lecture, but the method of letting students vote twice gives students an idea of what the TYPICAL ERRORS/COMMON MISTAKES are and how these questions need to be tackled in practice.’ • ‘It made you think about what was being taught and to apply it which in the end of the day is the point XD’.’
Going Forward!!! TESS award (£1500.00) has been used to purchase a license that allows for up to 80 respondents via mobile devices for each poll. If anybody from across the University is interested; speak to Will Moindrot, who is running a pilot with these. 80 licenses probably suit cohorts of around 100 -120 AND works in conjunction with existing handsets (inclusivity). Ideally the University will support the purchase of 300 licenses which should cover very large cohorts also. Fingers Crossed!