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WISE-Marine Water Information System for Europe with marine data (coming in 2010 with Marine data to a web-site near you) Bernt Röndell. Disclaimer Slightly premature request for presentation on WISE-Marine. MSFD indicator comparison process will start next week
WISE-MarineWater Information System for Europe with marine data (coming in 2010 with Marine data to a web-site near you) Bernt Röndell
DisclaimerSlightly premature request for presentation on WISE-Marine • MSFD indicator comparison process will start next week • Commission Proposal on Good Environmental Status to be launched in December 2008 • ICES preliminary report on implementation of WISE-marine is due in December 2008
WISE conceptual, long term aim is: • Efficient management of all water-related information on EU level • Coherence between all EU relevant reporting mechanisms and needs, including indicator assessments • Access to information / data for all relevant EU level purposes and needs in a Shared Information System
WISE-Marine and the MSFD • WISE-Marine will be an IT-platform and a process for delivering data and indicators relevant for initial assessments and beyond required by the MSFD • Countries will deliver initial assessments and the definition of ”Good Environmental Status” in 2012 • Programme of measures to arrive at GES has to be in place by 2015
Status of WISE-Marine • Originates as the Marine component of WISE (Water Information System for Europe) • Concept paper in country consultation • Autumn 2008: implementation plan will be developed • 2009 Finalize implementation plan and start implementation.
Purpose of Wise-Marine in Concept paper: • A common platform for all users that facilitates reporting and use of reported data specified in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. • Should also generate awareness of the benefits of streamlined reporting across large regional differences because it will make the environmental obligations more transparent to both users and citizens.
What have we said in the concept paper? • Based on SEIS and INSPIRE Principles • WISE-Marine becomes the formal compliance reporting tool between the Member States and the Commission on the MSFD. • WISE-Marine provides marine indicators available on the European level developed by The European Environment Agency and European Marine Conventions in their State of the Environment assessments including the data needed to calculate them. • WISE-Marine provides access to marine data products developed at European level, mainly by the Marine Core Services under the Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security (GMES).
WISE-Marine will support MSFD by providing data relevant for Annex III: • Reference data sets (relevant maps) • Regular data flows on states, pressures, and impacts related to human activities, climate change, eutrophication, and to physical, biological and chemical stressors. • Other relevant environmental information collected in the context of the marine strategies could also be introduced.
Input data • Directly by Member States, for example through the Eionet, or into Eionet by international organisations commissioned to act on behalf of Member States, e.g. if mandated, via the ICES data centre; • By the service providers delivering observation data (in-situ and satellite observations) and model results to the MCS; • The European marine observation and data network (EMODNET).
Data aggregation level? Commission need Compliance reporting on environmental state Data that are aggregated by monitoring station (delivered byMember States) Marine Core Service products from satellites and models (delivered by research institutions across Europe) EEA pan- European State of the Environment assessments EEA needs Marine Convention and Rearch Community needs Scientific Papers and National and Regional Assessments Raw monitoring data Raw satellite data Raw model output EMODNET
Result of Country consultation of WISE-Marine • Response received from • UK, Germany, Norway, France, ICES, Mersea, EuroStat, MEDIN(UK), Marine Board, OSPAR and HELCOM • Concept positively received • Lots of comments on • Timeline (too tight) • Need for clarification of partnerships • Need for clarification of datasources and structure
Web GIS and Visualisation Wise-Marine Concept/process currently being discussed Marine Indicator Products Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Indicator 3 Indicator 4,5,6 etc Methodologies as agreed by MS as part of their Marine Strategies Methods and processes by indicator/groups of indicators Datafeeds or reference sources through agreed partnerships For example: EMODNET EUROSTAT ICES and Marine Conventions EIONET National DC’s
Web Graphs showing changes in fishing fleet capacity Indicator example (based on an existing EEA indicator Fishing Fleet capacity CSI034) Marine Indicator Products Temporal trends in fishing fleet capacity Data on number of vessels, tonnage and power grouped by country groups Methodologies Datafeeds or reference sources EUROSTAT Data on number of vessels, tonnage and power per country National DC’s
In 2009 we will …• launch information services in the areas of the five Environmental Data Centres in air quality, climate change, biodiversity, freshwater, marine and land use• coordinate the provision of in-situ data for GMES services• support environmental assessments of the state of action in the Baltic macro-region for the Swedish Presidency;
In 2010 we will Produce the 2010 version of SOER 2005
Marine analysis The sum of human pressures on the marine environment from fishing, energy and resource exploration and exploitation, tourism, shipping and pollution is increasing, and the general state of marine ecosystems across Europe is poor. The adoption of an 'ecosystem approach' to the management of the marine environment. Successful implementation will require a far better characterisation of the current situation, past trends and outlooks via comparable data and information.
Marine main objective To support European and international marine-related policies and implementation by providing integrated EEA marine assessments, covering inter alia linkages between marine ecosystem health and human well-being, supported by up-to-date data, indicators, models and analyses.
Actions in the Marine area (I) providing support, via SEIS, the EEA Water Data Centre and the Water Information System for Europe (WISE), for the clarification of needs for monitoring and assessments, establishment, streamlining and improved access to new marine data flows, information and indicators under relevant EU legislation, particularly for the EU Marine Strategy Framework and the Water Framework (coastal waters) Directives;
Actions in the Marine area (II) strengthening the framework of EEA integrated marine assessments by enhanced coverage of the DPSIR components, using improved indicators, as well as by integrating aspects of the ecosystem services approach (e.g. economic valuation), the Maritime policy initiative of a European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET), Inspire, outlooks and scenarios;
Actions in the Marine area (III+IV) • contributing to the establishment of the GMES marine core services; • increasing our synergies with the UN and regional marine conventions, the scientific community and organised civil society in the development of EEA • integrated marine assessments to ensure that these better reflect the conditions in each European regional • sea;
Actions in the Marine area (V) producing integrated assessments of the marine environment and the effectiveness of EU policies, including environment, fisheries and maritime issues, and the state and value of marine ecosystem goods and services under different policy-relevant scenarios, and contributing to marine assessments for the Baltic under the Swedish presidency in 2009, for Horizon 2020 in the Mediterranean, on the Arctic for the EC and Arctic and Nordic Councils and for Eureca 2012.