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December 2011 Youth Offending Service. What is the JSNA and who is it for?.
What is the JSNA and who is it for? The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is for everyone who has an interest in and responsibility for improving services to better meet the health and wellbeing needs of the people of Northamptonshire, specifically providing evidence to inform the development of joint health and social care commissioning strategies to meet those needs. The JSNA focuses on evidence of need, evidence of what residents believe is important and evidence of what works.
NCC Children’s Trust LINk NVC Corby Healthcare Local Councils NHS Northampton shire Nene Commissioning Participation in JSNA
Structure of the JSNA Demographics Socio-Economic & Environmental Children & Young People Adults Older People
Demographics Northamptonshire has a growing and ageing population - currently the resident population is 683,800, which is predicted to increase to 762,300 by 2019. Although the number of people in all age groups is likely to increase, the biggest increase is in the number of people aged 65+. It is predicted that almost one in five of the county’s population will be 65 or over by 2019. Similarly the number of people aged over 85 is expected to increase by around 5,000 in the next ten years.
Life expectancy is lowest in Corby for men 74 years and highest for woman in South Northants 83.9 years The gap in life expectancy is 6.4 years for men, and 3 years for women, between Corby and South Northamptonshire
There are still significant differences in health and life expectancy across the county. Within Northamptonshire, 24.1% of the population live with a limiting long term illness. As at November 2010 there were 17,350 people claiming incapacity benefit or severe disablement allowance in Northamptonshire Across Northamptonshire there are approximately 11,000 with severe disabilities. The most common causes of premature death (before 75 years old) in Northamptonshire are cancer, heart disease and stroke. These are mostly affected by lifestyle behaviours, but deaths vary unequally across the County. The only exception is for young people aged under 19, for both males and females road traffic accidents are the most common cause of death.
Social, economic & environmental Northamptonshire has a significantly rural population, with more than a quarter of its population living in rural areas Some rural areas suffer from a lack of access to public transport which affects those households without a car, many of whom are pensioners. 14% of the population lives in the 20% most deprived areas of which 4% live within the 10% most deprived. These areas are mainly situated within urban areas in Northampton, Corby and Wellingborough. However there are still pockets of deprivation within rural areas
The county has a lower skills profile than average -13.9% of the population have no qualifications compared to the average of 11.3% across Great Britain. By district, Wellingborough had the highest rate of working age people with no qualifications 21.2% and Corby the lowest 8.1%. September 2010, 6.6% of those aged 16 and over in the county were unemployed compared to 7.6% nationally. In May 2011 the rate of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) was 3.3%, lower than the England rate of 3.7%. Unemployment rates for young people are much higher, during 2010 14.7% of 16 to 24 year olds were unemployed across the county.
Children Across the county 15.4% of children live in poverty, ranging from 5.8% in South Northamptonshire to 21% in Northampton.Three quarters of the children in poverty live with a lone parent and half the families in poverty have a child under the age of 4. Children and young people aged under 20 make up 25% of the county’s population In 2009 there were 67.1 live births per 1000 women aged 15-44 in Northamptonshire, a peak and a higher rate than England. About 1 in 5 of these children were born to mothers who were born outside the United Kingdom.
Educational Achievement: Achievements and life chances of individuals in adulthood are strongly linked to experiences in their early years and at school. In 2009/10 at each stage of nationally based education assessments there remains significant variation in the attainment of pupils within and between schools across the county. At age 5 & 7pupils achieve above the national average but at age 11 pupils’ progress and levels of attainment fall below the national average. At age 16, for the first time, over 50% of young people in the county achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grades A*–C including English and Mathematics; in Wellingborough the figure was 49.2%
Child Health: 11,490 children and young people (aged 0-19) who lived in Northamptonshire were admitted to hospital in an emergency in 2009/10, a 2% increase on the on the previous year’s figure of 11,232. Approximately 1 in 4 (24%) of all emergency admissions were for ‘diseases of the respiratory system’. The levels of obesity and overweight children in reception year and year 6 are on the increase in the county and in the country. In 2009/10, 1 in 10 children in reception year were obese, rising to 1 in 5 children in year 6.
Estimates suggest that around 1 in 5 people binge drink (more than 8 units for men and more than 6 units for women) in Northamptonshire, ranging from 22% in Kettering to 17% in East Northants. There is no reliable data on the prevalence of young people’s drinking habits in Northamptonshire. Applying the prevalence estimates to Northamptonshire’s population suggest that 400 (1%) young people aged 11 to 15 drink every day and 5,000 (12%) young people drink at least once a week. Data on hospital admissions show that 26 young people were admitted to hospital in 2009/10 for alcohol related problems. National research shows that drug use by 11 to 15 year olds is decreasing, with less than a quarter of young people having ever tried drugs in 2009. In 2009/10, 44 young people aged under 17 were admitted to hospital for drug poisoning. Data from Northamptonshire DAAT specialists substance misuse treatment services shows that only 135 young people accessed specialist treatment services during 2009/10, which represented a large reduction from the 2008/09 figure of 247.
27% of 15 to 24 year olds were screened for Chlamydia in Northamptonshire in 2009/10, which was above the national target of 25% and the national average of 22%. The proportion screened in the county was significantly higher than the national average. Of those screened, 5% had positive Chlamydia tests in the county, whilst nationally 6% had positive tests and regionally 5.8% had positive tests. 1 in every 25 females aged 15 to 17 became pregnant in Northamptonshire in 2009. 525 females aged under 18 became pregnant in 2009 and just under half of these ended in abortion. Northamptonshire had a rate of 40.2 conceptions per 1,000 females aged 15-17 in 2009 and this rate has increased each year for the last three. The county’s rate was above the national (38.2 per 1,000) and regional (37.7 per 1,000) rates
Children & Social Care: • The number of children subject to a child protection plan has also increased to 425 on 31st March 2011 from 233 at the same time last year, an increase of 82%. The rate of child protection plans in Northamptonshire (28 per 10,000 children) is now just below the national average of 35.5 in 2009/10. The number of looked after children continued to rise to 735 on 31st March 2011. There were 5,000 referrals to children’s social care services in the year ending 31st March 2011, an increase on the figure for the same period last year.
Young People & Society: Across Northamptonshire there was a 2.28% increase in the number of first time entrants between 2009/10 and 2010/11 At the end of 2010 5.2% of 16-18 year olds in Northamptonshire were not in Education Employment of training
Adults 24.6% of Northamptonshire’s 16+ population is classified as obese, 1 in 4 adults. 20.5% of the 16+ population engage in ½ hour of intermediate activity 3 times a week 24.2% of the 16+ population smoke, higher than England at 22.2%. Within the county, Corby 35.9%, Kettering 24.4%, Northampton 25.5% and Wellingborough 25.8% have a higher proportion of smokers than the county average.
Older People One in ten areas in Northamptonshire contains higher proportions of older people living in poverty, with rates ranging from 31% to 53%. In 2001, over 8% of Northamptonshire residents who were over 65 did not have central heating in their homes. In 2009/10 2,320 carers of those aged 65 and over accessed either local authority information or services in the county. 2,057people aged 65 and over received residential care in 2009/10, those receiving community based services totalled 4,660.
JSNA Challenges Supporting vulnerable children and parents Improving educational attainment Falls in older people Obesity within the family Smoking prevalence