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Breakout Session # 412 Acquisition Solutions Inc.

Faster, Better, Smarter: How Knowledge-Enabled Acquisition Process Can Cut Acquisition Lifecycle Times. Breakout Session # 412 Acquisition Solutions Inc. Askold Boretsky, Sarah-Jane Allen & Diana Acsente Tuesday, July 20, 2010 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM. 1. Who are we?. Askold Boretsky

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Breakout Session # 412 Acquisition Solutions Inc.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Faster, Better, Smarter: How Knowledge-Enabled Acquisition Process Can Cut Acquisition Lifecycle Times Breakout Session #412 Acquisition Solutions Inc. Askold Boretsky, Sarah-Jane Allen & Diana Acsente Tuesday, July 20, 2010 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM 1

  2. Who are we? Askold Boretsky Sarah-Jane Allen Diana Acsente

  3. How do you speed up acquisitions and assure quality? Do you have a road map? Do you have a road map? 3

  4. Role Experience level Where do YOU fit in?

  5. Why are we here?

  6. Knowledge management in context of acquisition

  7. How is knowledge created? I know how I did it at my last job. What do I know about performing this task? Where can I find more information? I’d better talk to someone who has done this here.

  8. How is knowledge shared? Have you done this before? Yes. I always use a sample. Go check the file.

  9. How is knowledge used? Training? I don’t have time to attend. Contract type decision tree tool?!!! What is this? Few hours later. There are so many types! I will be reading for a while. Better search the web. What contract type should we be using? Knowledge management tools in context of acquisition

  10. What is process mapping? Task A Decision Task B Task C 1 Task C 2 Task D Task E

  11. Who? What? When? What is swim lane view? Task A 1 Role A Decision Role B Task B 1 Role C Task C1 Task C 2 Role D Task D 1 Role E Task E 1

  12. Who? What? When? … & How? What is a knowledge enabled process map? Sample Task A 1 Role A Decision Checklist Role B Task B 1 Role C Task C1 Task C 2 FAR Part 15 Role D Task D 1 Role E Task E 1

  13. What is the roadmap to smarter use of knowledge? Define Map “as is” Analyze Map “to be” K-enable Knowledge-enabled workforce Use it

  14. Application example Streamlining Formal Source Selection Process

  15. Streamlining source selection • Challenge • Achieve expected award date • Solution • Mapped out the process, “as-is” & “should be” • Impact • Visibility

  16. Step 1: Map “as-is” process Tech Volume Clarifications Communications Discussions Initial Proposal Individual evaluation Consensus Tech Report One Day Training & Read RFP Tech Panel Initial Proposal Cost Volume Individual evaluation Consensus Cost Report Clarifications Communications Discussions Cost Panel

  17. Step 1(cont): Map as-is process Technical team leaves SS facility Tech Volume Consensus Final Proposal Individual evaluation Tech Report CO / SSA Brief Award Cost Volume Perform the Cost Realism MPC Consensus Final Proposal Individual evaluation Cost Report 17

  18. Step 2: Identify pain points Tech Volume Clarifications Communications Discussions Initial Proposal Individual evaluation Consensus Tech Report One Day Training & Read RFP Tech Panel X Initial Proposal Cost Volume Individual evaluation Consensus Cost Report Clarifications Communications Discussions Cost Panel Contractor confusion

  19. Step 2 (cont): Identify pain points Technical team leaves SS facility Tech Volume Consensus Final Proposal Individual evaluation Tech Report X CO / SSA Brief Award Cost Volume Perform the Cost Realism MPC Consensus Final Proposal Individual evaluation Cost Report X X Inadequate technical data for the MPC calculation Incomplete data and missing metrics Award is delayed, increasing risk for protests 19

  20. Step 3: Solve the problems Tech Volume Clarifications Communications Discussions Initial Proposal Individual evaluation Consensus Tech Report Tech Panel One Day Training & Read RFP X X T &C Panel Leads Stand up meeting Stand up meeting Stand up meeting Vetting point Initial Proposal Cost Volume Individual evaluation Consensus Cost Report Clarifications Communications Discussions Cost Panel Ensure clear and streamlined documents are sent to contractors Contractor confusion

  21. Step 3 (cont): Solve the problems Panel remains available Tech Volume Consensus Technical Team leaves SS facility Final Proposal Individual evaluation Tech Report Assess risk & BV analysis MPC training Stand up meeting Stand up meeting Stand up meeting X X X CO / SSA Brief Award Cost Volume Perform the Cost Realism MPC Consensus Final Proposal Individual evaluation Cost Report X X X X Assures complete technical data, with adequate qualification Inadequate technical data for the MPC Calculation Incomplete data and missing metrics • Assures one complete brief • Awarded on time, with minimal risk of protest Award is delayed Increasing risk for protests. 21

  22. Step 4: Export/institutionalize the new source selection process

  23. Case study Streamlining Major Acquisition Processes

  24. Streamlining major acquisitions • Challenge • Optimize process to shorten lead times • Solution • Implement knowledge-enabled acquisition process (KEAP) • Use process execution coaching • Projected Impact • Aligned acquisitions with mission milestones

  25. Genesis of KEAP BEFORE AFTER • Strategy panels • Industry forums • Re-doloops • “100%”serialreviews • “80%” parallel reviews Process maps Templates and checklists • Erraticprocesses • Schedulecreep • Work breakdown structure Fatiguedworkforce • Process execution coach

  26. KEAP components Directives Process Maps

  27. Acquisition Process Map Pain Points 27

  28. KEAP components Work Breakdown Structure

  29. Acquisition work breakdown structure (WBS) 29

  30. KEAP components Samples Templates Checklists

  31. How KEAP works Leadership Feedback and Change Control Process Schedules and Milestone Reports KEAP KEAP Portal Acquisition Workforce

  32. Takeaways First Steps in Finding the Best Way THEN • Gain insights • Come up with better processes • Enable them with knowledge • Drive faster, smarter acquisitions • Build institutional memory • Repeat success Knowledge Management Tools in Context of Acquisition

  33. Q & A Diana Acsente dacsente@acqsolinc.com 571-334-4337 Sarah-Jane Allen sallen@acqsolinc.com 703-835-4169 Askold Boretsky aboretsky@acqsolinc.com 703-785-8690

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