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National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics of Mexico

National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics of Mexico. Information Exchange Between OECD and Mexico using SDMX. Geneva, April 2006. Agenda. The new role of INEGI The National System of Statistical and Geographical Information The National Net of Information (RNI)

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National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics of Mexico

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  1. National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics of Mexico Information Exchange Between OECD and Mexico using SDMX Geneva, April 2006

  2. Agenda • The new role of INEGI • The National System of Statistical and Geographical Information • The National Net of Information (RNI) • International information exchange • Diagnosing the exchange of information between OECD and Mexico • Improvements • Working plan • Conclusions

  3. The New Role of INEGI • Mexico is a federal country with a division of powers: Executive, Legislative and Judicial • INEGI was a federal government office that belonged to the Executive power • Now INEGI is in transit to be an autonomous institution, it means that it does not depend of the Federal Government • In its new role, INEGI has to coordinate the production, standardization and disemination of all statistical information of national interest

  4. The National System of Statistical and Geographical Information (SNIEG) • Production of statistical and geographical information of national interest • Dissemination of information • Promotion of knowledge and use of information • Preservation of information

  5. The National System of Statistical and Geographical Information (SNIEG) UPI UPI UPI INEGI (UPI) Access to Information User UPI UPI UPI * UPI: Information Producer Unit

  6. The National Net of Information (RNI) • A set of processes for the support of: • Information exchange • Information safeguard • Coordination of the SNIEG and its subsystems • Dissemination of information through the Public Information System

  7. Information System for the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information (SISNIEG) Set of technological elements that supports the Statistical and Geographical Information Infraestructure

  8. Net for the Colaboration and Exchange of Information with International Organisms National Offices of Geographical Information International Organisms National Offices of Statistics Collaboration and Information Exchange Systems Collaboration and Information Exchange Systems Collaboration and Information Exchange Systems Net for the collaboration and information exchange with the Information Producer Units INEGI (UPI) UPI UPI Collaboration and Information Exchange Systems Collaboration and Information Exchange Systems Collaboration and Information Exchange Systems System for the access of information of/to international organisms Net for the dissemination of information Systems for dissemination of Information Systems for dissemination of information Systems for dissemination of information Access system for public dissemination of information User Logical Nets of the SISNIEG

  9. International information exchange • Mexico is collaborating with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE) in a program to establish a unique point for the dissemination of statistical information at international level • It implies that all Federal Agencies will have a new mechanism for the interchange of statistical and geographical information

  10. Diagnosing the exchange of information between OECD and Mexico • Mexico has to report statistical information to OECD • Information is being sent by several Federal Agencies to offices of the OECD • Only part of the information exchange is correctly identified • We need to develop new ways of coordination

  11. Background Works made in Paris • Building of an information flow matrix • 10 working days • 34 interviews • Data in the matrix: • OECD area • Information source in Mexico • Communication media • OECD and Mexico relationship

  12. Information flow matrix

  13. Tax OECD México Prices DSTI SEP MEI INEGI PPP’s Economic Ooutlook SHCP STPS Balance of Payments IMSS Bank Profitability CONACYT National Accounts SAGARPA Education Database Consultor International Migration BANXICO CNBV Institutional Investors SSA ELSA ECMT Territorial Agricultural Information flow

  14. OECD statistics program

  15. Improvements • Creation of a portal for infomation exchange • Integration of the statistical information of mexican government agencies • Implementation of international standards • Use of SDMX • Automation of information exchange • Application of web services

  16. Information exhange channel INEGI OECD BANXICO SHCP SEP SAGARPA SEMARNAT

  17. Supporting architecture parameters SDMX transformation components parameters Database of the provider Client Concepts, codes and data Web Service Update DataSet SDMX SDMX schemas (Data and metadata) Base de Datos del cliente Client database

  18. Early experiences Access to indicators of INEGI’s echonomical database Objective: Information reports of economical and financial indicators from INEGI directly to the database of the Treasure Deparment (SHCP) Strategy: Implementation of a mechanism to access the INEGI database and transform the results using web services technology

  19. Applied architecture INEGI SHCP .NET Client Java Client Web Services server Database server Firewall Internet Economic Information Database Different platforms support

  20. Web service instrumentation Client example • Web service functionality: • Last actualization of an indicator in an especific time interval • All the indicators by actualization date • Last actualization for an especific indicator • Last actualization of all indicators 238

  21. XML output

  22. Implementation of SDMX Client Example • SDMX component functionality • Querying of current catalogues (measurement unit, periodicity, etc.) • Transformation of time series to SDMX format WSDL 238

  23. WSDL

  24. List of Available Services

  25. Service Contract

  26. Sample of the SDMX client

  27. SDMX output for one indicator

  28. SDMX output for a time series

  29. SDMX code lists (Catalogs)

  30. Collaboration efforts with OECD • Portal to integrate the statistical information exchanged with OECD • Participation in the SDMX implementation pilot project (with other countries) • Transformation of the information in the portal to SDMX format and incorporation of web services technology

  31. International information exchange portal

  32. International coordination through the portal

  33. International data collection

  34. International data collection

  35. Working plan • Integration of information from mexican agencies that has to be sent to the OECD • Gradual transformation of data files to SDMX format • In the near future we are planning to establish web services to automate information exchange with those agencies

  36. Tasks that remain to be done with international partners and colleagues Strong and efficient communication ties Collaboration groups for the exchange of experiences Joint review of processes to speed up the whole project Joint work to get the goals done

  37. Conclusions • Mexico is in the way of implementing SDMX as a tool to improve the internal information interchange • The international exchange will be strongly supported by the application of standards like SDMX • Our efforts are not limited to technological issues, we need agreements with agencies, working frameworks, standardized catalogs, common definitions among other things • We need to create international team to achieve more challenging goals in a relative short time and with few resources

  38. Conclusions • SDMX will allow us to fulfill compromises with international agencies • But, above all, we pretend to have an effective way to collect, to process and to interchange statistical and geographical information among all the levels of government: federal, state and municipal

  39. Thank you…

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