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B s K + K - lifetime measurement and DG CP / G CP extraction. Mauro Donega DPNC Universite de Geneve Swiss Physical Society annual meeting 13 February 2006. B 0 hh’: Physics motivation. B d,s ->h 1 h 2 = Bd->k , Bd-> , Bs->KK , Bs->K
Mauro Donega BsK+K- lifetime measurement and DGCP/GCP extraction Mauro Donega DPNC Universite de Geneve Swiss Physical Society annual meeting 13 February 2006
Mauro Donega B0hh’: Physics motivation • Bd,s->h1h2= Bd->k, Bd-> ,Bs->KK , Bs->K • Accessible to B factories: Bd->k, Bd-> • Only at TeVatron (until >2007): Bs->KK , Bs-> K • Possible measurements: • Today: • direct CP asymmetry in Bd->k, Bs-> K • (counting experiment) • Future: • CP asymmetry in mixing Bd-> ,Bs->KK • (requires time dependent analysis) • Short term goal: UsingBd->k,Bd-> BR, constrain the relevant hadronic penguin parameters. • Long term goal: combine time-dependent Bd-> and Bs->KK • asymmetries (+other external input) to measure g Tree Penguin PHYSICAL REVIEW D 66, 054009 2002 Physics Letters B 4591999.306–320
Mauro Donega B0hh’: Physics motivation • Bs described as a two states system. • Evolution through Schroedinger equation: • off diagonal terms ->mixing • M12, G12, f = arg(- M12/G12) • What we measure: • Dm = MH –ML ~ 2|M12| DG = GL–GH~ 2| G12 |cos(f) • SM: f ~0 -> CP eigenstates ~ mass eigenstates • Bs-> is predicted to be 95% CP even => ct(Bs->KK) ~1/ GL • Bs->KK lifetime combined with FS (t) can give DG. • Measurement of Bs->KK lifetime can be strongly affected by • new CP violating physics => sensitivity to New Physics _
Mauro Donega CDF B =1.4 T TIME OF FLIGHT TOF: ~100ps resolution, 2sigmaK/ separation for tracks below 1.6 GeV/c (significant improvement of Bs flavor tag effectiveness) COT: large radius (1.4 m) Drift C. • 96 layers, 200ns drift time • Precise PT above 400 MeV/c • Precise 3D tracking in ||<1 (1/PT) ~ 0.1%GeV –1; (hit)~150m • dE/dx info provides >1.4 sigma K/ separation above 2 GeV • SVX-II + ISL: 5 + 1 (2) layers of double-side silicon (3cm < R < 30cm) • Standalone 3D tracking up to ||= 2 • Very good I.P. resolution: ~30m (~20 m with Layer00) LAYER 00:1 layer of radiation-hard silicon at very small radius (1.5 cm) - expected 50 fs proper time resolution inBs Dsp
Mauro Donega Secondary Vertex B Decay Length 35m 33m = 47 m (resolution beam) Lxy Primary Vertex d = impact parameter Fully hadronic decays @ CDF Silicon Vertex Tracker Proper time distribution TOY Pt(trk) >2 GeV/c Pt >5.5 GeV/c 100 m<IP(trk)<1 mm || <1 SVT selection Detector smearing Decay
Mauro Donega Data sample L = 360 pb-1 Bdk Bskk Overlapped Use PID to disentangle them Bd MC Bs k Bs Bd
Mauro Donega Bdp+p- mass BdK-p+ Bd K+p- mass mass BsK+K- mass Signal fraction separation e K p Momentum (GeV/c) 2 GeV/c
Mauro Donega Lifetime extraction MC based lifetime extraction (tested on B->Dp decays) Events after trigger+offline cuts = Lifetime MC ev/ev ct error Background described with a template On the right sideband (combinatorial only) =
Mauro Donega Results Fractions Lifetimes
Mauro Donega 5.6 um Systematic uncertainties
Mauro Donega Summary We presented the first measurement of the Bd and Bs in two body charmless decays: ct(Bd) = 452 ± 24(stat) ± 6(syst) mm ct(BsK+K-) = 458 ± 53(stat) ± 6(syst) mm ct(Bd) = 1.51 ± 0.08(stat) ± 0.02(syst) ps ct(BsK+K-) = 1.53 ± 0.18(stat) ± 0.02(syst) ps Using the HFAG 05 data ct(FS) = 441 ± 13 mm DGCP/GCP = -0.08 ± 0.23 (stat) ± 0.03(syst)
Mauro Donega BACKUP
Mauro Donega Other DGCP/GCP measurements Theory prediction = 0.07 ± 0.02 hep-ph 0308029 CDF BsJ/ψΦ = 0.65 ± 0.01 Phys.Rev.Lett.94:101803,2005 This measurement = -0.08 ± 0.23 ± 0.03 HFAG average as of Winter 2005 = 0.31 http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/hfag/results/index.html +0.25 -0.33 +0.10 - 0.11