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gekjh pkgr

gekjh pkgr. vkidh lQyrk. viuh lQyrk dh ; kstuk. ,d , slk O;olk ; tks ns &. O;olk ;. LoLFk thou. lqjf { kr thou. lkekftd lEeku. eupkgk iSlk. le; dh vktknh. O;fDrRo dk fodkl. csgrj thou'kSyh.

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gekjh pkgr

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Presentation Transcript

  1. gekjhpkgr vkidhlQyrk viuhlQyrk dh ;kstuk

  2. ,d ,slkO;olk; tks ns & O;olk; LoLFk thou lqjf{kr thou lkekftdlEeku eupkgkiSlk le; dh vktknh O;fDrRodkfodkl csgrjthou'kSyh

  3. bumRiknksadksbLrsekydjdsvkiviusdksvkSjviusifjokjdksLoLFk j[krsgq, viusfy;scprdjrsgSaysfduD;kcprdslkFkvfrfjDrvkenuhHkhpkgrsgSa rksvkb;sizksfXtekifjokjesavkidkLokxrgS A vkenuhijEijkxrrjhdstksyksxviukrsgSa

  4. O;olk; 'kq: djusdkrjhdk dEiuh }kjkjftLVªs’ku ¼thouHkj½ tksfdfu%’kqYdgS A ;kfuykHkghykHk oghalsvkidEiuhdsjftLVMZxzkgu cu tkrsgSvkSjvkidksfeyrkgS ,d vkbZ-Mh- uEcj] ftlds }kjkvkiizskfDteklsfof’k"BmRikn [kjhnldrsgSa A XkzkgddksfeyusokysQk;ns %& 1- lkeku dh [kjhnij 10 ls 20 izfr’kr dh NwV A 2- 'kq)rk dh xkjaVh A 3- izR;sdmRikn dh [kjhnijiDdkfcy A 4- le; le; ijLdhedkQk;nk A 5- viuhviuh [kjhnijvkenuh A oghijblhvkbZ- Mh- uEcjds }kjkdEiuhvoljnsrhgS ,slsyksxksadkstksviuhorZeku dh bude ;k ykbQLVkbylslUrq"VughagS ,d GENTLEMAN BUSINESSdjusdk ------------------

  5. DOUBLE BONUS MARKETING PLAN Matching Bonus + Rewards Repurchase bonus

  6. izksfDtekdsO;kolk; lsgksusokysykHk 1- [kqnjk ¼fjVsy½ ykHk % 10&20 % 2- laxzfgrdkjksckjhcksul % 5&20 % 3- Mk;jsDVjcksul % 14% 4- VªSoyQaM % 3 % 5- dkjQaM % 5 % 6- gkmlQaM % 3 % 7- izksfQV 'ks;fjax % 10 %

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  8. vkenuh ua0 2 D;weqysfVoijQkesZalcksul 5 ls 20 %

  9. izksfDtekO;olk; lsvkenuhdsizdkj vkenuh ua0 & 3 Mk;jsDVcksul 14 %

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  12. izksfDtekO;olk; lsvkenuhdsizdkj vkenuh ua0 & 6 dzkmu Mk;jsDVj gkmlQaM 3 % yxkrkj 3 eghus rd vius 6 feyusokyksadksMk;jsDVjcuk;sa A uksV % dzkmucuusijlkbZM dh t:jr [kRegkstkrhgSijftrukvf/kdlkbZMgks] mruhvkenuh c<+rhgSblfy;sbldhdksf'k'kyxkrkjdjukpkfg,

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